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Forked from alphaKAI/tinyBase64Decoder.fs
Last active September 27, 2019 16:10
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Tiny Base64 Decoder in F#
module tinyBase64Decoder
open System
open System.Text
// Declare fundamental functions
// Generate n length Integer List (0 upto n - 1)
let iota n = [0..n-1]
// Convert binary string into decimal
let binToDec binStr = Convert.ToInt32 (binStr, 2)
// Convert decimal into binary string
let decToBin dec = Convert.ToString (dec &&& 0xff, 2)
// Convert Char Sequence into String
let charSeqToString charSeq =
let charList = charSeq |> Seq.toList
in string (List.fold (fun (sb:StringBuilder) (c:char) -> sb.Append(c))
// Convert int List (corresponding with char) into String
let intListToString intList =
|> (char >> string)
|> String.concat ""
// BASE64 Decoder and Subsets
// Base64 Charactors
let charset = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" |> Seq.toList
// Conversion table, Base64 Char to Binary number string
let table =
let tableValues =
|> (fun x ->
let e = decToBin x
if e.Length = 6 then e else (String.replicate (6 - e.Length) "0") + e
) charset tableValues
|> Map.ofSeq
// Convert Base64 strings into Binary String(by replacing with the above table)
let convert data =
|> Seq.choose (fun e -> Map.tryFind e table)
|> String.Concat
// Create List by 4 bits List from convted string
let getQuotients (converted:string) =
let cLen = converted.Length
iota (cLen / 4)
|> (fun i -> converted.[(i * 4)..((i + 1) * 4 - 1)])
// Create List by two bits List from ```quotients``` (require it from result of the above function)
let getBuffers quotients =
let quotients = List.toArray quotients
let qLen = quotients.Length
iota(qLen / 2)
|> (fun i -> quotients.[(i * 2)..((i + 1) * 2 - 1)])
// Generating Binaries with buffers from the above function
let finalize buf =
buf |> (fun (b:string[]) ->
let b0 = b.[0] |> binToDec
let b1 = b.[1] |> binToDec
((b0 <<< 4) ^^^ b1) &&& 0xff)
// Decode base64 String into Unsinged Bytes
let decode64 (data:string) =
|> convert
|> getQuotients
|> getBuffers
|> finalize
//Decode Test. The below codes are test for decoding
let encoded = "QUJDREVGRw==" // <- encoded string of "ABCDEFG"
assert ("ABCDEFG" = (decode64 encoded |> intListToString))
printfn "%s -> %A" encoded <| (decode64 encoded |> intListToString)
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