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Last active July 14, 2020 13:33
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Code to perform examples
import sys
import numpy as np
import torch
import json
from flowtron import Flowtron
from data import Data
from torch.distributions import Normal
from data import load_wav_to_torch
sys.path.insert(0, "tacotron2")
sys.path.insert(0, "tacotron2/waveglow")
from glow import WaveGlow
from import write
def get_models_and_train(seed, waveglow_path, flowtron_path, model_config, data_config):
# load waveglow
waveglow = torch.load(waveglow_path)['model'].cuda().eval()
for k in waveglow.convinv:
# load flowtron
model = Flowtron(**model_config).cuda()
state_dict = torch.load(flowtron_path, map_location='cpu')['state_dict']
print("Loaded checkpoint '{}')".format(flowtron_path))
ignore_keys = ['training_files', 'validation_files']
trainset = Data(
**dict((k, v) for k, v in data_config.items() if k not in ignore_keys))
return waveglow, model, trainset
def mels_to_wav(waveglow, mels, filepath, sampling_rate):
# Taken from
# TODO why sigma 0.8 (also in In the paper it says: "During inference we used sigma = 0.7" (p. 4)
audio = waveglow.infer(mels.half(), sigma=0.8).float()
audio = audio.cpu().numpy()[0]
# normalize audio for now
audio = audio / np.abs(audio).max()
write(filepath, sampling_rate, audio)
def tile(a, dim, n_tile):
init_dim = a.size(dim)
repeat_idx = [1] * a.dim()
repeat_idx[dim] = n_tile
a = a.repeat(*(repeat_idx))
order_index = torch.LongTensor(np.concatenate([init_dim * np.arange(n_tile) + i for i in range(init_dim)]))
return torch.index_select(a, dim, order_index)
def prepare_text(text):
# Taken from
text = trainset.get_text(text).cuda()
return text[None]
def synthesize_text(text, sigma, filename):
# Taken from
with torch.no_grad():
residual = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(1, 80, N_FRAMES).normal_() * sigma
mels, attentions = model.infer(residual, speaker_vecs, text)
mels_to_wav(waveglow, mels, filename, data_config['sampling_rate'])
# Default settings
FLOWTRON_PATH = 'models/'
WAVEGLOW_PATH = 'models/'
SEED = 1234
N_FRAMES = 400
# `GATE_THRESHOLD` is not needed here, since 0.5 is the default value in `model.infer()`
# Read the configuration
with open('config.json') as f:
data =
config = json.loads(data)
data_config = config["data_config"]
model_config = config["model_config"]
# avoids nonsense of cudnn
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False # do NOT use cudnn auto-tuner to find the best algorithm to use for your hardware
# Get the models
waveglow, model, trainset = get_models_and_train(SEED, WAVEGLOW_PATH, FLOWTRON_PATH, model_config, data_config)
# Prepare speaker, text, utterance text
speaker_vecs = trainset.get_speaker_id(SPEAKER_ID).cuda()
speaker_vecs = speaker_vecs[None]
SIGMA = 0.5
# Experiment 1: variation
text = prepare_text('How much variation is there?')
for sigma in [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]:
filename = 'results/variation_%.1f.wav' % sigma
synthesize_text(text, sigma, filename)
# Experiment 2: effect of (missing) interpunction
sentences = {
'well_known': 'It is well known that deep generative models have a rich latent space.',
'dogs': 'Dogs are sitting by the door.',
for effect, sentence in sentences.items():
text = prepare_text(sentence)
synthesize_text(text, SIGMA, 'results/%s_with_dot.wav' % effect)
text_without_dot = prepare_text(sentence.replace('.', ''))
synthesize_text(text_without_dot, SIGMA, 'results/%s_no_dot.wav' % effect)
# Experiment 3: Emotional prosody transfer
text = prepare_text('Humans are walking on the street.')
synthesize_text(text, SIGMA, 'results/baseline_humans.wav') # Synthesize baseline
# Taken from karkirowle's gist:
with torch.no_grad():
# Start with empty residual
residual_accumulator = torch.zeros((1, 80, N_FRAMES)).to("cuda")
# loading mel spectra, in_lens, out_lens?
audio, _ = load_wav_to_torch('data/ravdess_surprised_prior.wav')
mel = trainset.get_mel(audio).to(device="cuda")
# You need to pad this because of the permute
mel = mel[None]
# Out lens describes the length of the output, i.e. the audio
out_lens = torch.LongTensor(1).to(device="cuda")
out_lens[0] = mel.size(2)
utterance_text = prepare_text('Kids are talking by the door.')
# In lens describes the length of the text input
in_lens = torch.LongTensor([utterance_text.shape[1]]).to(device="cuda")
# Compute residual in Mel spectrogram between the speaker recording and estimated using utterance text
residual, _, _, _, _, _, _ = model.forward(mel, speaker_vecs, utterance_text, in_lens, out_lens)
# Reorder dimensions
residual = residual.permute(1, 2, 0)
# Make sure that the 3rd dimension of the residual has up to `N_FRAMES` elements
residual = residual[:, :, :N_FRAMES]
# Fill the vector with copies of the residual if it contains less than `N_FRAMES` elements
if residual.shape[2] < N_FRAMES:
num_tile = int(np.ceil(N_FRAMES / residual.shape[2]))
# I used tiling instead of replication
residual = tile(residual.cpu(), 2, num_tile).to("cuda")
# Compute the residual sum
residual_accumulator = residual_accumulator + residual[:, :, :N_FRAMES]
# Sample without averaging over time
dist = Normal(residual_accumulator, SIGMA)
z_style = dist.sample()
mels, attentions = model.infer(z_style, speaker_vecs, text)
mels_to_wav(waveglow, mels, 'results/surprised_humans_transfer_without_time_avg.wav', data_config['sampling_rate'])
# Sample WITH averaging over time
residual_accumulator = residual_accumulator.mean(dim=2)
dist = Normal(residual_accumulator, SIGMA)
z_style = dist.sample((N_FRAMES,)).permute(1, 2, 0)
mels, attentions = model.infer(z_style, speaker_vecs, text)
mels_to_wav(waveglow, mels, 'results/surprised_humans_transfer_time_avg.wav', data_config['sampling_rate'])
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