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Created June 19, 2020 12:47
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Typings for tipsi-stripe library corresponding to 8.0.0-beta.10 version
declare module 'tipsi-stripe' {
export interface StripeOptions {
publishableKey: string
merchantId?: string
androidPayMode?: string
export type AccountHolderType = 'company' | 'individual'
export type PaymentMethodAddress = {
city: string
country: string
line1: string
line2: string
postalCode: string
state: string
export type PaymentMethodBillingDetails = {
address: PaymentMethodAddress
email: string
name: string
phone: string
export type CardBrandSlug =
| 'unknown'
| 'amex'
| 'diners'
| 'discover'
| 'jcb'
| 'mastercard'
| 'unionpay'
| 'visa'
export type CardBrandPresentableString =
| 'Unknown'
| 'American Express'
| 'Diners Club'
| 'Discover'
| 'JCB'
| 'MasterCard'
| 'UnionPay'
| 'Visa'
export type PaymentMethodCard = {
brand?: CardBrandSlug
country?: string
expMonth: number
expYear: number
cvc: string
number: string
funding?: 'credit' | 'debit' | 'prepaid' | 'unknown'
last4?: string
export type PaymentMethod = {
id: string
created: number
livemode: boolean
type: string
card: PaymentMethodCard
billingDetails: PaymentMethodBillingDetails
customerId: string
export type StripePaymentIntentStatus =
| 'unknown'
| 'canceled'
| 'processing'
| 'requires_action'
| 'requires_capture'
| 'requires_payment_method'
| 'requires_confirmation'
| 'succeeded'
export type StripeSetupIntentStatus =
| 'unknown'
| 'canceled'
| 'processing'
| 'requires_action'
| 'requires_payment_method'
| 'requires_confirmation'
| 'succeeded'
export type PaymentMethodParamsCardByToken = {
token: string
export type CreatePaymentMethodParams = {
billingDetails?: PaymentMethodBillingDetails
card: PaymentMethodCard
metadata?: object
export type ConfirmPaymentIntentParams = {
clientSecret: string
paymentMethod?: CreatePaymentMethodParams
paymentMethodId?: string
sourceId?: string
returnURL?: string
savePaymentMethod?: boolean
export type PaymentIntentConfirmationResult = {
status: StripePaymentIntentStatus
paymentIntentId: string
export type AuthenticatePaymentIntentParams = {
clientSecret: string
returnURL: string
export type PaymentIntentAuthenticationResult = {
status: StripePaymentIntentStatus
paymentIntentId: string
export type ConfirmSetupIntentParams = {
clientSecret: string
paymentMethod: CreatePaymentMethodParams
paymentMethodId: string
returnURL: string
export type SetupIntentConfirmationResult = {
status: StripePaymentIntentStatus
setupIntentId: string
paymentMethodId: string
export type AuthenticateSetupIntentParams = {
clientSecret: string
returnURL: string
export type SetupIntentAuthenticationResult = {
status: StripeSetupIntentStatus
setupIntentId: string
paymentMethodId: string
export type ApplePayNetworks =
| 'american_express'
| 'discover'
| 'master_card'
| 'visa'
export type ApplePayAddressFields =
| 'all'
| 'name'
| 'email'
| 'phone'
| 'postal_address'
export type ApplePayShippingType =
| 'shipping'
| 'delivery'
| 'store_pickup'
| 'service_pickup'
export type StripeSourceType =
| 'bancontact'
| 'bitcoin'
| 'giropay'
| 'ideal'
| 'sepaDebit'
| 'sofort'
| 'threeDSecure'
| 'alipay'
export interface AppleNetworkOptions {
networks: ApplePayNetworks
export interface ApplePaymentOptions {
currencyCode: string
countryCode: string
requiredBillingAddressFields: ApplePayAddressFields[]
requiredShippingAddressFields: ApplePayAddressFields[]
shippingMethods: ApplePayShippingType[]
shippingType: ApplePayShippingType
export interface AndroidPaymentOptions {
total_price: string
currency_code: string
line_items: AndroidPaymentRequestItem[]
shipping_address_required: boolean
billing_address_required: boolean
export interface StripeCardDetails {
cardId: string // The Stripe ID for the card
| 'JCB'
| 'American Express'
| 'Visa'
| 'Discover'
| 'Diners Club'
| 'MasterCard'
| 'Unknown'
funding?: 'debit' | 'credit' | 'prepaid' | 'unknown' // iOS only
last4: string
dynamicLast4: string // For Apple Pay, this refers to the last 4 digits of the Device Account Number for the tokenized card
isApplePayCard: boolean
expMonth: number // The card’s expiration month. 1-indexed (i.e. 1 == January)
expYear: number // The card’s expiration year
country: string // Two-letter ISO code representing the issuing country of the card
currency?: string // This is only applicable when tokenizing debit cards to issue payouts to managed accounts. The card can then be used as a transfer destination for funds in this currency
name?: string // The cardholder’s name
addressLine1?: string // The cardholder’s first address line
addressLine2?: string // The cardholder’s second address line
addressCity?: string // The cardholder’s city
addressState?: string // The cardholder’s state
addressCountry?: string // The cardholder’s country
addressZip?: string // The cardholder’s zip code
export interface StripeBankDetails {
routingNumber: string // The routing number of this account
accountNumber: string // The account number for this BankAccount.
countryCode: string // The two-letter country code that this account was created in
currency: string // The currency of this account
accountHolderName: string // The account holder's name
accountHolderType: AccountHolderType
fingerprint: string // The account fingerprint
bankName: string // The name of bank
last4: string // The last four digits of the account number
export interface StripeToken {
tokenId: string
created: number
livemode: boolean
card?: StripeCardDetails
bankAccount?: StripeBankDetails
extra?: object
export interface ApplePaymentRequestItem {
label: string
amount: string
type: 'final' | 'pending'
export interface AndroidPaymentRequestItem {
currency_code: string
total_price: string
unit_price: string
quantity: string
description: string
export interface CardFormParams {
requiredBillingAddressFields: 'full' | 'zip'
managedAccountCurrency: string
smsAutofillDisabled: boolean
prefilledInformation: {
email: string
phone: string
billingAddress: {
name: string
line1: string
line2: string
city: string
state: string
postalCode: string
country: string
phone: string
email: string
theme: {
primaryBackgroundColor: string
secondaryBackgroundColor: string
primaryForegroundColor: string
secondaryForegroundColor: string
accentColor: string
errorColor: string
export interface CardTokenParams {
number: string
expMonth: number
expYear: number
cvc: string
name?: string
addressLine1?: string
addressLine2?: string
addressCity?: string
addressState?: string
addressZip?: string
addressCountry?: string
country?: string
currency?: string
// Android Only
brand?: string
last4?: string
fingerprint?: string
funding?: string
export interface BankAccountParams {
accountNumber: string
countryCode: string
currency: string
routingNumber: string
accountHolderName: string
accountHolderType: AccountHolderType
export interface SourceParams {
type: StripeSourceType
amount: number
name: string
returnURL: string
statementDescriptor: string
currency: string
email: string
bank: string
iban: string
addressLine1: string
city: string
postalCode: string
country: string
card: string
class Stripe {
static setOptions(options: StripeOptions): void
static deviceSupportsNativePay(): boolean
static canMakeNativePayPayments(options?: AppleNetworkOptions): boolean
static paymentRequestWithNativePay(
options: ApplePaymentOptions | AndroidPaymentOptions,
items: ApplePaymentRequestItem[],
): Promise<string>
static completeNativePayRequest(): Promise<void>
static cancelNativePayRequest(): Promise<void>
static openNativePaySetup(): Promise<void>
static paymentRequestWithCardForm(
params: CardFormParams,
): Promise<StripeToken>
static createTokenWithCard(
params: CardTokenParams,
): Promise<StripeToken>
static createTokenWithBankAccount(
params: BankAccountParams,
): Promise<StripeToken>
static createSourceWithParams(params: SourceParams): Promise<any>
static createPaymentMethod(
params: CreatePaymentMethodParams,
): Promise<PaymentMethod>
static confirmPaymentIntent(
params: ConfirmPaymentIntentParams,
): Promise<PaymentIntentConfirmationResult>
static authenticatePaymentIntent(
params: AuthenticatePaymentIntentParams,
): Promise<PaymentIntentAuthenticationResult>
static confirmSetupIntent(
params: ConfirmSetupIntentParams,
): Promise<SetupIntentConfirmationResult>
export default Stripe
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Hey @podotki can we use this to contribute to the Repo?

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podotki commented Nov 16, 2020

@henrymoulton of course :)

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