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Created September 3, 2017 20:21
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const braces = '(())';
const checkConsistance = (str) => {
const res = str
(acc, current) => ({
'(': () => { ++acc['(']; return acc; },
')': () => { ++acc[')']; return acc; }
})[current](), {
'(': 0,
')': 0
return res['('] === res[')'];
const isValid = (str) => {
if (str[0] === ')') return false;
let res = str
(acc, current) => ({
'(': () => { if (acc.multiple) acc.appendedTwice = true; acc.stack.push('0'); return acc; },
')': () => { if (acc.stack.length === 1) acc.multiple = true; acc.stack.pop(); return acc; }
})[current](), {
stack: [],
multiple: false,
appendedTwice: false
return (res.stack.length === 0) && !res.appendedTwice;
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