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Last active January 27, 2016 19:35
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Dijkstra in scala
object Dijkstra extends App {
val graph = buildExampleGraph()
shortestPath(Node[String]("car"), Node[String]("tat"), graph)
shortestPath(Node[String]("cat"), Node[String]("tar"), graph)
case class Node[T](value: T)
class Graph[T] {
private val edges = new mutable.HashMap[Node[T], Seq[Node[T]]]()
private var nodes = Seq[Node[T]]()
def addNode(node: Node[T]) = nodes = node +: nodes
def addNodes(newNodes: Seq[Node[T]]) = nodes = newNodes ++ nodes
def addEdge(n1: Node[T], n2: Node[T]) = {
edges(n1) = n2 +: edges.getOrElse(n1, Seq[Node[T]]())
edges(n2) = n1 +: edges.getOrElse(n2, Seq[Node[T]]())
def getNodesWithEdgeFrom(node: Node[T])
= edges.getOrElse(node, Seq[Node[T]]())
def getAllNodes = nodes
def buildExampleGraph(): Graph[String] = {
val graph = new Graph[String]()
val cat = Node[String]("cat")
val cab = Node[String]("cab")
val car = Node[String]("car")
val bar = Node[String]("bar")
val tar = Node[String]("tar")
val tat = Node[String]("tat")
graph.addNodes(Seq(cat, cab, car, bar, tar, tat))
graph.addEdge(cat, cab)
graph.addEdge(cat, car)
graph.addEdge(cab, car)
graph.addEdge(car, bar)
graph.addEdge(bar, tar)
graph.addEdge(tar, tat)
def shortestPath[T](start: Node[T],
end: Node[T],
graph: Graph[T]): Unit = {
// initially all distances are infinity, except start node where distance = 0
val pathAndDistanceFromStart: mutable.Map[Node[T], (Seq[Node[T]], Int)]
= collection.mutable.Map( {
case n: Node[T] if n == start => n -> (Seq(n), 0)
case n: Node[T] => n -> (Seq[Node[T]](), Integer.MAX_VALUE)
}: _*)
// keep track of all unvisited nodes
var unvisited = graph.getAllNodes
def aux(node: Node[T]): (Seq[Node[T]],Int) = {
// if we have visited the target node then we are done
if (!unvisited.contains(end)) pathAndDistanceFromStart(end)
else {
// mark current node as visited
unvisited = unvisited.filterNot(_ == node)
val linkedNodes = graph.getNodesWithEdgeFrom(node)
linkedNodes.foreach { n =>
= pathAndDistanceFromStart(n) match {
case (s, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
=> ( pathAndDistanceFromStart(node)._1 :+ n, pathAndDistanceFromStart(node)._2 + 1)
case (s, i)
=> if (i < pathAndDistanceFromStart(node)._2 + 1) (s,i)
else (pathAndDistanceFromStart(node)._1 :+ n, pathAndDistanceFromStart(node)._2 + 1)
// if we've found the target then we are done
if (!unvisited.contains(end)) {
else {
// next we examine the closest node
val nextNode = unvisited.min([Node[T], Int](pathAndDistanceFromStart(_)._2))
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