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Last active January 12, 2022 16:23
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  • Save pokey/a9bb9a201226f73ad3865bbb7754ba3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Bulk transfer all github issues from one repo to another, keeping labels intact
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Migrates all open issues from one repo to another, labeling them with the same labels, and adding a new label
# Assumes:
# - the target repo's labels are a superset of the source repo's
# - you have jq installed
# - you have gh installed
# Steps:
# 1. Change source_repo to your source repo,
# 2. Change target_repo in to your target repo, and
# 3. Change "talon" below to the label you want to add to all migrated issues
gh issue list --repo $source_repo --json url,labels \
| jq -r '.[]|{labels: ([.labels[].name, "talon"]|join(",")), url} | tojson | @sh' \
| xargs -n1 ./
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Helper script used by `` to migrate and label a single issue
# Expects single arg containing json object with url and comma-separated labels
input_issue_url=$(echo "$input_issue_info" | jq -r '.url')
input_issue_labels=$(echo "$input_issue_info" | jq -r '.labels')
new_issue=$(gh issue transfer $input_issue_url $target_repo)
gh issue edit $new_issue --add-label "$input_issue_labels"
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