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Last active May 15, 2018 06:31
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class ApplicationServices {
// ApplicationServices is a singleton, because it makes it easier to be accessed from anywhere to access its functions/services
static let shared = ApplicationServices()
let appRouter = ApplicationRouter()
func pay(amount: Double,
username: String,
password: String,
completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
// Get payment token from `LoginModule` with `username` and `password`
guard let moduleUrl = URL(schema: "tandem",
host: "login",
path: "/payment-token",
parameters: ["username": username,
"password": password]) else {
} moduleUrl) { [weak self] (response, responseData, urlResponse, error) in
// Use `token` in response to make an actual payment through `PaymentsModule`
guard let response = response,
let token = response["paymentToken"] as? String,
let moduleUrl = URL(schema: "tandem",
host: "payments",
path: "/pay",
parameters: ["token": token,
"amount": String(amount)]) else {
self? moduleUrl) { (response, responseData, urlResponse, error) in
// Final callback, basically just to synchronize our example here with the NonCompliantModule
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