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Created April 14, 2016 17:39
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Attribute VB_Name = "modText"
Option Explicit
' Stuffs
Public Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Public Type CharVA
Vertex(0 To 3) As TLVERTEX
End Type
Public Type VFH
BitmapWidth As Long
BitmapHeight As Long
CellWidth As Long
CellHeight As Long
BaseCharOffset As Byte
CharWidth(0 To 255) As Byte
CharVA(0 To 255) As CharVA
End Type
Private Type CustomFont
HeaderInfo As VFH
Texture As DX8TextureRec
RowPitch As Integer
RowFactor As Single
ColFactor As Single
CharHeight As Byte
End Type
Public Font_Default As CustomFont
Public Font_Georgia As CustomFont
' Chat Buffer
Public ChatVA() As TLVERTEX
Public ChatVAS() As TLVERTEX
Public Const ChatTextBufferSize As Integer = 200
Public ChatBufferChunk As Single
'Text buffer
Public Type ChatTextBuffer
text As String
color As Long
End Type
'Chat vertex buffer information
Public ChatArrayUbound As Long
Public ChatVB As Direct3DVertexBuffer8
Public ChatVBS As Direct3DVertexBuffer8
Public ChatTextBuffer(1 To ChatTextBufferSize) As ChatTextBuffer
Public Const FVF_SIZE As Long = 28
Public Sub RenderText(ByRef UseFont As CustomFont, ByVal text As String, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal color As Long, Optional ByVal Alpha As Long = 0, Optional Shadow As Boolean = True)
Dim TempVA(0 To 3) As TLVERTEX
Dim TempVAS(0 To 3) As TLVERTEX
Dim TempStr() As String
Dim Count As Integer
Dim Ascii() As Byte
Dim Row As Integer
Dim u As Single
Dim v As Single
Dim I As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim KeyPhrase As Byte
Dim TempColor As Long
Dim ResetColor As Byte
Dim srcRect As RECT
Dim v2 As D3DVECTOR2
Dim v3 As D3DVECTOR2
Dim yOffset As Single
' set the color
Alpha = 255 - Alpha
color = dx8Colour(color, Alpha)
'Check for valid text to render
If LenB(text) = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Get the text into arrays (split by vbCrLf)
TempStr = Split(text, vbCrLf)
'Set the temp color (or else the first character has no color)
TempColor = color
'Set the texture
Direct3D_Device.SetTexture 0, gTexture(UseFont.Texture.Texture).Texture
'CurrentTexture = -1
'Loop through each line if there are line breaks (vbCrLf)
For I = 0 To UBound(TempStr)
If Len(TempStr(I)) > 0 Then
yOffset = I * UseFont.CharHeight
Count = 0
'Convert the characters to the ascii value
Ascii() = StrConv(TempStr(I), vbFromUnicode)
'Loop through the characters
For j = 1 To Len(TempStr(I))
'Copy from the cached vertex array to the temp vertex array
Call CopyMemory(TempVA(0), UseFont.HeaderInfo.CharVA(Ascii(j - 1)).Vertex(0), FVF_SIZE * 4)
'Set up the verticies
TempVA(0).X = X + Count
TempVA(0).Y = Y + yOffset
TempVA(1).X = TempVA(1).X + X + Count
TempVA(1).Y = TempVA(0).Y
TempVA(2).X = TempVA(0).X
TempVA(2).Y = TempVA(2).Y + TempVA(0).Y
TempVA(3).X = TempVA(1).X
TempVA(3).Y = TempVA(2).Y
'Set the colors
TempVA(0).color = TempColor
TempVA(1).color = TempColor
TempVA(2).color = TempColor
TempVA(3).color = TempColor
'Draw the verticies
Call Direct3D_Device.DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, TempVA(0), Len(TempVA(0)))
'Shift over the the position to render the next character
Count = Count + UseFont.HeaderInfo.CharWidth(Ascii(j - 1))
'Check to reset the color
If ResetColor Then
ResetColor = 0
TempColor = color
End If
Next j
End If
Next I
End Sub
Sub EngineInitFontTextures()
NumTextures = NumTextures + 1
ReDim Preserve gTexture(NumTextures)
Font_Default.Texture.Texture = NumTextures
Font_Default.Texture.filepath = App.Path & FONT_PATH & "texdefault.png"
LoadTexture Font_Default.Texture
' Georgia
NumTextures = NumTextures + 1
ReDim Preserve gTexture(NumTextures)
Font_Georgia.Texture.Texture = NumTextures
Font_Georgia.Texture.filepath = App.Path & FONT_PATH & "georgia.png"
LoadTexture Font_Georgia.Texture
End Sub
Sub UnloadFontTextures()
UnloadFont Font_Default
UnloadFont Font_Georgia
End Sub
Sub UnloadFont(Font As CustomFont)
Font.Texture.Texture = 0
End Sub
Sub LoadFontHeader(ByRef theFont As CustomFont, ByVal filename As String)
Dim FileNum As Byte
Dim LoopChar As Long
Dim Row As Single
Dim u As Single
Dim v As Single
'Load the header information
FileNum = FreeFile
Open App.Path & FONT_PATH & filename For Binary As #FileNum
Get #FileNum, , theFont.HeaderInfo
Close #FileNum
'Calculate some common values
theFont.CharHeight = theFont.HeaderInfo.CellHeight - 4
theFont.RowPitch = theFont.HeaderInfo.BitmapWidth \ theFont.HeaderInfo.CellWidth
theFont.ColFactor = theFont.HeaderInfo.CellWidth / theFont.HeaderInfo.BitmapWidth
theFont.RowFactor = theFont.HeaderInfo.CellHeight / theFont.HeaderInfo.BitmapHeight
'Cache the verticies used to draw the character (only requires setting the color and adding to the X/Y values)
For LoopChar = 0 To 255
'tU and tV value (basically tU = BitmapXPosition / BitmapWidth, and height for tV)
Row = (LoopChar - theFont.HeaderInfo.BaseCharOffset) \ theFont.RowPitch
u = ((LoopChar - theFont.HeaderInfo.BaseCharOffset) - (Row * theFont.RowPitch)) * theFont.ColFactor
v = Row * theFont.RowFactor
'Set the verticies
With theFont.HeaderInfo.CharVA(LoopChar)
.Vertex(0).color = D3DColorARGB(255, 0, 0, 0) 'Black is the most common color
.Vertex(0).RHW = 1
.Vertex(0).TU = u
.Vertex(0).TV = v
.Vertex(0).X = 0
.Vertex(0).Y = 0
.Vertex(0).Z = 0
.Vertex(1).color = D3DColorARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)
.Vertex(1).RHW = 1
.Vertex(1).TU = u + theFont.ColFactor
.Vertex(1).TV = v
.Vertex(1).X = theFont.HeaderInfo.CellWidth
.Vertex(1).Y = 0
.Vertex(1).Z = 0
.Vertex(2).color = D3DColorARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)
.Vertex(2).RHW = 1
.Vertex(2).TU = u
.Vertex(2).TV = v + theFont.RowFactor
.Vertex(2).X = 0
.Vertex(2).Y = theFont.HeaderInfo.CellHeight
.Vertex(2).Z = 0
.Vertex(3).color = D3DColorARGB(255, 0, 0, 0)
.Vertex(3).RHW = 1
.Vertex(3).TU = u + theFont.ColFactor
.Vertex(3).TV = v + theFont.RowFactor
.Vertex(3).X = theFont.HeaderInfo.CellWidth
.Vertex(3).Y = theFont.HeaderInfo.CellHeight
.Vertex(3).Z = 0
End With
Next LoopChar
End Sub
Sub EngineInitFontSettings()
LoadFontHeader Font_Default, "texdefault.dat"
LoadFontHeader Font_Georgia, "georgia.dat"
End Sub
Public Function dx8Colour(ByVal colourNum As Long, ByVal Alpha As Long) As Long
Select Case colourNum
Case 0 ' Black
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 0, 0, 0)
Case 1 ' Blue
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 16, 104, 237)
Case 2 ' Green
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 119, 188, 84)
Case 3 ' Cyan
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 16, 224, 237)
Case 4 ' Red
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 201, 0, 0)
Case 5 ' Magenta
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 255, 0, 255)
Case 6 ' Brown
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 175, 149, 92)
Case 7 ' Grey
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 192, 192, 192)
Case 8 ' DarkGrey
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 128, 128, 128)
Case 9 ' BrightBlue
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 126, 182, 240)
Case 10 ' BrightGreen
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 126, 240, 137)
Case 11 ' BrightCyan
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 157, 242, 242)
Case 12 ' BrightRed
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 255, 0, 0)
Case 13 ' Pink
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 255, 118, 221)
Case 14 ' Yellow
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 255, 255, 0)
Case 15 ' White
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 255, 255, 255)
Case 16 ' dark brown
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 98, 84, 52)
Case 17 'Orange
dx8Colour = D3DColorARGB(Alpha, 255, 96, 0)
End Select
End Function
Public Function EngineGetTextWidth(ByRef UseFont As CustomFont, ByVal text As String) As Integer
Dim LoopI As Integer
'Make sure we have text
If LenB(text) = 0 Then Exit Function
'Loop through the text
For LoopI = 1 To Len(text)
EngineGetTextWidth = EngineGetTextWidth + UseFont.HeaderInfo.CharWidth(Asc(Mid$(text, LoopI, 1)))
Next LoopI
End Function
Public Sub DrawPlayerName(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim TextX As Long
Dim TextY As Long
Dim color As Long
Dim name As String
Dim Text2X As Long
Dim Text2Y As Long
Dim GuildString As String
Dim ThreatColor As Long
'Dim Text2Y As Long
Dim Text3X As Long
Dim LevelText As String
Dim LevelTextSize As Long
' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Check access level
If GetPlayerPK(Index) = NO Then
Select Case GetPlayerAccess(Index)
Case 0
color = White
Case 1
color = Blue
Case 2
color = Cyan
Case 3
color = BrightGreen
Case 4
color = Pink
End Select
color = BrightRed
End If
If GetPlayerLevel(Index) <= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) - 10 Then
ThreatColor = Grey
ElseIf GetPlayerLevel(Index) <= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) - 5 Then
ThreatColor = Green
ElseIf GetPlayerLevel(Index) <= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) - 1 Then
ThreatColor = Cyan
ElseIf GetPlayerLevel(Index) >= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) + 1 Then
ThreatColor = Yellow
ElseIf GetPlayerLevel(Index) >= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) + 5 Then
ThreatColor = D3DColorARGB(255, 150, 150, 0)
ElseIf GetPlayerLevel(Index) >= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) + 10 Then
ThreatColor = BrightRed
ThreatColor = White
End If
LevelText = "Lv" & GetPlayerLevel(Index) & " " & Trim$(Class(GetPlayerClass(Index)).name)
LevelTextSize = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, LevelText)
name = Trim$(Player(Index).name)
' calc pos
TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X) + Player(Index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (getWidth(Font_Default, (Trim$(name))) / 2)
Text3X = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X) + Player(Index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (getWidth(Font_Default, (Trim$(LevelText))) / 2)
GuildString = Player(Index).GuildTag
Text2X = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X) + Player(Index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (getWidth(Font_Default, (Trim$(GuildString))) / 2)
If GetPlayerSprite(Index) < 1 Or GetPlayerSprite(Index) > NumCharacters Then
TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).yOffset - 16
Text2Y = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).yOffset
' Determine location for text
TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).yOffset - (Tex_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).Height / 4) + 16
Text2Y = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).yOffset - (Tex_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).Height / 4) + 4
End If
' Draw name
'Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Name, Color)
RenderText Font_Default, LevelText, Text3X, Text2Y, ThreatColor
RenderText Font_Default, name, TextX, TextY, color, 0
If Not Player(Index).GuildName = vbNullString Then
'Call DrawText(TexthDC, Text2X, Text2Y, GuildString, Color)
RenderText Font_Default, GuildString, Text2X, Text2Y - 12, Player(Index).GuildColor, 0
End If
' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "DrawPlayerName", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim TextX As Long, Text2X As Long
Dim TextY As Long, Text2Y As Long
Dim color As Long
Dim name As String, NameSize As Long
Dim npcNum As Long
Dim ThreatColor As Long
Dim Level As String, LevelSize As Long
' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
npcNum = MapNpc(Index).num
' get the colour
If NPC(npcNum).Level <= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) - 10 Then
ThreatColor = Grey
ElseIf NPC(npcNum).Level <= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) - 5 Then
ThreatColor = Green
ElseIf NPC(npcNum).Level <= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) - 1 Then
ThreatColor = Cyan
ElseIf NPC(npcNum).Level >= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) + 1 Then
ThreatColor = Yellow
ElseIf NPC(npcNum).Level >= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) + 5 Then
ThreatColor = D3DColorARGB(255, 150, 150, 0)
ElseIf NPC(npcNum).Level >= GetPlayerLevel(MyIndex) + 10 Then
ThreatColor = BrightRed
ThreatColor = White
End If
ThreatColor = White
End If
Select Case NPC(npcNum).Behaviour
color = BrightRed
color = Yellow
color = Grey
Case Else
color = BrightGreen
End Select
name = Trim$(NPC(npcNum).name)
NameSize = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, name)
Level = "Level " & Trim$(NPC(npcNum).Level)
LevelSize = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Level)
TextX = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).X * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (NameSize / 2)
Text2X = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).X * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (LevelSize / 2)
If NPC(npcNum).Sprite < 1 Or NPC(npcNum).Sprite > NumCharacters Then
TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).yOffset - 12
Text2Y = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).yOffset - 16
' Determine location for text
TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).yOffset - (Tex_Character(NPC(npcNum).Sprite).Height / 4) + 16
Text2Y = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).yOffset - (Tex_Character(NPC(npcNum).Sprite).Height / 4) + 4
End If
' Draw name
'Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Name, Color)
RenderText Font_Default, Level, Text2X, Text2Y, ThreatColor
RenderText Font_Default, name, TextX, TextY, color, 0
RenderText Font_Default, name, TextX, TextY, color, 0
End If
Dim I As Long
'check if the npc is the next task to any quest: [?] symbol
If Quest(I).name <> "" Then
If Player(MyIndex).PlayerQuest(I).status = QUEST_STARTED Then
If Quest(I).Task(Player(MyIndex).PlayerQuest(I).ActualTask).NPC = npcNum Then
name = "[?]"
TextX = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).X * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, name) / 2)
TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).yOffset - 16
If NPC(npcNum).Sprite >= 1 And NPC(npcNum).Sprite <= NumCharacters Then
TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).yOffset - (Tex_Character(NPC(npcNum).Sprite).Height / 4)
End If
Call RenderText(Font_Default, name, TextX, TextY - 12, Yellow)
Call RenderText(Font_Default, name, TextX, TextY, Yellow)
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
'check if the npc is the starter to any quest: [!] symbol
'can accept the quest as a new one?
If Player(MyIndex).PlayerQuest(I).status = QUEST_NOT_STARTED Or Player(MyIndex).PlayerQuest(I).status = QUEST_COMPLETED_BUT Then
'the npc gives this quest?
If NPC(npcNum).Quest = 1 Then
name = "[!]"
TextX = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).X * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, name) / 2)
TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).yOffset - 16
If NPC(npcNum).Sprite >= 1 And NPC(npcNum).Sprite <= NumCharacters Then
TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).yOffset - (Tex_Character(NPC(npcNum).Sprite).Height / 4)
End If
Call RenderText(Font_Default, name, TextX, TextY - 12, Yellow)
Call RenderText(Font_Default, name, TextX, TextY, Yellow)
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "DrawNpcName", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Function DrawMapAttributes()
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim tx As Long
Dim ty As Long
' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If frmEditor_Map.optAttribs.value Then
For X = TileView.Left To TileView.Right
For Y = TileView.Top To TileView.Bottom
If IsValidMapPoint(X, Y) Then
With Map.Tile(X, Y)
tx = ((ConvertMapX(X * PIC_X)) - 4) + (PIC_X * 0.5)
ty = ((ConvertMapY(Y * PIC_Y)) - 7) + (PIC_Y * 0.5)
Select Case .Type
RenderText Font_Default, "B", tx, ty, BrightRed, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "W", tx, ty, BrightBlue, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "I", tx, ty, White, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "N", tx, ty, White, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "K", tx, ty, White, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "O", tx, ty, White, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "B", tx, ty, Green, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "D", tx, ty, Brown, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "S", tx, ty, Yellow, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "S", tx, ty, BrightBlue, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "B", tx, ty, Blue, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "H", tx, ty, BrightGreen, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "T", tx, ty, BrightRed, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "S", tx, ty, BrightCyan, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "S", tx, ty, Orange, 0
RenderText Font_Default, "L", tx, ty, Yellow
RenderText Font_Default, "CR", tx, ty, Orange
End Select
End With
End If
End If
' Error handler
Exit Function
HandleError "DrawMapAttributes", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Function
End Function
Sub DrawActionMsg(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim X As Long, Y As Long, I As Long, Time As Long
' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' does it exist
If ActionMsg(Index).Created = 0 Then Exit Sub
' how long we want each message to appear
Select Case ActionMsg(Index).Type
Time = 1500
If ActionMsg(Index).Y > 0 Then
X = ActionMsg(Index).X + Int(PIC_X \ 2) - ((Len(Trim$(ActionMsg(Index).Message)) \ 2) * 8)
Y = ActionMsg(Index).Y - Int(PIC_Y \ 2) - 2
X = ActionMsg(Index).X + Int(PIC_X \ 2) - ((Len(Trim$(ActionMsg(Index).Message)) \ 2) * 8)
Y = ActionMsg(Index).Y - Int(PIC_Y \ 2) + 18
End If
Time = 1500
If ActionMsg(Index).Y > 0 Then
X = ActionMsg(Index).X + Int(PIC_X \ 2) - ((Len(Trim$(ActionMsg(Index).Message)) \ 2) * 8)
Y = ActionMsg(Index).Y - Int(PIC_Y \ 2) - 2 - (ActionMsg(Index).Scroll * 0.6)
ActionMsg(Index).Scroll = ActionMsg(Index).Scroll + 1
X = ActionMsg(Index).X + Int(PIC_X \ 2) - ((Len(Trim$(ActionMsg(Index).Message)) \ 2) * 8)
Y = ActionMsg(Index).Y - Int(PIC_Y \ 2) + 18 + (ActionMsg(Index).Scroll * 0.6)
ActionMsg(Index).Scroll = ActionMsg(Index).Scroll + 1
End If
Time = 3000
' This will kill any action screen messages that there in the system
For I = MAX_BYTE To 1 Step -1
If ActionMsg(I).Type = ACTIONMSG_SCREEN Then
If I <> Index Then
ClearActionMsg Index
Index = I
End If
End If
X = (frmMain.ScaleWidth \ 2) - ((Len(Trim$(ActionMsg(Index).Message)) \ 2) * 8)
Y = 425
Time = 15000
' This will kill any action screen messages that there in the system
For I = MAX_BYTE To 1 Step -1
If ActionMsg(I).Type = ACTIONMSG_BOSS Then
If I <> Index Then
ClearActionMsg Index
Index = I
End If
End If
X = (frmMain.ScaleWidth \ 2) - (EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Trim$(ActionMsg(Index).Message)) / 2)
Y = 114
RenderTextureRectangle -2, 107, frmMain.ScaleWidth + 4, 28
End Select
X = ConvertMapX(X)
Y = ConvertMapY(Y)
If GetTickCount < ActionMsg(Index).Created + Time Then
RenderText Font_Default, ActionMsg(Index).Message, X, Y, ActionMsg(Index).color, 0
ClearActionMsg Index
End If
' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "DrawActionMsg", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Function getWidth(Font As CustomFont, ByVal text As String) As Long
' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
getWidth = EngineGetTextWidth(Font, text)
' Error handler
Exit Function
HandleError "getWidth", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Function
End Function
Public Sub DrawEventName(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim TextX As Long
Dim TextY As Long
Dim color As Long
Dim name As String
' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If InMapEditor Then Exit Sub
color = White
name = Trim$(Map.MapEvents(Index).name)
' calc pos
TextX = ConvertMapX(Map.MapEvents(Index).X * PIC_X) + Map.MapEvents(Index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (getWidth(Font_Default, (Trim$(name))) / 2)
If Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicType = 0 Then
TextY = ConvertMapY(Map.MapEvents(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + Map.MapEvents(Index).yOffset - 16
ElseIf Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicType = 1 Then
If Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicNum < 1 Or Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicNum > NumCharacters Then
TextY = ConvertMapY(Map.MapEvents(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + Map.MapEvents(Index).yOffset - 16
' Determine location for text
TextY = ConvertMapY(Map.MapEvents(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + Map.MapEvents(Index).yOffset - (Tex_Character(Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicNum).Height / 4) + 16
End If
ElseIf Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicType = 2 Then
If Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicY2 > 0 Then
TextY = ConvertMapY(Map.MapEvents(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + Map.MapEvents(Index).yOffset - ((Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicY2 - Map.MapEvents(Index).GraphicY) * 32) + 16
TextY = ConvertMapY(Map.MapEvents(Index).Y * PIC_Y) + Map.MapEvents(Index).yOffset - 32 + 16
End If
End If
' Draw name
RenderText Font_Default, name, TextX, TextY, color, 0
' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "DrawEventName", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub DrawChatBubble(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim theArray() As String, X As Long, Y As Long, I As Long, MaxWidth As Long, X2 As Long, Y2 As Long, Colour As Long
With chatBubble(Index)
If .TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then
' it's a player
If GetPlayerMap(.target) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then
' it's on our map - get co-ords
X = ConvertMapX((Player(.target).X * 32) + Player(.target).xOffset) + 16
Y = ConvertMapY((Player(.target).Y * 32) + Player(.target).yOffset) - 40
End If
ElseIf .TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC Then
' it's on our map - get co-ords
X = ConvertMapX((MapNpc(.target).X * 32) + MapNpc(.target).xOffset) + 16
Y = ConvertMapY((MapNpc(.target).Y * 32) + MapNpc(.target).yOffset) - 40
ElseIf .TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_EVENT Then
X = ConvertMapX((Map.MapEvents(.target).X * 32) + Map.MapEvents(.target).xOffset) + 16
Y = ConvertMapY((Map.MapEvents(.target).Y * 32) + Map.MapEvents(.target).yOffset) - 40
End If
' word wrap the text
WordWrap_Array .Msg, ChatBubbleWidth, theArray
' find max width
For I = 1 To UBound(theArray)
If EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, theArray(I)) > MaxWidth Then MaxWidth = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, theArray(I))
' calculate the new position
X2 = X - (MaxWidth \ 2)
Y2 = Y - (UBound(theArray) * 12)
' render bubble - top left
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2 - 9, Y2 - 5, 0, 0, 9, 5, 9, 5
' top right
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2 + MaxWidth, Y2 - 5, 119, 0, 9, 5, 9, 5
' top
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2, Y2 - 5, 10, 0, MaxWidth, 5, 5, 5
' bottom left
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2 - 9, Y, 0, 19, 9, 6, 9, 6
' bottom right
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2 + MaxWidth, Y, 119, 19, 9, 6, 9, 6
' bottom - left half
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2, Y, 10, 19, (MaxWidth \ 2) - 5, 6, 9, 6
' bottom - right half
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2 + (MaxWidth \ 2) + 6, Y, 10, 19, (MaxWidth \ 2) - 5, 6, 9, 6
' left
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2 - 9, Y2, 0, 6, 9, (UBound(theArray) * 12), 9, 1
' right
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2 + MaxWidth, Y2, 119, 6, 9, (UBound(theArray) * 12), 9, 1
' center
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X2, Y2, 9, 5, MaxWidth, (UBound(theArray) * 12), 1, 1
' little pointy bit
RenderTexture Tex_GUI(25), X - 5, Y, 58, 19, 11, 11, 11, 11
' render each line centralised
For I = 1 To UBound(theArray)
RenderText Font_Georgia, theArray(I), X - (EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, theArray(I)) / 2), Y2, DarkBrown
Y2 = Y2 + 12
' check if it's timed out - close it if so
If .timer + 5000 < GetTickCount Then
.active = False
End If
End With
End Sub
' Chat Box
Public Sub RenderChatTextBuffer()
Dim srcRect As RECT
Dim v2 As D3DVECTOR2
Dim v3 As D3DVECTOR2
Dim I As Long
'Clear the LastTexture, letting the rest of the engine know that the texture needs to be changed for next rect render
Direct3D_Device.SetTexture 0, gTexture(Font_Default.Texture.Texture).Texture
If ChatArrayUbound > 0 Then
Direct3D_Device.SetStreamSource 0, ChatVBS, FVF_SIZE
Direct3D_Device.DrawPrimitive D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, (ChatArrayUbound + 1) \ 3
Direct3D_Device.SetStreamSource 0, ChatVB, FVF_SIZE
Direct3D_Device.DrawPrimitive D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, (ChatArrayUbound + 1) \ 3
End If
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateChatArray()
Dim Chunk As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
Dim LoopC As Byte
Dim Ascii As Byte
Dim Row As Long
Dim Pos As Long
Dim u As Single
Dim v As Single
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim Y2 As Single
Dim I As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim Size As Integer
Dim KeyPhrase As Byte
Dim ResetColor As Byte
Dim TempColor As Long
Dim yOffset As Long
' set the offset of each line
yOffset = 14
'Set the position
If ChatBufferChunk <= 1 Then ChatBufferChunk = 1
Chunk = ChatScroll
'Get the number of characters in all the visible buffer
Size = 0
For LoopC = (Chunk * ChatBufferChunk) - (8 - 1) To Chunk * ChatBufferChunk
If LoopC > ChatTextBufferSize Then Exit For
Size = Size + Len(ChatTextBuffer(LoopC).text)
Size = Size - j
ChatArrayUbound = Size * 6 - 1
If ChatArrayUbound < 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim ChatVA(0 To ChatArrayUbound) 'Size our array to fix the 6 verticies of each character
ReDim ChatVAS(0 To ChatArrayUbound)
'Set the base position
X = GUIWindow(GUI_CHAT).X + ChatOffsetX
Y = GUIWindow(GUI_CHAT).Y + ChatOffsetY
'Loop through each buffer string
For LoopC = (Chunk * ChatBufferChunk) - (8 - 1) To Chunk * ChatBufferChunk
If LoopC > ChatTextBufferSize Then Exit For
If ChatBufferChunk * Chunk > ChatTextBufferSize Then ChatBufferChunk = ChatBufferChunk - 1
'Set the temp color
TempColor = ChatTextBuffer(LoopC).color
'Set the Y position to be used
Y2 = Y - (LoopC * yOffset) + (Chunk * ChatBufferChunk * yOffset) - 32
'Loop through each line if there are line breaks (vbCrLf)
Count = 0 'Counts the offset value we are on
If LenB(ChatTextBuffer(LoopC).text) <> 0 Then 'Dont bother with empty strings
'Loop through the characters
For j = 1 To Len(ChatTextBuffer(LoopC).text)
'Convert the character to the ascii value
Ascii = Asc(Mid$(ChatTextBuffer(LoopC).text, j, 1))
'tU and tV value (basically tU = BitmapXPosition / BitmapWidth, and height for tV)
Row = (Ascii - Font_Default.HeaderInfo.BaseCharOffset) \ Font_Default.RowPitch
u = ((Ascii - Font_Default.HeaderInfo.BaseCharOffset) - (Row * Font_Default.RowPitch)) * Font_Default.ColFactor
v = Row * Font_Default.RowFactor
' ****** Rectangle | Top Left ******
With ChatVA(0 + (6 * Pos))
.color = TempColor
.X = (X) + Count
.Y = (Y2)
.TU = u
.TV = v
.RHW = 1
End With
' ****** Rectangle | Bottom Left ******
With ChatVA(1 + (6 * Pos))
.color = TempColor
.X = (X) + Count
.Y = (Y2) + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CellHeight
.TU = u
.TV = v + Font_Default.RowFactor
.RHW = 1
End With
' ****** Rectangle | Bottom Right ******
With ChatVA(2 + (6 * Pos))
.color = TempColor
.X = (X) + Count + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CellWidth
.Y = (Y2) + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CellHeight
.TU = u + Font_Default.ColFactor
.TV = v + Font_Default.RowFactor
.RHW = 1
End With
'Triangle 2 (only one new vertice is needed)
ChatVA(3 + (6 * Pos)) = ChatVA(0 + (6 * Pos)) 'Top-left corner
' ****** Rectangle | Top Right ******
With ChatVA(4 + (6 * Pos))
.color = TempColor
.X = (X) + Count + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CellWidth
.Y = (Y2)
.TU = u + Font_Default.ColFactor
.TV = v
.RHW = 1
End With
ChatVA(5 + (6 * Pos)) = ChatVA(2 + (6 * Pos))
'Update the character we are on
Pos = Pos + 1
'Shift over the the position to render the next character
Count = Count + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CharWidth(Ascii)
'Check to reset the color
If ResetColor Then
ResetColor = 0
TempColor = ChatTextBuffer(LoopC).color
End If
End If
Next LoopC
If Not Direct3D_Device Is Nothing Then 'Make sure the D3DDevice exists - this will only return false if we received messages before it had time to load
Set ChatVBS = Direct3D_Device.CreateVertexBuffer(FVF_SIZE * Pos * 6, 0, FVF_TLVERTEX, D3DPOOL_MANAGED)
D3DVertexBuffer8SetData ChatVBS, 0, FVF_SIZE * Pos * 6, 0, ChatVAS(0)
Set ChatVB = Direct3D_Device.CreateVertexBuffer(FVF_SIZE * Pos * 6, 0, FVF_TLVERTEX, D3DPOOL_MANAGED)
D3DVertexBuffer8SetData ChatVB, 0, FVF_SIZE * Pos * 6, 0, ChatVA(0)
End If
Erase ChatVAS()
Erase ChatVA()
End Sub
Public Sub AddText(ByVal text As String, ByVal tColor As Long, Optional ByVal Alpha As Long = 255)
Dim TempSplit() As String
Dim TSLoop As Long
Dim lastSpace As Long
Dim Size As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim B As Long
Dim color As Long
color = dx8Colour(tColor, Alpha)
'Check if there are any line breaks - if so, we will support them
TempSplit = Split(text, vbCrLf)
For TSLoop = 0 To UBound(TempSplit)
'Clear the values for the new line
Size = 0
B = 1
lastSpace = 1
'Loop through all the characters
For I = 1 To Len(TempSplit(TSLoop))
'If it is a space, store it so we can easily break at it
Select Case Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), I, 1)
Case " ": lastSpace = I
Case "_": lastSpace = I
Case "-": lastSpace = I
End Select
'Add up the size
Size = Size + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CharWidth(Asc(Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), I, 1)))
'Check for too large of a size
If Size > ChatWidth Then
'Check if the last space was too far back
If I - lastSpace > 10 Then
'Too far away to the last space, so break at the last character
AddToChatTextBuffer_Overflow Trim$(Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), B, (I - 1) - B)), color
B = I - 1
Size = 0
'Break at the last space to preserve the word
AddToChatTextBuffer_Overflow Trim$(Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), B, lastSpace - B)), color
B = lastSpace + 1
'Count all the words we ignored (the ones that weren't printed, but are before "i")
Size = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), lastSpace, I - lastSpace))
End If
End If
'This handles the remainder
If I = Len(TempSplit(TSLoop)) Then
If B <> I Then AddToChatTextBuffer_Overflow Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), B, I), color
End If
Next I
Next TSLoop
'Only update if we have set up the text (that way we can add to the buffer before it is even made)
If Font_Default.RowPitch = 0 Then Exit Sub
If ChatScroll > 8 Then ChatScroll = ChatScroll + 1
'Update the array
End Sub
Private Sub AddToChatTextBuffer_Overflow(ByVal text As String, ByVal color As Long)
Dim LoopC As Long
'Move all other text up
For LoopC = (ChatTextBufferSize - 1) To 1 Step -1
ChatTextBuffer(LoopC + 1) = ChatTextBuffer(LoopC)
Next LoopC
'Set the values
ChatTextBuffer(1).text = text
ChatTextBuffer(1).color = color
' set the total chat lines
totalChatLines = totalChatLines + 1
If totalChatLines > ChatTextBufferSize - 1 Then totalChatLines = ChatTextBufferSize - 1
End Sub
Public Sub WordWrap_Array(ByVal text As String, ByVal MaxLineLen As Long, ByRef theArray() As String)
Dim lineCount As Long, I As Long, Size As Long, lastSpace As Long, B As Long
'Too small of text
If Len(text) < 2 Then
ReDim theArray(1 To 1) As String
theArray(1) = text
Exit Sub
End If
' default values
B = 1
lastSpace = 1
Size = 0
For I = 1 To Len(text)
' if it's a space, store it
Select Case Mid$(text, I, 1)
Case " ": lastSpace = I
Case "_": lastSpace = I
Case "-": lastSpace = I
End Select
'Add up the size
Size = Size + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CharWidth(Asc(Mid$(text, I, 1)))
'Check for too large of a size
If Size > MaxLineLen Then
'Check if the last space was too far back
If I - lastSpace > 12 Then
'Too far away to the last space, so break at the last character
lineCount = lineCount + 1
ReDim Preserve theArray(1 To lineCount) As String
theArray(lineCount) = Trim$(Mid$(text, B, (I - 1) - B))
B = I - 1
Size = 0
'Break at the last space to preserve the word
lineCount = lineCount + 1
ReDim Preserve theArray(1 To lineCount) As String
theArray(lineCount) = Trim$(Mid$(text, B, lastSpace - B))
B = lastSpace + 1
'Count all the words we ignored (the ones that weren't printed, but are before "i")
Size = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Mid$(text, lastSpace, I - lastSpace))
End If
End If
' Remainder
If I = Len(text) Then
If B <> I Then
lineCount = lineCount + 1
ReDim Preserve theArray(1 To lineCount) As String
theArray(lineCount) = theArray(lineCount) & Mid$(text, B, I)
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function WordWrap(ByVal text As String, ByVal MaxLineLen As Integer) As String
Dim TempSplit() As String
Dim TSLoop As Long
Dim lastSpace As Long
Dim Size As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim B As Long
'Too small of text
If Len(text) < 2 Then
WordWrap = text
Exit Function
End If
'Check if there are any line breaks - if so, we will support them
TempSplit = Split(text, vbNewLine)
For TSLoop = 0 To UBound(TempSplit)
'Clear the values for the new line
Size = 0
B = 1
lastSpace = 1
'Add back in the vbNewLines
If TSLoop < UBound(TempSplit()) Then TempSplit(TSLoop) = TempSplit(TSLoop) & vbNewLine
'Only check lines with a space
If InStr(1, TempSplit(TSLoop), " ") Or InStr(1, TempSplit(TSLoop), "-") Or InStr(1, TempSplit(TSLoop), "_") Then
'Loop through all the characters
For I = 1 To Len(TempSplit(TSLoop))
'If it is a space, store it so we can easily break at it
Select Case Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), I, 1)
Case " ": lastSpace = I
Case "_": lastSpace = I
Case "-": lastSpace = I
End Select
'Add up the size
Size = Size + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CharWidth(Asc(Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), I, 1)))
'Check for too large of a size
If Size > MaxLineLen Then
'Check if the last space was too far back
If I - lastSpace > 12 Then
'Too far away to the last space, so break at the last character
WordWrap = WordWrap & Trim$(Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), B, (I - 1) - B)) & vbNewLine
B = I - 1
Size = 0
'Break at the last space to preserve the word
WordWrap = WordWrap & Trim$(Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), B, lastSpace - B)) & vbNewLine
B = lastSpace + 1
'Count all the words we ignored (the ones that weren't printed, but are before "i")
Size = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), lastSpace, I - lastSpace))
End If
End If
'This handles the remainder
If I = Len(TempSplit(TSLoop)) Then
If B <> I Then
WordWrap = WordWrap & Mid$(TempSplit(TSLoop), B, I)
End If
End If
Next I
WordWrap = WordWrap & TempSplit(TSLoop)
End If
Next TSLoop
End Function
Public Sub UpdateShowChatText()
Dim CHATOFFSET As Long, I As Long, X As Long
If EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, MyText) > GUIWindow(GUI_CHAT).Width - CHATOFFSET Then
For I = Len(MyText) To 1 Step -1
X = X + Font_Default.HeaderInfo.CharWidth(Asc(Mid$(MyText, I, 1)))
If X > GUIWindow(GUI_CHAT).Width - CHATOFFSET Then
RenderChatText = Right$(MyText, Len(MyText) - I + 1)
Exit For
End If
RenderChatText = MyText
End If
End Sub
Sub DrawBossMsg()
Dim X As Long, Y As Long, Time As Long
' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' does it exist
If BossMsg.Created = 0 Then Exit Sub
Time = 15000
X = (frmMain.ScaleWidth \ 2) - (EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Trim$(BossMsg.Message)) / 2)
Y = 114
If GetTickCount < BossMsg.Created + Time Then
RenderTextureRectangle -2, 107, frmMain.ScaleWidth + 4, 28
RenderText Font_Default, Trim$(BossMsg.Message), X, Y, BossMsg.color
BossMsg.Message = vbNullString
BossMsg.Created = 0
BossMsg.color = 0
End If
' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "DrawBossMsg", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub
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