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Created May 14, 2018 13:42
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Module infrastructure
public typealias ModuleParameters = [String: String]
Application module represents a group off all the classes that implement a certain functionality of the module, like:
- Storyboard
- View Controllers
- Views, specific to the module
- Presenters, View Models and other Client architecture classes
- ...
Every module needs to identify itself with unique application route/domain which is queried by `ModuleHub`
protocol ModuleType {
Every module needs to identify itself with a certain route/domain
- returns:
String that represents the route, domain, like _"/module-name"_
var route: String { get }
var paths: [String] { get }
Function has to implement start of the module
- parameters:
- parameters: Simple dictionary of parameters
- path: Path which is later recognised by specific module and converted to possible method
func open(parameters: ModuleParameters?,
path: String?,
callback: ModuleCallback?)
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