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Created March 18, 2014 22:59
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require 'motion/project/template/ios'
require "rubygems"
require 'bundler'
require 'bubble-wrap/media'
Motion::Project::App.setup do |app| = "My Project Name"
app.version = '0.3'
app.identifier = 'com.theled.pop'
app.release do
#app.provisioning_profile = "/Users/johnpolling/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning \Profiles/my_dist.mobileprovision"
#app.codesign_certificate = 'iPhone Distribution: The League of Extraordinary Developers Ltd (XXXXXXXXXX)'
app.entitlements['get-task-allow'] = false
app.entitlements['application_identifier'] = app.seed_id + '.' + app.identifier
app.entitlements['keychain-access-groups'] = [
app.seed_id + '.' + app.identifier
app.development do
app.seed_id = "PL98L5KLAD"
app.provisioning_profile = "/Users/johnpolling/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning \Profiles/my_Development.mobileprovision"
app.codesign_certificate = 'iPhone Developer: John Polling (XXXXXXXX)'
app.entitlements['application_identifier'] = app.seed_id + '.' + app.identifier
app.entitlements['keychain-access-groups'] = [
app.seed_id + '.' + app.identifier
app.entitlements['get-task-allow'] = true
#app.deployment_target = '7.0'
app.frameworks += ['AVFoundation', 'CoreLocation']
app.vendor_project('vendor/push_io/PushIOManager.framework', :static,
:products => ['PushIOManager'],
:headers_dir => 'Headers')
app.files += Dir.glob(File.join(app.project_dir, 'lib/**/*.rb'))
app.info_plist["UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance"] = false
app.info_plist["UIStatusBarStyle"] = "UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque"
app.device_family = :ipad
app.interface_orientations = [:landscape_left, :landscape_right]
app.pods do
pod 'SVProgressHUD'
pod 'RTLabel'
pod 'NSData+MD5Digest'
task :"build:simulator" => :"schema:build"
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