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Created August 1, 2009 11:17
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Rough example showing download bandwidth throttling with ASIHTTPRequest
- (void)handleBytesAvailable
if (![self responseHeaders]) {
if ([self readResponseHeadersReturningAuthenticationFailure]) {
[self attemptToApplyCredentialsAndResume];
if ([self needsRedirect]) {
int bufferSize = 2048;
if (contentLength > 262144) {
bufferSize = 65536;
} else if (contentLength > 65536) {
bufferSize = 16384;
if (!throttleMeasurementDate || [throttleMeasurementDate timeIntervalSinceNow] < -1.0) {
[throttleMeasurementDate release];
throttleMeasurementDate = [[NSDate date] retain];
bytesReadSinceLastMeasurement = 0;
// Have we read more than 64KB in the last second?
if (bytesReadSinceLastMeasurement + bufferSize > 65536) {
bufferSize = 65536-bytesReadSinceLastMeasurement;
// Ensure we always read at least one byte or we'll stop receiving data
if (bufferSize <= 0) {
bufferSize = 1;
UInt8 buffer[bufferSize];
CFIndex bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(readStream, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
// Less than zero is an error
if (bytesRead < 0) {
[self handleStreamError];
// If zero bytes were read, wait for the EOF to come.
} else if (bytesRead) {
// Record how many bytes we've read for throttling
bytesReadSinceLastMeasurement += bytesRead;
[self setTotalBytesRead:[self totalBytesRead]+bytesRead];
[self setLastActivityTime:[NSDate date]];
//NSLog(@"%llu",[self totalBytesRead]);
// Are we downloading to a file?
if ([self downloadDestinationPath]) {
if (![self fileDownloadOutputStream]) {
BOOL append = NO;
if (![self temporaryFileDownloadPath]) {
[self setTemporaryFileDownloadPath:[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] globallyUniqueString]]];
} else if ([self allowResumeForFileDownloads]) {
append = YES;
[self setFileDownloadOutputStream:[[[NSOutputStream alloc] initToFileAtPath:temporaryFileDownloadPath append:append] autorelease]];
[fileDownloadOutputStream open];
[fileDownloadOutputStream write:buffer maxLength:bytesRead];
//Otherwise, let's add the data to our in-memory store
} else {
[rawResponseData appendBytes:buffer length:bytesRead];
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