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Last active March 13, 2018 15:08
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// Custom RawRepresentable type for BestEnum
struct BestEnumRaw: ExpressibleByStringLiteral{
let rawString:String?
rawString = nil
init(stringLiteral value: String){
rawString = value
init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String){
rawString = value
init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String){
rawString = value
extension BestEnumRaw: Equatable{
// Before actual comparison, fill static `all` set with String value
// that corresponds to the enum case
static func ==(lhs: BestEnumRaw, rhs: BestEnumRaw) -> Bool {
if let lhsRaw = lhs.rawString { BestEnum.all.insert(lhsRaw)}
if let rhsRaw = rhs.rawString { BestEnum.all.insert(rhsRaw)}
return lhs.rawString == rhs.rawString
enum BestEnum:BestEnumRaw{
// bucket for all representable Strings
static var all:Set<String> = []
case myCase = "my_case"
case otherCase = "otherCase"
// ensuring that all static var fills with raw values
BestEnum(rawValue: BestEnumRaw())
// allCases: Array<BestEnum>
let allCases ={BestEnumRaw(stringLiteral: $0)}).flatMap(BestEnum.init)
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