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Created February 11, 2013 13:08
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Save polarblau/4754326 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Base for new jQuery plugins written in Coffeescript. Enables plugin methods. Based on and .
$ = jQuery
foobar: (method) ->
settings =
option1: true
option2: false
localMethod = ->
console.log "Local method called!"
apiMethods =
init: (options) ->
settings = $.extend true, settings, options
console.log "Initialized!"
localMethod() # "private" methods
console.log $(@).attr 'id' # scope, this = DOM element
console.log "Option 1: #{settings.option1}" # options
destroy: ->
console.log "Destroyed!"
if apiMethods[method]?
apiMethods[method].apply @,, 1)
else if typeof method is 'object' or !method
apiMethods.init.apply @, arguments
$.error "jQuery.foobar doesn't implement the method '#{method}'."
$('#foo').foobar(option1: false)
# -> Initialized!
# -> Local method called!
# -> foo
# -> Option 1: false
# -> Destroyed!
# -> Uncaught Error: jQuery.foobar doesn't implement the method 'foo'.
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