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Created December 25, 2014 18:35
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How to create shared object instance thru fixture with pytest xdist
import pytest
from random import randint
import logging
import pickle
logging.basicConfig(filename="log.log", level=logging.INFO)
class App(object):
def __init__(self):
self.a = randint(0, 100)"initialized {}".format(self))
def method(self):"method in app that print {}".format(self.a))
def pytest_configure(config):
if not hasattr(config, "slaveinput"): = App()
def pytest_configure_node(node):
node.slaveinput["app"] = pickle.dumps(
def app(request):
return pickle.loads(request.config.slaveinput["app"])
INFO:root:initialized <conftest.App object at 0x02B07470>
INFO:root:method in app that print 46
INFO:root:method in app that print 46
INFO:root:method in app that print 46
versions pytest-2.5.1, py-1.4.19,
args=['--debug', '-s', '-v', '-n3', '']
finish pytest_cmdline_parse --> <_pytest.config.Config object at 0x02776490> [hook]
pytest_cmdline_main [hook]
config: <_pytest.config.Config object at 0x02776490>
pytest_plugin_registered [hook]
manager: <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0x027604B0>
plugin: <Session 'pytest-parallel-run'>
pytest_configure [hook]
config: <_pytest.config.Config object at 0x02776490>
configured with mode set to 'rewrite' [assertion]
pytest_plugin_registered [hook]
manager: <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0x027604B0>
plugin: <_pytest.terminal.TerminalReporter instance at 0x02BB23C8>
pytest_plugin_registered [hook]
manager: <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0x027604B0>
plugin: <xdist.dsession.TerminalDistReporter instance at 0x02C2C3F0>
pytest_plugin_registered [hook]
manager: <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0x027604B0>
plugin: <xdist.dsession.DSession instance at 0x02C26968>
pytest_sessionstart [hook]
session: <Session 'pytest-parallel-run'>
pytest_plugin_registered [hook]
manager: <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0x027604B0>
plugin: <_pytest.python.FixtureManager instance at 0x02C2CAA8>
pytest_report_header [hook]
startdir: d:\temp\pytest-parallel-run
config: <_pytest.config.Config object at 0x02776490>
finish pytest_report_header --> ['plugins: xdist', ['using: pytest-2.5.1 pylib-1.4.19', 'setuptools registered plugins:', ' pytest-xdist-1.9 at c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\xdist\\plugin.pyc']] [hook]
pytest_xdist_setupnodes [hook]
config: <_pytest.config.Config object at 0x02776490>
specs: [<XSpec 'popen'>, <XSpec 'popen'>, <XSpec 'popen'>]
pytest_xdist_newgateway [hook]
gateway: <Gateway id='gw0' receive-live, 0 active channels>
pytest_xdist_newgateway [hook]
gateway: <Gateway id='gw1' receive-live, 0 active channels>
pytest_xdist_newgateway [hook]
gateway: <Gateway id='gw2' receive-live, 0 active channels>
setting up nodes [config:nodemanager]
new basetemp c:\users\poliar~1\appdata\local\temp\pytest-96 [config:tmpdir]
pytest_configure_node [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw0>
started node <SlaveController gw0> [config:nodemanager]
pytest_configure_node [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw1>
started node <SlaveController gw1> [config:nodemanager]
pytest_configure_node [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw2>
started node <SlaveController gw2> [config:nodemanager]
pytest_collection [hook]
session: <Session 'pytest-parallel-run'>
finish pytest_collection --> True [hook]
pytest_runtestloop [hook]
session: <Session 'pytest-parallel-run'>
pytest_testnodeready [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw1>
pytest_testnodeready [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw0>
pytest_testnodeready [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw2>
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='setup' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='setup' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('', '', '') [hook]
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='setup' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='setup' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('', '', '') [hook]
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='call' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='call' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('passed', '.', 'PASSED') [hook]
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='call' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='call' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('passed', '.', 'PASSED') [hook]
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='teardown' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='teardown' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('', '', '') [hook]
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='teardown' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='teardown' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('', '', '') [hook]
pytest_testnodedown [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw2>
error: None
pytest_testnodedown [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw0>
error: None
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='setup' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='setup' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('', '', '') [hook]
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='call' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='call' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('passed', '.', 'PASSED') [hook]
pytest_runtest_logreport [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='teardown' outcome='passed'>
pytest_report_teststatus [hook]
report: <TestReport '' when='teardown' outcome='passed'>
finish pytest_report_teststatus --> ('', '', '') [hook]
pytest_testnodedown [hook]
node: <SlaveController gw1>
error: None
finish pytest_runtestloop --> True [hook]
pytest_sessionfinish [hook]
session: <Session 'pytest-parallel-run'>
exitstatus: 0
pytest_terminal_summary [hook]
terminalreporter: <_pytest.terminal.TerminalReporter instance at 0x02BB23C8>
pytest_unconfigure [hook]
config: <_pytest.config.Config object at 0x02776490>
finish [config:tmpdir]
import pytest
def test_exists(app):
def test_exists2(app):
def test_exists3(app):
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