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Created June 29, 2011 14:04
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little patch for vinarise by Pocket
diff --git autoload/vinarise.vim autoload/vinarise.vim
index 49c0991..e757cf9 100644
--- autoload/vinarise.vim
+++ autoload/vinarise.vim
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ else
let s:vinarise_BUFFER_NAME = '*vinarise*'
" Variables "{{{
let s:vinarise_dicts = []
@@ -68,44 +69,71 @@ function! vinarise#open(filename, is_overwrite)"{{{
edit `=s:vinarise_BUFFER_NAME . ' - ' . l:filename`
- silent % delete _
+ "silent % delete _
call s:initialize_vinarise_buffer()
" Print lines.
setlocal modifiable
- python << EOF
+ if !exists('b:pageNum')
+ let b:pageNum = 1
+ endif
+ let b:lastFileName = a:filename
+ let b:lastOverWrite = a:is_overwrite
+ if !exists('b:localBuf')
+ let b:localBuf = []
+ python << EOF
import mmap, os, vim
-b = vim.current.buffer
-with open(vim.eval("l:filename"), "r+") as f:
- # Open file by memory mapping.
- m = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
- # "vim.command('let l:output = "hoge"')
- pos = 0
- max_lines = m.size()/16 + 1
- for line_number in range(0, max_lines if max_lines < 100 else 100):
- # Make new lines.
- hex_line = ""
- ascii_line = ""
- for char in m[pos : pos+16]:
- num = ord(char)
- hex_line += "{0:02x} ".format(num)
- ascii_line += "." if num < 32 or num > 127 else char
- pos += 1
- # Add line.
- b.append('{0:07x}0: {1:48s}| {2:16s} '.format(line_number, hex_line, ascii_line))
- # Delete first line.
- del b[0]
+def vimstr(s) :
+ return "'" + s.replace("'","''") + "'"
+def vinariseFile() :
+ with open(vim.eval("l:filename"), "r+") as f:
+ # Open file by memory mapping.
+ m = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
+ # "vim.command('let l:output = "hoge"')
+ pos = 0
+ max_lines = m.size()/16 + 1
+ for line_number in range(0, max_lines) :
+ # Make new lines.
+ hex_line = ""
+ ascii_line = ""
+ for char in m[pos : pos+16]:
+ num = ord(char)
+ hex_line += "{0:02x} ".format(num)
+ ascii_line += "." if num < 32 or num > 127 else char
+ pos += 1
+ vim.command('call add(b:localBuf, %s)' % vimstr('{0:07x}0: {1:48s}| {2:16s} '.format(line_number, hex_line, ascii_line)))
- setlocal nomodifiable
+ endif
+ for lineNum in range((b:pageNum - 1) * 100, (b:pageNum * 100 - 1) >= (len(b:localBuf) -1) ? (len(b:localBuf) -1) : b:pageNum * 100 - 1)
+ call setline((lineNum - ((b:pageNum - 1) * 100)) + 1, b:localBuf[lineNum])
+ endfor
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+"Page change function"{{{
+function! vinarise#nextPage()
+ if exists('b:pageNum')
+ if (b:pageNum * 100 < (len(b:localBuf) -1))
+ let b:pageNum += 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ call vinarise#open(b:lastFileName,b:lastOverWrite)
+function! vinarise#backPage()
+ if exists('b:pageNum')
+ if (b:pageNum != 1)
+ let b:pageNum -= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ call vinarise#open(b:lastFileName,b:lastOverWrite)
" Misc.
function! s:initialize_vinarise_buffer()"{{{
" The current buffer is initialized.
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