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Last active May 15, 2019 12:15
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default: 01 02 03
$(MAKE) -s ranking | tee
$(MAKE) -s ranking TARGET=_ranking2 | tee
$(MAKE) -s ranking TARGET=_ranking3 | tee
$(MAKE) -s ranking TARGET=_ranking4 | tee
ranking: TARGET ?= _ranking
$(MAKE) -s ${TARGET} | jqfpy -c 'd = get(); {"package": d["package"], **d["data"]}' | jqfpy --slurp 'sorted(get(), key=lambda x: x["last_month"] + (4 * x["last_week"]), reverse=True)' | dictknife cat -i json -o md
_ranking: OPT ?= -f json
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flask
@pypistats recent ${OPT} django
@pypistats recent ${OPT} tornado
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pyramid
@pypistats recent ${OPT} bottle
@pypistats recent ${OPT} responder
@pypistats recent ${OPT} fastapi
@pypistats recent ${OPT} starlette
@pypistats recent ${OPT} sanic
@pypistats recent ${OPT} falcon
@pypistats recent ${OPT} masonite
@pypistats recent ${OPT} vibora
@pypistats recent ${OPT} molten
@pypistats recent ${OPT} cherrypy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} web2py
@pypistats recent ${OPT} aiohttp
@pypistats recent ${OPT} muffin
@pypistats recent ${OPT} weppy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} quart
@pypistats recent ${OPT} morepath
@pypistats recent ${OPT} hug
@pypistats recent ${OPT} growler
@pypistats recent ${OPT} circuits
@pypistats recent ${OPT} TurboGears2
@pypistats recent ${OPT} bocadillo
# serverless
@pypistats recent ${OPT} chalice
@pypistats recent ${OPT} zappa
# wsgi / asgi (infra)
@pypistats recent ${OPT} werkzeug
@pypistats recent ${OPT} webob
@pypistats recent ${OPT} waitress
@pypistats recent ${OPT} gunicorn
@pypistats recent ${OPT} uvicorn
# doping
@pypistats recent ${OPT} uwsgi
@pypistats recent ${OPT} uvloop
@pypistats recent ${OPT} meinheld
@pypistats recent ${OPT} ujson
_ranking2: OPT ?= -f json
@pypistats recent ${OPT} sqlalchemy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} orator
@pypistats recent ${OPT} peewee
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pony
@pypistats recent ${OPT} dataset
@pypistats recent ${OPT} records
@pypistats recent ${OPT} storm
@pypistats recent ${OPT} SQLObject
# specific
@pypistats recent ${OPT} gino
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pydal
@pypistats recent ${OPT} databases
# driver
@pypistats recent ${OPT} asyncpg
@pypistats recent ${OPT} psycopg2
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pymysql
@pypistats recent ${OPT} mysql-connector-python
@pypistats recent ${OPT} MySQL-python
@pypistats recent ${OPT} asyncorm
@pypistats recent ${OPT} aiomysql
@pypistats recent ${OPT} aiosqlite
# mongo
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pymongo
@pypistats recent ${OPT} mongoengine
@pypistats recent ${OPT} umongo
@pypistats recent ${OPT} motor
@pypistats recent ${OPT} mongoframes
# comparsion
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pandas
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pyspark
@pypistats recent ${OPT} numpy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} scipy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} matplotlib
@pypistats recent ${OPT} sympy
_ranking3: OPT ?= -f json
@pypistats recent ${OPT} marshmallow
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pydantic
@pypistats recent ${OPT} trafaret
@pypistats recent ${OPT} voluptuous
@pypistats recent ${OPT} cerberus
@pypistats recent ${OPT} schema
@pypistats recent ${OPT} schematics
@pypistats recent ${OPT} middle
# forms
@pypistats recent ${OPT} wtforms
@pypistats recent ${OPT} colander
@pypistats recent ${OPT} formencode
# hmm
@pypistats recent ${OPT} dataclasses
@pypistats recent ${OPT} djangorestframework
@pypistats recent ${OPT} jsonschema
_ranking4: OPT ?= -f json
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pycodestyle
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pyflakes
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pylint
@pypistats recent ${OPT} hacking
# test
@pypistats recent ${OPT} nose
@pypistats recent ${OPT} nose2
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest
@pypistats recent ${OPT} green
@pypistats recent ${OPT} coverage
@pypistats recent ${OPT} tox
@pypistats recent ${OPT} fixtures
@pypistats recent ${OPT} factory_boy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} faker
@pypistats recent ${OPT} mimesis
@pypistats recent ${OPT} hypothesis
# mock
@pypistats recent ${OPT} mock
@pypistats recent ${OPT} requests-mock
@pypistats recent ${OPT} vcrpy
# fmt
@pypistats recent ${OPT} autoflake
@pypistats recent ${OPT} isort
@pypistats recent ${OPT} autopep8
@pypistats recent ${OPT} yapf
@pypistats recent ${OPT} black
# ci
@pypistats recent ${OPT} mccabe
@pypistats recent ${OPT} radon
@pypistats recent ${OPT} xenon
# typing
@pypistats recent ${OPT} mypy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} typing_extensions
@pypistats recent ${OPT} mypy_extensions
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pyannotate
@pypistats recent ${OPT} monkeytype
# flake8 plugin
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-alfred
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-annotations-complexity
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-annotations-coverage
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-assertive
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-author
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-awesome
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-bandit
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-black
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-blind-except
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-breakpoint
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-broken-line
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-bugbear
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-builtins-unleashed
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-chart
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-checkstyle
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-class-newline
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-codeclimate
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-coding
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-colors
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-commas
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-comprehensions
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-confusables
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-copyright
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-csv
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-datetimez
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-debugger
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-diff
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-disrespectful-code
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-docstrings
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-docstrings-catnado
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-double-quotes
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-eradicate
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-expandtab
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-filename
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-fixme
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-format-ansi
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-formatter-abspath
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-formatter-junit-xml
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-future
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-future-import
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-graphql
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-html
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-illegal-import
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-immediate
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-import-order
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-imports
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-import-single
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-import-style
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-isort
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-json
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-junit-report
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-libfaketime
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-license
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-logging-format
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-module-imports
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-mutable
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-mypy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-network-timeout
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-nitpick
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-ownership
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-patch-decorator-unleashed
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-pep257
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-phabricator-formatter
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-pie
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-plugin-utils
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-polyfill
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-print
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-putty
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-pyi
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-pytest
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-pytest-mark
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-quotes
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-quotes2
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-regex
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-requirements
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-respect-noqa
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-return
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-rewriter
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-rst
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-self
# @pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-setuptools
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-single-quotes
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-snippets
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-SQL
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-string-format
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-super-call
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-tabs
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-tidy-imports
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-todo
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-trailing-commas
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-translation-activate
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-type-annotations
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-ugettext-alias
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-user-model
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-variables-names
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-vyper
@pypistats recent ${OPT} flake8-ycm
@pypistats recent ${OPT} sentry-flake8
# pytest plugin
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-aiohttp
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-airflow
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-annotate
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-apistellar
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-assertutil
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-asyncio
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-bandit
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-bdd
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-bench
# @pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-bigchaindb
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-codestyle
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-cookies
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-cov
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-cover
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-cram
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-cricri
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-csv
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-curio
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-datatest
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-describe
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-diamond
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-diff
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-django
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-docs
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-docstyle
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-dynamodb
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-ethereum
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-excel
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-expecter
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-factoryboy
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-faker
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-falcon
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-fauxfactory
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-firefox
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-fixtures
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-flake8dir
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-fxa
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-growl
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-grpc
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-html
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-httpretty
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-httpserver
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-invenio
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-jest
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-libfaketime
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-localstack
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-mongodb
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-monkeyplus
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-monkeytype
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-neo
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-nginx
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-ngsfixtures
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-ok
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-optional
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-orchestration
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-pact
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-pdb
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-pep8
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-ponyorm
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-pudb
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-pycodestyle
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-pydocstyle
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-pyq
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-pytestrail
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-race
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-rage
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-reana
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-redmine
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-regtest
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-repeat
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-rethinkdb
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-rt
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-runfailed
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-salt
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-sanic
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-scenario
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-selenium
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-slack
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-smartcov
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-sourceorder
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-splinter
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-statsd
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-sugar
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-symbols
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-testconfig
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-testdox
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-tesults
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-toolbox
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-trepan
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-trio
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-warnings
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-xpara
@pypistats recent ${OPT} pytest-zafira
package last_day last_month last_week
werkzeug 453505 8899182 2429128
flask 345253 7097272 1804565
gunicorn 182346 3718900 1081856
tornado 158924 3791022 941514
django 129753 2564757 721721
aiohttp 87299 2257171 530333
ujson 62851 1397387 379342
cherrypy 34897 1049217 233013
webob 37215 855143 235262
uwsgi 38280 769962 220979
uvloop 13926 880080 89869
waitress 24571 587687 158927
bottle 26085 522676 158486
falcon 8373 163126 47126
pyramid 5602 115154 32299
fastapi 2881 73615 19445
sanic 2953 56439 16431
zappa 1981 39114 12119
uvicorn 1971 34930 10761
starlette 1829 28516 9277
chalice 1345 24244 7675
hug 836 16142 5273
meinheld 950 17045 4981
quart 933 14785 5134
responder 244 6639 1689
vibora 177 3092 1423
turbogears2 107 2071 922
muffin 1 1615 907
circuits 149 1767 577
morepath 23 1959 324
bocadillo 9 972 404
masonite 16 869 387
weppy 20 812 352
molten 5 423 175
web2py 8 395 114
growler 1 101 37
package last_day last_month last_week
pandas 453101 8661134 2424838
psycopg2 191032 4088057 1120875
sqlalchemy 182740 3959879 1069026
pymongo 142964 2939644 846052
pymysql 113616 2803539 715121
pyspark 40384 947409 247309
mysql-connector-python 25900 626276 172895
mysql-python 27301 609894 155907
peewee 5906 163683 38148
mongoengine 7370 146240 39772
asyncpg 4188 85296 24813
motor 3756 77008 23399
dataset 1665 34573 8988
records 934 23171 6583
sqlobject 130 19516 7078
orator 669 18474 5795
aiomysql 795 12466 3633
pony 492 11312 3787
gino 323 6414 1869
aiosqlite 237 3373 1012
pydal 126 3165 1056
databases 265 2468 943
umongo 115 2087 702
storm 49 1017 318
mongoframes 25 792 276
asyncorm 11 385 149
package last_day last_month last_week
jsonschema 294224 6030721 1716835
djangorestframework 65113 1237071 354086
marshmallow 45266 875573 242496
wtforms 35469 794495 211083
voluptuous 21265 417498 129100
dataclasses 14002 282261 79332
cerberus 11560 220833 62153
schema 9164 172154 50837
pydantic 6480 145111 40463
colander 4627 108486 28707
schematics 2818 57595 16225
trafaret 2604 52211 12772
formencode 1599 38449 10400
middle 2 68 30
package last_day last_month last_week
pytest 402655 8265501 2282194
mock 329842 6672615 2057433
coverage 332561 6206818 1859512
mccabe 236539 4599195 1307058
pycodestyle 199461 4037558 1144605
pyflakes 175639 3471478 981450
nose 203232 3420385 911156
flake8 151125 2939733 833108
isort 154401 2814197 801038
pytest-cov 148005 2412558 781005
pylint 127826 2510310 709346
typing-extensions 57451 1695594 367246
tox 67414 1195837 358351
mypy 45182 886249 254455
faker 46403 887442 252854
autopep8 33149 772854 209505
mypy-extensions 36957 702700 203857
requests-mock 26053 609580 166787
factory-boy 29917 521464 149481
pytest-django 24778 461362 133835
black 25283 450177 131288
yapf 20931 394026 113855
pytest-html 17368 359468 99915
hypothesis 15849 352381 100584
fixtures 12901 302013 84819
flake8-polyfill 13639 262014 73765
pytest-sugar 8222 169652 46504
flake8-import-order 7565 159473 44474
flake8-docstrings 7717 155815 43802
pytest-asyncio 8587 142089 42591
vcrpy 6212 144718 39633
flake8-quotes 7375 131804 37495
hacking 4114 89025 25496
pytest-pep8 3962 80575 22281
nose2 3539 71835 20744
radon 3533 61616 20243
flake8-commas 3711 64104 18377
pytest-repeat 3157 62835 18186
flake8-print 3311 60701 16372
flake8-comprehensions 2724 54745 16700
flake8-isort 3335 55514 16159
pytest-selenium 2847 57146 15055
flake8-bugbear 3257 51222 15637
pytest-aiohttp 3248 54632 14021
flake8-debugger 2621 43918 12785
flake8-blind-except 2307 43337 12378
autoflake 1932 32530 11135
pytest-factoryboy 2012 29184 9978
pytest-bdd 1603 29728 9406
flake8-mypy 1342 23941 7101
flake8-mutable 1321 21162 6746
flake8-string-format 1285 22689 6280
flake8-junit-report 1093 23590 5559
flake8-tidy-imports 686 18781 5406
flake8-colors 780 15709 4306
flake8-formatter-junit-xml 831 16236 4049
flake8-logging-format 797 13146 4134
flake8-future-import 594 13182 3591
pytest-cover 623 12618 3643
pytest-salt 583 9976 3926
pytest-sanic 591 11409 3393
flake8-coding 728 10656 3322
green 369 11379 2710
flake8-todo 621 8932 2751
flake8-eradicate 565 9975 2488
flake8-bandit 560 8006 2671
flake8-html 559 8557 2506
pytest-faker 360 7116 2611
xenon 499 7490 2496
flake8-pyi 460 7744 2324
pytest-splinter 454 7406 2211
flake8-copyright 412 6736 2290
pytest-csv 363 5967 2010
mimesis 308 6091 1831
pytest-describe 372 5054 1601
pytest-pudb 242 4571 1452
flake8-broken-line 323 4740 1406
pytest-pycodestyle 320 4264 1482
pytest-cookies 291 4039 1517
flake8-formatter-abspath 226 4449 1405
flake8-diff 228 4586 1284
flake8-snippets 236 5225 1124
flake8-pytest 309 4153 1321
pytest-trio 304 4292 1266
monkeytype 194 5601 850
pytest-codestyle 183 3702 1293
pytest-runfailed 272 3943 1199
flake8-assertive 252 3646 1263
flake8-alfred 111 4162 1104
pytest-xpara 248 3740 1140
flake8-class-newline 228 3983 1073
flake8-ycm 3 2507 1312
pytest-regtest 154 3032 1067
flake8-sql 117 3084 777
pytest-libfaketime 155 1954 630
flake8-annotations-complexity 145 1779 617
pytest-localstack 97 1987 551
pyannotate 79 1936 541
pytest-mongodb 115 2037 507
flake8-type-annotations 103 1955 471
flake8-codeclimate 171 1342 619
flake8-black 90 1171 628
flake8-builtins-unleashed 112 1620 467
pytest-testdox 60 1540 487
pytest-ethereum 76 1651 447
flake8-putty 98 1688 434
flake8-json 36 1753 416
pytest-invenio 117 1576 430
pytest-firefox 64 1423 442
flake8-fixme 99 969 484
flake8-variables-names 90 1059 452
pytest-docstyle 65 1058 379
flake8-double-quotes 67 1141 358
flake8-checkstyle 55 1039 326
flake8-import-single 45 1098 274
flake8-pep257 85 1138 243
pytest-warnings 41 935 286
flake8-imports 11 890 292
flake8-author 49 1004 263
pytest-grpc 64 863 273
flake8-module-imports 25 790 265
flake8-translation-activate 25 774 258
flake8-user-model 24 774 257
flake8-ugettext-alias 22 774 256
flake8-plugin-utils 48 807 232
pytest-expecter 19 683 225
pytest-fxa 44 707 214
pytest-httpserver 41 633 198
flake8-return 55 623 194
flake8-super-call 32 636 185
pytest-testconfig 42 673 164
flake8-rst 11 386 218
sentry-flake8 30 391 179
flake8-pytest-mark 4 515 129
flake8-nitpick 22 389 157
flake8-breakpoint 29 442 141
pytest-pydocstyle 20 560 111
pytest-annotate 3 346 163
flake8-single-quotes 7 329 156
flake8-self 12 552 77
flake8-filename 8 429 104
pytest-httpretty 25 345 108
pytest-fixtures 14 302 117
pytest-falcon 22 268 110
pytest-bandit 8 403 75
pytest-neo 5 290 92
pytest-smartcov 11 295 90
flake8-tabs 7 432 54
pytest-monkeytype 7 279 84
pytest-slack 22 194 104
pytest-diff 1 189 100
pytest-dynamodb 11 262 78
pytest-ngsfixtures 1 148 105
flake8-chart 7 286 66
flake8-pie 2 255 67
pytest-reana 4 307 52
flake8-datetimez 30 138 85
flake8-awesome 31 186 71
flake8-libfaketime 6 286 46
flake8-respect-noqa 7 202 61
pytest-pdb 4 230 50
pytest-toolbox 3 259 39
flake8-ownership 5 183 56
pytest-curio 9 163 61
pytest-docs 1 123 66
pytest-flake8dir 20 154 54
flake8-vyper 1 134 56
pytest-trepan 6 145 53
pytest-ponyorm 2 111 58
pytest-bench 6 151 47
pytest-monkeyplus 38 104 58
pytest-apistellar 1 130 48
pytest-orchestration 1 132 44
pytest-assertutil 2 97 51
flake8-trailing-commas 5 135 40
pytest-sourceorder 4 116 44
pytest-excel 3 122 38
flake8-future 7 130 32
pytest-fauxfactory 6 94 41
pytest-statsd 2 98 40
flake8-annotations-coverage 8 143 28
pytest-airflow 2 146 25
flake8-graphql 3 112 33
pytest-rage 1 120 29
flake8-immediate 4 100 30
flake8-requirements 4 93 31
flake8-import-style 3 114 23
flake8-regex 3 107 23
pytest-jest 5 83 28
pytest-race 6 79 23
pytest-datatest 2 66 23
flake8-license 2 30 30
pytest-pyq 2 76 18
pytest-zafira 1 58 22
pytest-tesults 1 65 19
flake8-rewriter 1 60 20
flake8-network-timeout 2 60 18
flake8-patch-decorator-unleashed 4 60 18
pytest-pytestrail 2 52 19
flake8-phabricator-formatter 2 49 18
pytest-rt 1 44 17
flake8-csv 1 47 16
pytest-scenario 2 50 15
flake8-format-ansi 2 53 12
flake8-expandtab 2 40 15
flake8-confusables 1 42 13
flake8-quotes2 2 50 11
pytest-cram 1 40 12
pytest-diamond 2 39 12
pytest-ok 1 39 10
pytest-nginx 1 32 11
pytest-rethinkdb 1 34 10
pytest-pact 1 33 10
pytest-optional 1 32 10
flake8-illegal-import 2 31 8
pytest-growl 1 33 7
pytest-cricri 1 31 7
flake8-docstrings-catnado 1 26 8
pytest-symbols 2 23 7
flake8-disrespectful-code 1 23 6
pytest-redmine 1 22 5
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