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Last active August 30, 2016 16:29
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Term Rewriting System
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <boost/coroutine2/all.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
template<class ValueType, class Less = std::less<ValueType>>
class term_rewriting_system{
using type = ValueType;
template<class Type>
static bool null(const std::vector<Type> &s){
return s.empty();
template<class X, class Y>
static std::vector<std::pair<X, Y>> zip(const std::vector<X> &xs, const std::vector<Y> &ys){
std::vector<std::pair<X, Y>> ret;
auto x = xs.begin();
auto y = ys.begin();
while(x != xs.end()){
ret.push_back(std::make_pair(*x, *y));
return ret;
template<class X>
static bool forall(std::function<bool(const X&)> p, const std::vector<X> &xs){
bool r = true;
for(auto &x : xs){
r = r && p(x);
if(!r){ break; }
return r;
template<class X>
static bool multi_forall(std::function<bool(const X&, const X&)> p, const std::vector<X> &xs, const std::vector<X> &ys){
bool r = true;
auto x = xs.begin(), y = ys.begin();
while(x != xs.end()){
r = r && p(*x, *y);
if(!r){ break; }
++x, ++y;
return r;
template<class X>
static bool exists(std::function<bool(const X&)> p, const std::vector<X> &xs){
bool r = false;
for(auto &x : xs){
r = r || p(x);
if(r){ break; }
return r;
template<class X, class Y>
static std::vector<Y> map(std::function<Y(const X&)> f, const std::vector<X> &xs){
std::vector<Y> r;
for(auto &e : xs){
return r;
template<class X, class Y, class Iter>
static std::vector<Y> map(std::function<Y(const X&)> f, Iter first, Iter last){
std::vector<Y> r;
r.reserve(last - first);
for(; first != last; ++first){
return r;
template<class X>
static std::vector<X> concat(const std::vector<std::vector<X>> &xs){
std::vector<X> rs;
for(auto &s : xs){
rs.insert(rs.end(), s.begin(), s.end());
return rs;
template<class X>
static void allapp(std::function<void(const X&)> f, std::function<void(typename std::vector<X>::const_iterator, typename std::vector<X>::const_iterator)> g, const std::vector<X> &xs){
for(auto iter = xs.begin(); iter != xs.end(); ++iter){
g(iter + 1, xs.end());
struct vname{
type str;
int i = 0;
bool operator ==(const vname &other) const{
return str == other.str && i == other.i;
static vname make_vname(const type &str, int i = 0){
vname v;
v.str = str;
v.i = i;
return v;
struct term;
struct term_list{
type str;
std::vector<term> list;
bool operator ==(const term_list &other) const{
return str == other.str && list == other.list;
struct term : public boost::variant<vname, term_list>{
using base = boost::variant<vname, term_list>;
using base::which;
type_variable = 0,
term(const vname &v) : base(v){}
term(vname &&v) : base(v){}
term(const term_list &tl) : base(tl){}
term(term_list &&tl) : base(tl){}
term() : base(vname()){}
term(const term &other) : base(vname()){
case type_variable:
static_cast<base&>(*this) = boost::get<vname>(other);
case type_term_list:
static_cast<base&>(*this) = boost::get<term_list>(other);
term(term &&other) : base(vname()){
case type_variable:
static_cast<base&>(*this) = std::move(boost::get<vname>(other));
case type_term_list:
static_cast<base&>(*this) = std::move(boost::get<term_list>(other));
~term() = default;
term &operator =(const term &other){
case type_variable:
static_cast<base&>(*this) = boost::get<vname>(other);
case type_term_list:
static_cast<base&>(*this) = boost::get<term_list>(other);
return *this;
bool operator ==(const term &other) const{
if(which() != other.which()){
return false;
if(which() == type_variable){
return boost::get<vname>(*this) == boost::get<vname>(other);
return boost::get<term_list>(*this) == boost::get<term_list>(other);
ValueType str() const{
which() == type_variable ? boost::get<const vname&>(*this).str :
which() == type_term_list ? boost::get<const term_list&>(*this).str :
using ids = std::vector<std::pair<term, term>>;
static term make_term_list(const type &str, const std::vector<term> &list){
return term_list({ str, list });
static term make_variable(const type &str, int i = 0){
return make_vname(str, i);
static term make_constant(const type &str){
return make_term_list(str, std::vector<term>());
static term make_function(const type &str, const std::vector<term> &ts){
return make_term_list(str, ts);
static term make_variable(const vname &v){
return v;
using vname_term = std::pair<vname, term>;
using subst = std::vector<vname_term>;
static const vname &get_vname(const vname_term &vt){
return vt.first;
static const term &get_term(const vname_term &vt){
return vt.second;
static subst add_subst(const subst s, const vname &x, const term &t){
subst r = { std::make_pair(x, t) };
r.insert(r.begin(), s.begin(), s.end());
return r;
static bool indom(const vname &x, const subst &s){
std::function<bool(const vname_term&)> f = [&](const vname_term &y){
return x.str == y.first.str && x.i == y.first.i;
return exists(f, s);
static const term &app(const subst &s, const vname &x){
for(auto &yt : s){
if(yt.first == x){
return yt.second;
static term lift(const subst &s, const term &t){
if(t.which() == term::type_variable){
const vname &x = boost::get<vname>(t);
if(indom(x, s)){
return app(s, x);
return t;
const term_list &tl = boost::get<term_list>(t);
std::function<term(const term&)> f = [&s](const term &a){ return lift(s, a); };
return make_term_list(tl.str, map(f, tl.list));
static bool occurs(const vname &x, const term &t){
if(t.which() == term::type_variable){
return x == boost::get<vname>(t);
std::function<bool(const term&)> f = [&x](const term &a){ return occurs(x, a); };
return exists(f, boost::get<term_list>(t).list);
struct unify_exception{};
static subst solve(typename ids::const_iterator tt_first, typename ids::const_iterator tt_last, const subst &s){
if(tt_first == tt_last){
return s;
}else if(tt_first->first.which() == term::type_variable){
if(tt_first->second.which() == term::type_variable && boost::get<vname>(tt_first->first) == boost::get<vname>(tt_first->second)){
return solve(tt_first + 1, tt_last, s);
return elim(boost::get<vname>(tt_first->first), tt_first->second, tt_first + 1, tt_last, s);
}else if(tt_first->second.which() == term::type_variable){
return elim(boost::get<vname>(tt_first->second), tt_first->first, tt_first + 1, tt_last, s);
const term_list &ts = boost::get<term_list>(tt_first->first), &us = boost::get<term_list>(tt_first->second);
if(ts.str == us.str){
ids ts_us_rest = zip(ts.list, us.list);
ts_us_rest.insert(ts_us_rest.end(), tt_first + 1, tt_last);
return solve(ts_us_rest.begin(), ts_us_rest.end(), s);
throw unify_exception();
static subst elim(const vname &x, const term &t, typename ids::const_iterator rest_first, typename ids::const_iterator rest_last, const subst &s){
auto xt = [&x, &t](const term &u){
subst w = { std::make_pair(x, t) };
return lift(w, u);
if(occurs(x, t)){
throw unify_exception();
std::function<std::pair<term, term>(const std::pair<term, term>&)> f = [&xt](const std::pair<term, term> &tt){
return std::make_pair(xt(tt.first), xt(tt.second));
ids mapped_rest = map(f, rest_first, rest_last);
std::function<vname_term(const vname_term&)> g = [&xt](const vname_term &yu){
return std::make_pair(yu.first, xt(yu.second));
return solve(mapped_rest.begin(), mapped_rest.end(), add_subst(map(g, s), x, t));
static subst unify(const std::pair<term, term> &tt){
ids v = { tt };
return solve(v.begin(), v.end(), subst());
static subst matchs(typename ids::const_iterator tt_first, typename ids::const_iterator tt_last, const subst &s){
if(tt_first == tt_last){
return s;
const term &t1 = tt_first->first, &t2 = tt_first->second;
if(t1.which() == term::type_variable){
const vname &x = boost::get<vname>(t1);
const term &t = t2;
if(indom(x, s)){
if(app(s, x) == t){
return matchs(tt_first + 1, tt_last, s);
}else{ throw unify_exception(); }
return matchs(tt_first + 1, tt_last, add_subst(s, x, t));
}else if(t2.which() == term::type_variable){
throw unify_exception();
const term_list &ts = boost::get<term_list>(t1), &us = boost::get<term_list>(t2);
if(ts.str == us.str){
ids ts_us_rest = zip(ts.list, us.list);
ts_us_rest.insert(ts_us_rest.end(), tt_first + 1, tt_last);
return matchs(ts_us_rest.begin(), ts_us_rest.end(), s);
throw unify_exception();
static subst pattern_match(const term &pat, const term &obj){
ids v = { std::make_pair(pat, obj) };
return matchs(v.begin(), v.end(), subst());
struct norm_exception{};
static term rewrite(typename ids::const_iterator tt_first, typename ids::const_iterator tt_last, const term &t){
for(; tt_first != tt_last; ++tt_first){
const term &l = tt_first->first, &r = tt_first->second;
return lift(pattern_match(l, t), r);
throw norm_exception();
static term norm(const ids &r, const term &t){
if(t.which() == term::type_variable){
return t;
const term_list &ts = boost::get<term_list>(t);
std::function<term(const term&)> f = [&r](const term &a){ return norm(r, a); };
term u = make_term_list(ts.str, map(f, ts.list));
return norm(r, rewrite(r.begin(), r.end(), u));
return u;
enum class order : int{
nge = -1,
eq = 0,
gr = 1
template<class X, class Iter>
static order lex(std::function<order(const X&, const X&)> f, Iter iter, Iter a_end, Iter jter, Iter b_end){
for(; iter != a_end && jter != b_end; ++iter, ++jter){
order ord = f(*iter, *jter);
if(ord != order::eq){
return ord;
if(iter == a_end && jter == b_end){
return order::eq;
if(iter != a_end && jter ==b_end){
return order::gr;
return order::nge;
static order primitive_compare(const type &a, const type &b){
bool p = Less()(a, b);
bool q = Less()(b, a);
if(!p && !q){
return order::eq;
}else if(q){
return order::gr;
return order::nge;
static order lpo(std::function<order(const type&, const type&)> ord, const term &s, const term &t){
if(t.which() == term::type_variable){
if(s == t){
return order::eq;
if(occurs(boost::get<vname>(t), s)){
return order::gr;
return order::nge;
}else if(s.which() == term::type_variable && t.which() == term::type_term_list){
return order::nge;
const term_list &ss = boost::get<term_list>(s), &ts = boost::get<term_list>(t);
std::function<bool(const term&)> f = [&ord, &t](const term &si){ return lpo(ord, si, t) == order::nge; };
if(forall(f, ss.list)){
std::function<bool(const term&)> g = [&ord, &s](const term &a){ return lpo(ord, s, a) == order::gr; };
switch(ord(ss.str, ts.str)){
case order::gr:
if(forall(g, ts.list)){
return order::gr;
return order::nge;
case order::eq:
if(forall(g, ts.list)){
std::function<order(const term&, const term&)> h = [&ord](const term &a, const term &b){ return lpo(ord, a, b); };
return lex(h, ss.list.begin(), ss.list.end(), ts.list.begin(), ts.list.end());
return order::nge;
case order::nge:
return order::nge;
return order::gr;
static order lpo_functor(const term &t, const term &u){
return lpo(primitive_compare, t, u);
class term_comparetor{
bool operator()(const term &t, const term &u) const{
return lpo_functor(t, u) == order::nge;
static term rename(int n, const term &t){
if(t.which() == term::type_variable){
term r = t;
boost::get<vname>(r).i += n;
return r;
const term_list &ts = boost::get<term_list>(t);
std::function<term(const term&)> f = [n](const term &a){ return rename(n, a); };
return make_term_list(ts.str, map(f, ts.list));
static int maxs(const std::vector<int> &s){
int n = 0;
for(auto &a : s){
n = std::max(a, n);
return n;
static int maxindex(const term &t){
if(t.which() == term::type_variable){
return boost::get<vname>(t).i;
int n = 0;
for(auto &u : boost::get<term_list>(t).list){
n = (std::max)(maxindex(u), n);
return n;
static ids ccp(
std::function<term(const term&)> c,
const term &t,
const term &r,
const term &l2,
const term &r2
return ids({std::make_pair(
lift(unify(std::make_pair(t, l2)), r),
lift(unify(std::make_pair(t, l2)), c(r2))
return ids();
static ids ccps(const ids &ttlist, const term &l, const term &r){
std::function<ids(std::function<term(const term&)>, const term&, const term&)> cps;
cps = [&](std::function<term(const term&)> c, const term &ts_, const term &r){
if(ts_.which() == term::type_variable){
return ids();
const term_list &ts = boost::get<term_list>(ts_);
std::function<ids(const std::pair<term, term>&)> f = [&](const std::pair<term, term> &l2r2){
return ccp(c, ts_, r, l2r2.first, l2r2.second);
std::function<term(const term&)>,
const type&,
const term_list&,
typename std::vector<term>::const_iterator,
typename std::vector<term>::const_iterator,
const term&
> inner_cps = [&](
std::function<term(const term&)> c,
const type &f,
const term_list &ts0,
typename std::vector<term>::const_iterator ts1_first,
typename std::vector<term>::const_iterator ts1_last,
const term &r
if(ts1_first == ts1_last){
return ids();
std::function<term(const term&)> cf = [&](const term &s){
std::vector<term> v = ts0.list;
v.reserve(v.size() + (ts1_last - ts1_first));
v.insert(v.end(), ts1_first + 1, ts1_last);
return c(make_term_list(f, v));
term_list ts0_t = ts0;
tmp1 = cps(cf, *ts1_first, r),
tmp2 = inner_cps(c, f, ts0_t, ts1_first + 1, ts1_last, r);
tmp1.insert(tmp1.end(), tmp2.begin(), tmp2.end());
return tmp1;
std::function<ids(const std::pair<term, term>&)> wrapped_ccp = [&](const std::pair<term, term> &l2r2){
return ccp(c, ts, r, l2r2.first, l2r2.second);
std::vector<ids> ccp_ttlist_result = map(wrapped_ccp, ttlist);
ids inner_cps_result = inner_cps(c, ts.str, term_list(), ts.list.begin(), ts.list.end(), r);
return concat(ccp_ttlist_result);
auto m = [&](const term &t){
int mtu = 0;
for(auto &p : ttlist){
mtu = (std::max)(maxindex(p.first), mtu);
mtu = (std::max)(maxindex(p.second), mtu);
return rename(mtu + 1, t);
std::function<term(const term&)> identity = [](const term &a){ return a; };
return cps(identity, m(l), m(r));
static ids critical_pairs2(const ids &r1, const ids &r2){
ids ttlist;
for(auto &iter : r2){
ids tt = ccps(r1, iter.first, iter.second);
ttlist.insert(ttlist.end(), tt.begin(), tt.end());
return ttlist;
static ids critical_pairs(const ids &r){
return critical_pairs2(r, r);
struct context_element{
type str;
std::vector<term> ts, us;
using context = std::vector<context_element>;
static term replace(const context &cs, term t){
for(auto &c : cs){
std::vector<term> ts_t_us = c.ts;
ts_t_us.reserve(ts_t_us.size() + + 1);
t = make_term_list(c.str, ts_t_us);
return t;
static std::tuple<ids, ids, ids> add_rule(const term &l, const term &r, typename ids::const_iterator ids_e_first, typename ids::const_iterator ids_e_last, const ids &ids_s, const ids &ids_r){
std::tuple<ids, ids>(
typename ids::const_iterator,
typename ids::const_iterator,
typename ids::const_iterator,
typename ids::const_iterator,
const ids&
> simpl = [&](
typename ids::const_iterator u_first,
typename ids::const_iterator u_last,
typename ids::const_iterator e_prime_first,
typename ids::const_iterator e_prime_last,
const ids &u_prime
if(u_first == u_last){
return make_tuple(ids(e_prime_first, e_prime_last), u_prime);
const term &g = u_first->first, &d = u_first->second;
ids lr = { std::make_pair(l, r) };
term g_prime = norm(lr, g);
if(g_prime == g){
term d_prime;
ids lr_r_s;
lr_r_s.reserve(ids_r.size() + ids_s.size() + 1);
lr_r_s.push_back(std::make_pair(l, r));
lr_r_s.insert(lr_r_s.end(), ids_r.begin(), ids_r.end());
lr_r_s.insert(lr_r_s.end(), ids_s.begin(), ids_s.end());
d_prime = norm(lr_r_s, d);
ids g_d_prime_u_prime;
g_d_prime_u_prime.reserve(u_prime.size() + 1);
g_d_prime_u_prime.push_back(std::make_pair(g, d_prime));
g_d_prime_u_prime.insert(g_d_prime_u_prime.end(), u_prime.begin(), u_prime.end());
return simpl(u_first + 1, u_last, e_prime_first, e_prime_last, g_d_prime_u_prime);
ids g_prime_d_e;
g_prime_d_e.reserve(ids_e_last - ids_e_first + 1);
g_prime_d_e.push_back(std::make_pair(g_prime, d));
g_prime_d_e.insert(g_prime_d_e.end(), ids_e_first, ids_e_last);
return simpl(u_first + 1, u_last, g_prime_d_e.begin(), g_prime_d_e.end(), u_prime);
std::tuple<ids, ids> e_prime_s_prime = simpl(ids_s.begin(), ids_s.end(), ids_e_first, ids_e_last, ids());
ids &e_prime = std::get<0>(e_prime_s_prime), &s_prime = std::get<1>(e_prime_s_prime);
std::tuple<ids, ids> e_wprime_r_prime = simpl(ids_r.begin(), ids_r.end(), e_prime.begin(), e_prime.end(), ids());
ids &e_wprime = std::get<0>(e_wprime_r_prime), r_prime = std::get<1>(e_wprime_r_prime);
ids lr_s_prime;
lr_s_prime.reserve(s_prime.size() + 1);
lr_s_prime.push_back(std::make_pair(l, r));
lr_s_prime.insert(lr_s_prime.end(), s_prime.begin(), s_prime.end());
return make_tuple(e_wprime, lr_s_prime, r_prime);
struct fail_exception{
term t, u;
struct ori{
std::function<order(const term&, const term&)> ord;
std::pair<ids, ids> operator ()(typename ids::const_iterator e_first, typename ids::const_iterator e_last, ids ids_s, ids ids_r) const{
term s_prime, t_prime;
std::tuple<ids, ids, ids> tmp;
if(e_first == e_last){
const term &s = e_first->first, &t = e_first->second;
ids rs;
rs.reserve(ids_r.size() + ids_s.size());
rs.insert(rs.end(), ids_r.begin(), ids_r.end());
rs.insert(rs.end(), ids_s.begin(), ids_s.end());
s_prime = norm(rs, s), t_prime = norm(rs, t);
if(ord(s_prime, t_prime) == order::eq){
}else if(ord(s_prime, t_prime) == order::gr){
tmp = add_rule(s_prime, t_prime, e_first + 1, e_last, ids_s, ids_r);
e_first = std::get<0>(tmp).begin();
e_last = std::get<0>(tmp).end();
ids_s = std::move(std::get<1>(tmp));
ids_r = std::move(std::get<2>(tmp));
}else if(ord(t_prime, s_prime) == order::gr){
tmp = add_rule(t_prime, s_prime, e_first + 1, e_last, ids_s, ids_r);
e_first = std::get<0>(tmp).begin();
e_last = std::get<0>(tmp).end();
ids_s = std::move(std::get<1>(tmp));
ids_r = std::move(std::get<2>(tmp));
throw fail_exception({ s_prime, t_prime });
return std::make_pair(ids_s, ids_r);
static std::function<std::pair<ids, ids>(typename ids::const_iterator, typename ids::const_iterator, ids, ids)> orient(std::function<order(const term&, const term&)> ord){
return ori{ ord };
static std::size_t size(const term &t){
if(t.which() == term::type_variable){
return 1;
const term_list &ts = boost::get<term_list>(t);
std::size_t s = 1;
for(auto &iter : ts.list){
s += size(iter);
return s;
static std::tuple<const term*, const term*, ids> min_rule(const term &t, const term &u, std::size_t n, typename ids::const_iterator r_first, typename ids::const_iterator r_last, const ids &r_prime){
if(r_first == r_last){
return make_tuple(&t, &u, r_prime);
const term &l = r_first->first, &r = r_first->second;
std::size_t m = size(l) + size(r);
ids nr;
nr.reserve(r_prime.size() + 1);
if(m < n){
nr.push_back(std::make_pair(t, u));
nr.insert(nr.end(), r_prime.begin(), r_prime.end());
return min_rule(l, r, m, r_first + 1, r_last, nr);
nr.push_back(std::make_pair(l, r));
nr.insert(nr.end(), r_prime.begin(), r_prime.end());
return min_rule(t, u, n, r_first + 1, r_last, nr);
static std::tuple<const term*, const term*, ids> choose(typename ids::const_iterator r_first, typename ids::const_iterator r_last){
return min_rule(r_first->first, r_first->second, size(r_first->first) + size(r_first->second), r_first + 1, r_last, ids());
static ids complete(std::function<order(const term&, const term&)> ord, const ids &e, std::size_t break_count = 0){
std::function<ids(ids, ids, ids)> inner_completion = [&](ids ids_e, ids ids_s, ids ids_r){
std::pair<ids, ids> sr;
std::size_t count = 0;
while(break_count == 0 || count < break_count){
std::function<std::pair<ids, ids>(typename ids::const_iterator, typename ids::const_iterator, const ids&, const ids&)> f = orient(ord);
sr = f(ids_e.begin(), ids_e.end(), ids_s, ids_r);
const ids &s_prime = sr.first, &r_prime = sr.second;
std::tuple<const term*, const term*, ids> rl_s_wprime = choose(s_prime.begin(), s_prime.end());
ids cps, cps_tmp, rl = { std::make_pair(*std::get<0>(rl_s_wprime), *std::get<1>(rl_s_wprime)) };
cps = critical_pairs2(rl, r_prime);
cps_tmp = critical_pairs2(r_prime, rl);
cps.insert(cps.begin(), cps_tmp.begin(), cps_tmp.end());
cps_tmp = critical_pairs2(rl, rl);
cps.insert(cps.begin(), cps_tmp.begin(), cps_tmp.end());
cps_tmp = ids();
ids rl_r_prime;
rl_r_prime.reserve(r_prime.size() + 1);
rl_r_prime.push_back(std::make_pair(*std::get<0>(rl_s_wprime), *std::get<1>(rl_s_wprime)));
rl_r_prime.insert(rl_r_prime.begin(), r_prime.begin(), r_prime.end());
ids_e = std::move(cps);
ids_s = std::move(std::get<2>(rl_s_wprime));
ids_r = std::move(rl_r_prime);
return sr.second;
return inner_completion(e, ids(), ids());
class total_rewriter{
term t;
std::unique_ptr<boost::coroutines2::coroutine<bool>::pull_type> co;
const ids &rules;
void reset(const term &t_){
this->t = t_;
auto wrap = [&](boost::coroutines2::coroutine<bool>::push_type &y) mutable{
std::function<void(term&)> rec;
rec = [&](term &curr) mutable{
bool ret = false;
auto f = [&](term &t_) mutable{
if(t_.which() == term::type_variable){
bool mod = false;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); ++i){
std::map<type, term> variable_map;
std::function<bool(const term&, const term&)> match;
match = [&](const term &u, const term &v) mutable{
if(v.which() == term::type_term_list){
if(u.str() != v.str()){
return false;
const term_list &ulr = boost::get<const term_list&>(u);
const term_list &vlr = boost::get<const term_list&>(v);
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < ulr.list.size(); ++i){
if(!match(ulr.list[i], vlr.list[i])){
return false;
return true;
auto f = variable_map.find(v.str());
if(f == variable_map.end()){
variable_map.insert(f, std::make_pair(v.str(), u));
return true;
return match(u, f->second);
if(match(t_, rules[i].first)){
t_ = rules[i].second;
std::function<void(term&)> lambda;
lambda = [&](term &t) mutable{
if(t.which() == term::type_variable){
t = variable_map[t.str()];
term_list &tl = boost::get<term_list&>(t_);
for(auto &&i : tl.list){
mod = true;
ret = mod;
if(curr.which() == term::type_term_list){
term_list &tl = boost::get<term_list>(curr);
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < tl.list.size(); ++i){
co.reset(new boost::coroutines2::coroutine<bool>::pull_type(boost::coroutines2::fixedsize_stack(65536 * 16), wrap));
const term &result() const{
return t;
bool rewrite_step(){
return co->get();
total_rewriter() = delete;
total_rewriter(const ids &rules) : rules(rules){}
total_rewriter(const total_rewriter &other) : t(other.t), rules(other.rules){}
total_rewriter(total_rewriter &&other) : t(std::move(other.t)), rules(other.rules){}
~total_rewriter() = default;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/timer.hpp>
template<class TRS>
void print_term(const typename TRS::term &t){
case TRS::term::type_variable:
std::cout << boost::get<typename TRS::vname>(t).str;
case TRS::term::type_term_list:
std::cout << boost::get<typename TRS::term_list>(t).str;
if(!TRS::null(boost::get<typename TRS::term_list>(t).list)){
std::cout << "(";
std::function<void(const typename TRS::term&)> f = [](const typename TRS::term &t){
std::function<void(typename std::vector<typename TRS::term>::const_iterator, typename std::vector<typename TRS::term>::const_iterator)>
g = [](typename std::vector<typename TRS::term>::const_iterator beg, typename std::vector<typename TRS::term>::const_iterator end){
if(beg != end){ std::cout << ", "; }
TRS::allapp(f, g, boost::get<typename TRS::term_list>(t).list);
if(!TRS::null(boost::get<typename TRS::term_list>(t).list)){
std::cout << ")";
using trs = term_rewriting_system<std::string>;
trs::ids group(){
auto f = [&](const trs::term &a, const trs::term &b){ return trs::make_function("f", { a, b }); };
auto i = [&](const trs::term &a){ return trs::make_function("i", { a }); };
auto e = trs::make_constant("e");
auto var = [&](const std::string &str){ return trs::make_variable(str); };
std::pair<trs::term, trs::term> rule_1 = std::make_pair(f(f(var("x"), var("y")), var("z")), f(var("x"), f(var("y"), var("z"))));
std::pair<trs::term, trs::term> rule_2 = std::make_pair(f(i(var("x")), var("x")), e);
std::pair<trs::term, trs::term> rule_3 = std::make_pair(f(e, var("x")), var("x"));
trs::ids rules = { rule_1, rule_2, rule_3 };
boost::timer timer;
trs::ids result;
result = trs::complete(trs::lpo_functor, rules);
}catch(trs::fail_exception e){
std::cout << std::endl;
return result;
double time = timer.elapsed();
auto print_rules = [&](const trs::ids &rules){
for(auto &iter : rules){
std::cout << " => ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << time << "\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "group:" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "completed group:" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
return result;
void rewrite_test(){
const auto f = [&](const trs::term &a, const trs::term &b){ return trs::make_function("f", { a, b }); };
const auto i = [&](const trs::term &a){ return trs::make_function("i", { a }); };
const auto e = trs::make_constant("e");
const auto var = [&](const std::string &str){ return trs::make_variable(str); };
const auto con = [&](const std::string &str){ return trs::make_constant(str); };
trs::ids g = group();
trs::total_rewriter rew(g);
trs::term t = f(i(f(i(var("a")), var("a"))), f(var("b"), i(var("b"))));
std::cout << "rewrite test:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "before" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nreductions (step):" << std::endl;
trs::term u = rew.result();
std::cout << std::endl;
int main(){
return 0;
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