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Last active May 15, 2018 08:05
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Application Router
public typealias ModuleCallback = ([String: Any]?, Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void
Protocol defines application router, which function is
- register application modules
- access/open the modules
- provide the callback, result of the access
protocol ApplicationRouterType: class {
var instantiatedModules: [ModuleType] { get set }
var moduleQueue: DispatchQueue { get }
func open(url: URL,
callback: ModuleCallback?)
extension ApplicationRouterType {
func open(url: URL,
callback: ModuleCallback?) {
guard let components = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false),
let route = else {
assertionFailure("Wrong host or/and path")
guard let module = instantiatedModules.filter({ $0.route == route }).first,
let path = module.paths.filter({ $0 == url.path }).first else { return } components.queryItemsDictionary, path: path) { (response, data, urlResponse, error) in
callback?(response, data, urlResponse, error)
class ApplicationRouter: ApplicationRouterType {
// TODO: This is synchronising only write access, which might be inadequate in many cases
// Need to be replaced with proper full generic implementation of synchronized collection
private (set) var moduleQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.tandem.module.queue")
// ApplicationRouter is a singleton, because it makes it easier to be accessed from anywhere to access its functions/services
static let shared = ApplicationRouter()
// We have registered 2 modules for now...
var instantiatedModules: [ModuleType] = [PaymentModule(),
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