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Last active June 29, 2019 10:41
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This code works out the location of the buckets and also the storage class
//imports & doc omitted for brevity. See repo for full source file.
public class BQTableCopyPipeline {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BQTableCopyPipeline.class);
private static final String DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS = "1";
private static final String DEFAULT_MAX_WORKERS = "3";
private static final String DEFAULT_TYPE_WORKERS = "n1-standard-1";
private static final String DEFAULT_ZONE = "australia-southeast1-a";
private static final String DEFAULT_WRITE_DISPOSITION = "truncate";
private static final String DEFAULT_DETECT_SCHEMA = "true";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new BQTableCopyPipeline().copy(args);
private void copy(final String[] args) throws Exception {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());
Config config = mapper.readValue(
new File(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("config.yaml").getFile()),
new TypeReference<Config>() {
DataflowPipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory
options.setRunner(GCPHelpers.getRunnerClass(config.runner));"Project set to '{}' and runner set to '{}'", config.project, config.runner);
config.copies.forEach(copy -> setupAndRunPipeline(options, copy));
private void setupAndRunPipeline(final DataflowPipelineOptions options,
final Map<String, String> copy) {"Running a copy for '{}'", copy);
String sourceTable = checkNotNull(copy.get("source"), "Source table cannot be null");
String targetTable = checkNotNull(copy.get("target"), "Target table cannot be null");
int numWorkers = Integer.valueOf(copy.getOrDefault("numWorkers", DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS));
int maxNumWorkers = Integer.valueOf(copy.getOrDefault("maxNumWorkers", DEFAULT_MAX_WORKERS));
boolean detectSchema = Boolean.valueOf(copy.getOrDefault("detectSchema", DEFAULT_DETECT_SCHEMA));
String zone = copy.getOrDefault("zone", DEFAULT_ZONE);
String worker = copy.getOrDefault("workerMachineType", DEFAULT_TYPE_WORKERS);
WriteDisposition writeDisposition = GCPHelpers.getWriteDisposition(copy.getOrDefault("writeDisposition", DEFAULT_WRITE_DISPOSITION));
String targetDatasetLocation = copy.getOrDefault("targetDatasetLocation", null);
TableSchema schema = null; //no schema is permitted
if (detectSchema) {
schema = GCPHelpers.getTableSchema(sourceTable);
runPipeline(options, schema, sourceTable, targetTable, targetDatasetLocation, writeDisposition);
private void runPipeline(final DataflowPipelineOptions options,
final TableSchema schema,
final String sourceTable,
final String targetTable,
final String targetDatasetLocation,
final WriteDisposition writeDisposition) {
String targetLocation = getTargetDatasetLocation(targetTable, targetDatasetLocation);
String sourceLocation = GCPHelpers.getDatasetLocation(sourceTable);
String exportBucket = format("%s_df_bqcopy_export_%s", options.getProject(), sourceLocation);
String importBucket = format("%s_df_bqcopy_import_%s", options.getProject(), targetLocation);
handleBucketCreation(exportBucket, sourceLocation);
handleBucketCreation(importBucket, targetLocation);
options.setTempLocation(format("gs://%s/tmp", exportBucket));
options.setStagingLocation(format("gs://%s/jars", exportBucket));
options.setJobName(format("bq-table-copy-%s-to-%s-%d", sourceLocation, targetLocation, currentTimeMillis()));"Running Dataflow pipeline with options '{}'", options);
Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create(options);
PCollection<TableRow> rows = pipeline.apply(format("Read: %s", sourceTable), BigQueryIO.readTableRows().from(sourceTable));
if (schema != null) {
rows.apply(format("Write: %s", targetTable), BigQueryIO.writeTableRows()
.withCustomGcsTempLocation(StaticValueProvider.of((format("gs://%s", importBucket)))));
} else {
rows.apply(format("Write: %s", targetTable), BigQueryIO.writeTableRows()
.withCustomGcsTempLocation(StaticValueProvider.of((format("gs://%s", importBucket)))));
private void handleBucketCreation(final String name,
final String location) {
try {
GCPHelpers.createGCSBucket(name, location);
} catch (StorageException e) {
if (e.getCode() != HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT) { // 409 == bucket already exists. That's ok.
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private String getTargetDatasetLocation(final String targetTable,
final String targetDatasetLocation) {
String location;
if (targetDatasetLocation == null) {
//target dataset/table should already exist in this case
try {
location = GCPHelpers.getDatasetLocation(targetTable);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("'targetDatasetLocation' wasn't specified in config, but it looks" +
" like the target dataset doesn't exist.");
} else {
//otherwise, try and create it for the user
location = targetDatasetLocation;
try {
GCPHelpers.createBQDataset(targetTable, targetDatasetLocation);
} catch (BigQueryException e) {
if (e.getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT) { // 409 == dataset already exists
throw new IllegalStateException(
format("'targetDatasetLocation' specified in config, but the dataset '%s' already exists",
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
assert location != null;
return location;
private static class Config {
public List<Map<String, String>> copies;
public String project;
public String runner;
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