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Created June 16, 2024 22:38
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[object Object]

There are:

  • 100M users/authors
  • 20M papers
  • 2M topics

The typical user has:

  • 2k followees
  • 10 topics that they follow
  • 30 papers uploaded

The typical topic has:

  • 1M papers

The typical paper has:

  • 5 topics tagged
  • 1 author

  1. Structure tables in database
  2. Structure news feed page for user

| 1 | Structure tables in database — ———————————————————

——— | Users / Authors | ——— { userId, followers: [ userId ], following: [ userId ], topics: [ topicId ], uploadedPapers: [ paperId ] }

— — — | Papers — — — { paperId, authorId, topicsFollowed: [ topicId ], uploadTimestamp }

— — — | Topics —— — { topicId, papers: [ paperId ], followers: [ userId ] }

| 2 | Structure news feed page for user — ——————————————————— | Current User | Papers

  • filter by topic
  • filter by users followed by current user
  • sorted by most recent
  • limit 20


  • Create indices on userId, paperId, and topicId
  • create composite indices (topicId, paperId)


Papers of followed authors - SELECT uploadedPapers FROM user WHERE userId IN following Papers in followed topics - SELECT papers FROM topics WHERE topicId in topicsFollowed

Combine previous two queries: SELECT paperId FROM Paper WHERE authorId IN (SELECT followeeId FROM UserFollowees WHERE userId = ?) UNION SELECT paperId FROM Paper WHERE paperId IN (SELECT paperId FROM TopicPapers WHERE topicId IN (SELECT topicId FROM UserTopics WHERE userId = ?)) ORDER BY uploadTimestamp DESC LIMIT 20


  • Notify followers
  • Notify followers for each topic

Use a set to avoid duplicates

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