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Last active July 6, 2018 13:00
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This interface defines few simple steps:
- store the module route, so it can be accessed many times
- route the request sent to the module with parameters to desired functionality which is encapsulated in the module
protocol ModuleRouter {
var route: String { get set }
init(route: String)
func route(parameters: ModuleParameters?,
path: String?,
callback: ModuleCallback?)
// A simple way of formalising request parameters within a module
enum LoginModuleParameters: String {
case username
case password
case paymentToken
case bearerToken
class LoginModuleRouter: ModuleRouter {
lazy var interactor = LoginInteractor()
internal var route: String
required init(route: String) {
self.route = route
func route(parameters: ModuleParameters?,
path: String?,
callback: ModuleCallback?) {
switch path {
case "/payment-token":
interactor.getPaymentToken(parameters: parameters) { (token, urlResponse, error) in
if let token = token {
let response = [LoginModuleParameters.paymentToken.rawValue: token]
callback?(response, nil, urlResponse, nil)
else {
// Simplyfication of error response
callback?(nil, nil, nil, error)
case "/login":
interactor.login(parameters: parameters) { (token, urlResponse, error) in
if let token = token {
let response = [LoginModuleParameters.bearerToken.rawValue: token]
callback?(response, nil, urlResponse, nil)
else {
// Simplyfication of error response
callback?(nil, nil, nil, error)
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