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Last active September 7, 2021 19:51
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OpenShift Notes

Getting access

  • Use the Openshift Client to connect to instances
    • oc login -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD
  • Can also use the REST Api
    • Needs a bearer token, login with oc login then run oc whoami -t to get the token
TOKEN=`oc whoami -t`
curl --insecure -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" https://$TARGET:8443/oapi/v1

Project Setup

  • Project resources are auto-namespaced to prevent conflicts in Kubernetes
  • List projects: oc get projects

Creating a project

  • Web UI


  • CLI

Users and access

  • List users: oc get users
    • The anypassword identity provider means the user can be access with an arbitray password
  • Default system accounts can't be accessed in the WebUI and you'll need to access or create a cluster admin for such purposes.
    • oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin $USERNAME

Default Roles

  • Regular
    • Developers and normal users.
    • Login is the userid.
  • System
    • OpenShift Admins users for interacting with the infrastructure
    • Usernames are prefixed with system:
      • Default accounts are system:admin and system:master
  • Service
    • Used for enabling communication between services in an application ie. Account for web server to access a database
    • Usernames are preficed with system:serviceaccount:
  • A built in OAUTH server is generated and applies a Deny All identify provder is user.
    • Admins will need to create user accounts
      • Config File: /etc/openshift/master/master-config.yaml

Builds & Deployments

  • Uses source code from a SCM ie, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, etc.
    • Once a repo is added to a project, an build job will be added for that repo/application
    • Running the build job will trigger a source download and build into a Docker image.
    • The image is the pushed to the built-in docker registry
    • Creates deployment to deploy the application to the k8s cluster
      • This is similar a K8s deployment, but OpenShift uses a DeploymentConfig object instead of the K8s Deployment object.


  • Builds are configured with YAML files
  • Simple way to boot strap is take the S2I YAML and customize it.
  • Can trigger builds through web hooks, WebUI, or CLI command oc start-build ...
  • Can configure environment variables and secrets similar to Jenkins

Build Strategies

  1. Docker Build - Create a DockerFile with instructions to build the application
  2. Souce-To-Image - Framework to convert source code into reusable Docker images
  3. Custom Build - Used for buildining indidivual Gems, JARs, Python Packages, etc..

Image Streams

  • Useful for when a build pulls a Docker image from a remote repo ie DockerHub.
  • The docker image URL is abstracted as a pointer to image names referenced in build files
    • ie. is mapped to simply python-27:latest
      • This will refernce the image ID instead of the image tag to prevent breaking updates in the tagged image version


  • Similar to deployments in K8S
    • K8s uses "Pods" containing one or more docker containers


  • Common Deployment stategies are:
  • Recreate - kill are instances and redploy all instances
  • Rolling - Default. Destroy and rebuild instance squentially.
    • oc rollout latest $DEPLOYMENT

Networks, Services, Routes, and Scaling

Networks (internal)

  • K8s Netowrking recap:
    • Each pod on a worker node gets an IP address
  • OpenShift Software Defined Network creates a virtual networks that spans across multiple nodes called an Overlay Network
    • Uses Open vSwitch standard to handle VLAN tagging, Trunking, LACP, Port Mirroring, etc..
    • Default network is
    • Each nodes get a subnet ie
      • All pods get a unique IP in the node's assigned subnet
  • Can check IPs of pods using oc get pods -o wide
  • Since IPs are ephemeral, a builtin SkyDNS server allows using pod/service names to connect to other pods.
  • SDN plugins are available, the default one used in ovs-subnet which provides connection between all pods in the cluster
  • The ovs-multitenant plugin can be used to assign each project a unique virtual network ID to be segmented from other projects.

Services & Routes (internal/external)


  • Services connect different applictions/pods
    • Stored in service-config.yaml


  • Each service gets its own Cluster IP and DNS entries
  • Services are linked to pods using selectors
    • ie deploymentconfig=nodejs-frontend and the appropriate port


  • Routes expose services to external users as hostname.
    • Load Balancing
      • Source (Default method) - Uses the source IP to send traffic to same backend server for the session duration.
      • Round Robin
      • Least Connections
    • Security
      • Can add TLS cert for encrypted connections
      • Can also prevent HTTP connections or redirct to HTTPs
    • Split Traffic
      • Can be used for A/B testing


  • Easy as adjusting the number of pods to have online
  • May need to adjust the load balancing method

Storage, Templates, and Catalog


  • Attach persistant volumes to allow data to persist between containers
  • Access Modes
    • Single User - Allows volume to be mounted read/write by a single node
    • Shared Access - Read/write access to multiple nodes
    • Read Only - Read only use by multple nodes
  • Add as a volume to the deployment config

Templates and Catalog

  • Can often find these on Github for services you don't have by default
  • Templates are configurations of contains, servcies, routes, and paramenters to make a cohesive application
  • Define template as a YAML file and deploy with oc create -f $TEMPLATE_FILE
    • Can get an example by exporting a template, ie oc export service db
  • Normal users cannot create templates in the default namespace, you have to specify a project namesapce
  • Can parameterize templates to allow for customizing deploymenmts

Micoservices example


  • Voting frontend collects votes
  • Commits votes to redis
  • A .Net worker updates the persistant Postgres DB
  • The Results App reads the DB to show the totals

Pentesting notes

Remote Access

  • Remote terminal: oc rsh $POD

Info Gathering

  • Check the Deployment environment variables for potential sensitive data
    • Passwords should be stored as secrets, but devs can be lazy
  • Check the secrets to see if they can be leaked
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