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Last active January 12, 2021 18:05
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this is my old .vimrc
if $COLORTERM == 'gnome-terminal'
set t_Co=256
set shell=bash
map <C-z> u
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype on " required
" Helps force plug-ins to load correctly when it is turned back on below.
"filetype off
" Avoid annoying noise after skipping a line
set noerrorbells
" Turn on syntax highlighting.
syntax on
" For plug-ins to load correctly.
filetype plugin indent on
set clipboard=unnamedplus
" Turn off modelines
set modelines=0
" Automatically wrap text that extends beyond the screen length.
set nowrap
" Vim's auto indentation feature does not work properly with text copied from outside of Vim. Press the <F2> key to toggle paste mode on/off.
nnoremap <F2> :set invpaste paste?<CR>
imap <F2> <C-O>:set invpaste paste?<CR>
set pastetoggle=<F2>
" Uncomment below to set the max textwidth. Use a value corresponding to the width of your screen.
" set textwidth=79
set formatoptions=tcqrn1
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
set noshiftround
set smartindent
set mouse=a
set noswapfile
" Display 5 lines above/below the cursor when scrolling with a mouse.
set scrolloff=5
" Fixes common backspace problems
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Speed up scrolling in Vim
set ttyfast
" Status bar
set laststatus=2
" Display options
set showmode
set showcmd
" Highlight matching pairs of brackets. Use the '%' character to jump between them.
set matchpairs+=<:>
" Display different types of white spaces.
set list
set listchars=tab:›\ ,trail:•,extends:#,nbsp:.
" Show line numbers
set number
" Set status line display
set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [FORMAT=%{&ff}]\ [TYPE=%Y]\ [POS=%l,%v][%p%%]\ [BUFFER=%n]\ %{strftime('%c')}
" Encoding
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
"set encoding=latin1
" Highlight matching search patterns
set hlsearch
" Enable incremental search
set incsearch
" Include matching uppercase words with lowercase search term
set ignorecase
" Include only uppercase words with uppercase search term
set smartcase
" Store info from no more than 100 files at a time, 9999 lines of text, 100kb of data. Useful for copying large amounts of data between files.
set viminfo='100,<9999,s100
" Map the <Space> key to toggle a selected fold opened/closed.
nnoremap <silent> <Space> @=(foldlevel('.')?'za':"\<Space>")<CR>
vnoremap <Space> zf
" Automatically save and load folds
autocmd BufWinLeave *.* mkview
autocmd BufWinEnter *.* silent loadview"
" Pluggins
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox'
Plug 'mbbill/undotree'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'vim-utils/vim-man'
Plug 'mbbill/undotree'
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
Plug 'tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight'
Plug 'euclidianAce/BetterLua.vim'
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/highlight.lua'
"Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'
Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim' " fuzzy find files
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
Plug 'cskeeters/javadoc.vim'
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim'
Plug 'junegunn/limelight.vim'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plug 'Dinduks/vim-java-get-set'
Plug 'Yggdroot/indentLine'
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
"Plug 'psliwka/vim-smoothie'
Plug 'yuttie/comfortable-motion.vim'
Plug 'preservim/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
"Plug 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
"Plug 'dense-analysis/ale'
"Plug 'junegunn/vim-javacomplete2', {'for': 'java'} " Load only for java files
"Plug 'justinmk/vim-sneak'
" Plug 'unblevable/quick-scope'
call plug#end() " note: open javadoc.vim using ',j'. more info:
inoremap <C-w> <C-\><C-o>dB
inoremap <C-BS> <C-\><C-o>db
noremap! <C-BS> <C-w>
noremap! <C-h> <C-w>
" nnoremap <C-V> p
" inoremap <C-V> <C-O>P
" vnoremap <C-V> p
" vnoremap <C-C> y
" vnoremap <C-X> x
"fan modes:
" + 2 = silent
" + 0 = balance
" + 1 = turbo
" nnoremap <silent> <C-d> :call comfortable_motion#flick(100)<CR>
" nnoremap <silent> <C-u> :call comfortable_motion#flick(-100)<CR>
" nnoremap <silent> <C-f> :call comfortable_motion#flick(200)<CR>
" nnoremap <silent> <C-b> :call comfortable_motion#flick(-200)<CR>
" noremap <silent> <ScrollWheelDown> :call comfortable_motion#flick(45)<CR>
" noremap <silent> <ScrollWheelUp> :call comfortable_motion#flick(-45)<CR>
let g:comfortable_motion_friction = 950.0
let g:comfortable_motion_air_drag = 1.0
" vim-airline config
" having something like: "2gt is just the same as pressing 2gt :)
"vmap <C-c> "+yi
"vmap <C-x> "+c
"vmap <C-v> c<ESC>"+p
"imap <C-v> <ESC>"+pa
"map :ibgs :InsertBothGetterSetter<CR>
"command Ibgs InsertBothGetterSetter<CR>
"setters and getters in java
"the first two are the same
map <leader>sg :InsertBothGetterSetter<CR>
map <leader>gs :InsertBothGetterSetter<CR>
map <leader>se :InsertSetterOnly<CR>
map <leader>ge :InsertGetterOnly<CR>
"make code in vim more readable
set cursorline
"autocmd VimEnter * set cursorline .
let g:indentLine_defaultGroup = 'SpecialKey'
let g:indentLine_color_term = 239
"let g:indentLine_char = 'c'
"let g:indentLine_setColors = 0
"let g:indentLine_char_list = ['|', '¦', '┆', '┊']
"let g:indentLine_char_list = ['¦', '┆']
"let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 1
"let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1
"java setters and gettters
"map jgs mawv/ <CR>"ty/ <CR>wvwh"ny/getters<CR>$a<CR><CR><Esc>xxapublic <Esc>"tpa<Esc>"npbiget<Esc>l~ea(){<CR><Tab>return <Esc>"npa;<CR>}<Esc>=<CR><Esc>/setters<CR>$a<CR><CR><Esc>xxapublic void <Esc>"npbiset<Esc>l~ea(<Esc>"tpa <Esc>"npa)<CR>{<CR><Tab>this.<Esc>"npa= <Esc>"npa;<CR>}<Esc>=<CR>`ak
" Go to tab by number
noremap <leader>1 1gt
noremap <leader>2 2gt
noremap <leader>3 3gt
noremap <leader>4 4gt
noremap <leader>5 5gt
noremap <leader>6 6gt
noremap <leader>7 7gt
noremap <leader>8 8gt
noremap <leader>9 9gt
noremap <leader>0 :tablast<cr>
"nmap <A>s :w<CR>
"imap <A>s <Esc>:w<CR>a
"map on insert mode Alt+s to pressing Esc, then typing :w and then Enter
" Enable the list of buffers
"let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
" Show just the filename
"let g:airline#extensions#tabline#fnamemod = ':t'
"this command os for turning vim airline off (kind of) note: put the " symbol
"at the end
"let g:airline_section_z = "%p%% : \ue0a1:%l/%L: Col:%c
colorscheme gruvbox
set background=dark
" Ctrl-b to open Tagbar
"map <S-Tab> :TagbarToggle<CR> "use this one for having tagbar open normally
map <S-Tab> :TagbarOpenAutoClose<CR>
"tagbar autoclose will close tagbar as soon as you press onter on x function
let g:tagbar_autofocus = 1 "move cursor to tagbar as soon as it's toggled
"refer to this two liks for more info:
"limelight configs
" Default: 0.5
let g:limelight_default_coefficient = 0.7
let g:limelight_paragraph_span = 1
" Color name (:help cterm-colors) or ANSI code
let g:limelight_conceal_ctermfg = 'gray'
let g:limelight_conceal_ctermfg = 240
" Color name (:help gui-colors) or RGB color
let g:limelight_conceal_guifg = 'DarkGray'
let g:limelight_conceal_guifg = '#777777'
"note: :Limelight = turn on limelight
":Limelight! = turn off limelight
":Limelight!! = turn on/off
"mn: <leader> = \
"mapping :Goyo to \gy
map <leader>gy :Goyo<CR>
map <leader>ll :Limelight!!<CR>
"turning text wrapping on
":set wrap
"turning text wrapping off
":set nowrap
map <leader>wr :set wrap<CR>
map <leader>nwr :set nowrap<CR>
"this is for toggling limelight as soon as goyo is toggled
"autocmd! User GoyoEnter Limelight
"autocmd! User GoyoLeave Limelight!
set shell=bash
let g:goyo_width = 120
let g:goyo_height = 85
let g:goyo_linenr = 0
" Setup compilers for languages
let g:ale_linters = {
\ 'cs':['syntax', 'semantic', 'issues'],
\ 'python': ['pylint'],
\ 'java': ['javac']
\ }
vmap <C-c> "+yi
vmap <C-x> "+c
vmap <C-v> c<ESC>"+p
imap <C-v> <ESC>"+pa
" Java completion
"autocmd FileType java setlocal omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete
" autocmd FileType java JCEnable fds
"autocmd FileType .java setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
"autocmd FileType lisp setl cms=;%s
"autocmd FileType kotlin set commentstring=//\ %s
autocmd FileType c,cpp,cs,java,kotlin setlocal commentstring=//%s
filetype plugin on
" NERDTree key mapping
map <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
map <Tab> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
" move between vim tabs
map <PageUp> :tabn<CR>
map <PageDown> :tabp<CR>
map <S-PageDown> :tabr<CR>
map <S-PageUp> :tabl<CR>
"map <S-l> :tabs<CR>
"map <C-Tab> :tabn<CR>
"more info:
"mn: replace <Esc> with <C-O> in case you want to end up in insert mode instead of normal
inoremap <PageUp> <Esc>:tabn<CR>
inoremap <PageDown> <Esc>:tabp<CR>
inoremap <S-PageDown> <Esc>:tabr<CR>
inoremap <S-PageUp> <Esc>:tabl<CR>
"inoremap <S-l> <Esc>:tabs<CR>
"inoremap <C-Tab> <Esc>:tabn<CR>
let g:coc_global_extensions = [
\ 'coc-snippets',
\ 'coc-pairs',
\ 'coc-tsserver',
\ 'coc-eslint',
\ 'coc-prettier',
\ 'coc-json',
\ 'coc-clangd',
\ 'coc-css',
\ 'coc-cssmodules',
\ 'coc-emmet',
\ 'coc-highlight',
\ 'coc-git',
\ 'coc-gist',
\ 'coc-html',
\ 'coc-java',
\ 'coc-markdownlint',
\ 'coc-python',
\ 'coc-sh',
\ 'coc-lua',
\ 'coc-kotlin-dev',
\ 'coc-emoji-shortcodes',
\ 'coc-marketplace',
\ 'coc-lists',
\ 'coc-translator',
\ 'coc-spell-checker',
\ 'coc-tabnine',
\ ]
"prevent TextEdit from failing
set hidden
set cmdheight=1
set updatetime=300
" Add `:Format` command to format current buffer.
command! -nargs=0 Format :call CocAction('format')
" Add `:Fold` command to fold current buffer.
command! -nargs=? Fold :call CocAction('fold', <f-args>)
" Add `:OR` command for organize imports of the current buffer.
command! -nargs=0 OR :call CocAction('runCommand', 'editor.action.organizeImport')
" Add (Neo)Vim's native statusline support.
" NOTE: Please see `:h coc-status` for integrations with external plugins that
" provide custom statusline: lightline.vim, vim-airline.
set statusline^=%{coc#status()}%{get(b:,'coc_current_function','')}
" moving to left, right, up & down
map <S-Left> <C-w>h
map <S-Down> <C-w>j
map <S-Up> <C-w>k
map <S-Right> <C-w>l
" map <C-S-Right> <C-w>l "as a matter of fact, this works! (Ctrl+Shift+Arrow)
" rearranging windows to left, right, down and up
map <C-S-Left> <C-w>H
map <C-S-Down> <C-w>J
map <C-S-Up> <C-w>K
map <C-S-Right> <C-w>L
"originals of the one above
"map <C-h> <C-w>h
"map <C-j> <C-w>j
"map <C-k> <C-w>k
"map <C-l> <C-w>l
au BufEnter *.java :highlight java_class cterm=bold,italic
au BufEnter *.java :match java_class /class/
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