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Forked from anonymous/gamedirector.cs
Last active August 10, 2016 13:08
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class GameDirector : MonoBehaviour
public bool canControl = true; //control lock, if false, player can't click game buttons
public int buttonPressed = 0;
public int gameSpeed = 1; //currently unused, in future simon's playback will get faster
public int level = 1; //current level, also used to dictate how many numbers will be generated
public List<int> simon = new List<int>(); //simon's list, sequence is stored here every level
//Game Loop Variables
public int playerInput = 0; //button's change this when they are clicked
public int inputCounter = 0; // goes up every time player input gets changed
public int inputCounterCheck = 0; //used to check if this input has been check by the game director
public int count = 0; // number of successfull inputs this level
private int replay = 3; // number of replays remaining
public GameObject mainMenuCanvas;
//UI Text
public Text levelCounter;
public Text replaysRemaining;
public buttonOne buttonOne;
public buttonTwo buttonTwo;
public buttonThree buttonThree;
public buttonFour buttonFour;
void Start()
mainMenu(); //go to main menu when game starts
void Update()
if (level < 10) {
levelCounter.text = "0" + level.ToString (); // this if statement is just for the formatting of the level counter (always 2 digits)
levelCounter.text = level.ToString ();
replaysRemaining.text = "0" + replay.ToString (); //print the number of replays left in the replaysRemaining text field
if (playerInput > 0 && inputCounter != inputCounterCheck && count != simon.Count)
//if the player has clicked one of the buttons AND the current input hasn't been checked AND the player hasn't reached the end of the sequence
if (playerInput == simon [count]) //if the input is equal to this unchecked element in the list
count++; // increase the value of count by 1, so next time it checks the next element in the list
inputCounterCheck++; // increase the countercheck by 1 so we know this input has been checked
else if (playerInput != simon [count]) //if the input is NOT equal to this element in the list
loseGame (); //the player loses
if (count == simon.Count && simon.Count > 0) //if the player has reached the end of this levels sequence
void mainMenu()
mainMenuCanvas.SetActive (true); // enable gui elements
lockInput(); //disable player control
Debug.Log ("Main Menu");
public Config cfg;
public class Config{
mainMenuCanvas.SetActive (false);
playerInput = 0;
inputCounter = 0;
inputCounterCheck = 0;
count = 0;
level = 10;
replay = 3;
public void gameStart(Config cfg)
mainMenuCanvas.SetActive (false);
playerInput = cfg.playerInput;
inputCounter = cfg.inputCounter;
inputCounterCheck = cfg.inputCounterCheck;
count = cfg.count;
level = cfg.level;
replay = cfg.replay;
//start the game, set all the game veriables to their default possition, and clear the sequence list.
void simonThinks() // number generation
lockInput(); //disable player control
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) //for every int in the range of 'level'
//generate n random numbers between 1 and 4 (n = level) and store them in the list 'simon'
simon.Add(Random.Range(1, 5));
//Debug.Log("Random Number Generated");
StartCoroutine("simonSays"); //run the function that displays the sequence to the player
IEnumerator simonSays()
lockInput ();
foreach (int number in simon)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.4f);
//Walk through each number in the list simon, do something depending on which number it is
if (number == 1) {
else if (number == 2) {
else if (number == 3) {
else if (number == 4) {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
yield return null;
//Debug.Log ("coroutine running");
unlockInput ();
void nextLevel ()
playerInput = 0; //reset input
inputCounter = 0; //reset input counter
inputCounterCheck = 0; //reset input counter check
count = 0; // reset count
level++; // increase the level by 1
simon.Clear(); //clear the sequence list
simonThinks (); // run the thinking function to generate a new sequence based on the new level number
void loseGame() //player lost the game, reset all values and go back to the main menu
playerInput = 0;
inputCounter = 0;
inputCounterCheck = 0;
count = 0;
level = 1;
replay = 3;
mainMenu ();
void lockInput()
Debug.Log("Controls Locked");
canControl = false;
void unlockInput()
Debug.Log ("Controls Unlocked");
canControl = true;
public void replaySequence()
if (replay > 0 && canControl == true)
StartCoroutine("simonSays"); //run the function that displays the sequence to the player
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