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Created February 8, 2015 15:17
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Machinarium Minigame solver
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf
# 0 1 2
# 9 3
# 10 4
# 11 5
# 6 7 8
# |-----------|
# | 0 | 1 | 2 |
# |-----------|
# | 3 | 4 | 5 |
# |-----------|
# | 6 | 7 | 8 |
# |-----------|
# Рисование
# . . . . .
# ....\....
# . \ .
# . \...
# . . . . .
# . . . . .
# . | .
# . | .
# . \....
# . . . . .
class Piece:
UP = 0
DOWN = 2
LEFT = 3
def __init__(self, joints={}):
self.image = self.create_image(joints)
self.joints = joints
for k,v in joints.items():
self.joints[v] = k
def walk(self, start):
if start in self.joints:
return self.joints[start]
return None
def __str__(self):
return self.image
def create_image(self, joints):
s = []
for k,v in joints.items():
s.append('{}-{}'.format(k, v))
return '[' + (' '.join(s)) + ']'
s = map(lambda row: [row]*9, [' '] * 5)
for a,b in joints.items():
self.draw_join(a, b, s)
return '\n'.join(map(lambda row: ''.join(row), s))
def draw_join(self, a, b, buf):
print 'draw_join(a={}, b={})'.format(a,b)
a_side = a / 3
b_side = b / 3
if abs(a_side - b_side) == 2:
# на противоположных сторонах
elif a_side != b_side:
# на смежных сторонах
# x1,y1 - на боковой стороне, x2,y2 - снизу или сверху
if a_side == self.LEFT or a_side == self.RIGTH:
x1 = a % 3
y1 = 0 if a_side == self.LEFT else 2
y2 = b % 3
x2 = 0 if b_side == self.UP else 2
x1 = b % 3
y1 = 0 if b_side == self.LEFT else 2
y2 = a % 3
x2 = 0 if a_side == self.UP else 2
print 'x1={} y1={}; x2={} y2={}'.format(x1,y1,x2,y2)
# чертим вертикальную линию
for row in range(min(x1,x2), max(x1,x2)+1):
buf[row+1][y2*2+2] = '|'
for column in range((min(y1,y2)+1)*2, (max(y1,y2)+1)*2):
buf[x1+1][column] = '.'
corner = '\\' if (a_side + b_side - 1) % 4 == 0 else '/'
buf[x1+1][(y2+1)*2] = corner
# на одной стороне
def draw_border(self, buf):
for row in range(len(buf)):
buf[row][0] = '.'
buf[row][-1] = '.'
for column in range(0, len(buf[0]), 2):
buf[0][column] = '.'
buf[-1][column] = '.'
def is_empty(self):
return len(self.joints) == 0
class Board:
start_piece = 7
start_door = 7
end_piece = 1
end_door = 1
UP = 0
DOWN = 2
LEFT = 3
def __init__(self, pieces):
assert len(pieces) == 9
self.pieces = pieces
self.__steps = None
def test(self, by_step=False):
door = self.start_door
piece_num = self.start_piece
piece = self.pieces[piece_num]
self.__steps = 0
while True:
if by_step:
print '-'*20
print self.__str__(piece)
print 'door =', door
if piece.is_empty():
door = piece.walk(door)
if door is None:
direction = door / 3
if direction == self.UP:
piece_num -= 3
if piece_num < 0:
elif direction == self.DOWN:
piece_num += 3
if piece_num > 8:
elif direction == self.RIGTH:
piece_num += 1
if piece_num % 3 == 0:
if piece_num % 3 == 0:
piece_num -= 1
piece = self.pieces[piece_num]
door = (door + 6) % 12
return piece == self.pieces[self.end_piece] and door == self.end_door
def steps(self):
if self.__steps is None:
return self.__steps
def __str__(self, current=None):
s = ''
for i, piece in enumerate(self.pieces):
if i%3==0 and i > 0:
s += '\n'
if piece == current:
s += '{{{:^9}}}'.format(piece)
s += ' {:^9} '.format(piece)
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
P = Piece
# board = Board([ P(), P({3:1}), P({7:9}),
# P({6:4}), P({10:4}), P({10:1}),
# P({0:5}), P({11:7}), P() ])
available = [
P({1:7,3:5}), P({6:8}), P(),
P({1:4}), P({1:3,10:5}), P({9:8, 11:6}),
P({10:7}), P({9:0,11:2}), P({0:7, 2:4})
from itertools import permutations
boards = [Board(v) for v in permutations(available)]
results = map(lambda b:b.test(), boards)
steps = map(lambda b: (b.steps(), b), boards)
print "OK" if any(results) else "NO"
n = results.index(True)
print "found at", n
# top = sorted(steps, reverse=True)[:1]
# for steps, board in top:
# print steps,'steps:'
# board.test(True)
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