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Last active March 21, 2024 16:56
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This Python script compares Chebyshev polynomials against polynomials pp = p / ||p||_2
import hashlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from chebyshev import ChebyshevPolynomial
def pid(p):
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
return sha1.hexdigest()[:7]
def poly_repr(coeffs):
if isinstance(coeffs, np.poly1d):
coeffs = coeffs.coef
terms = []
n = len(coeffs) - 1
for i, coeff in enumerate(coeffs):
# Skip zero coefficients
if np.isclose(coeff, 0):
# Determine the exponent
exp = n - i
# Format the coefficient to 2 decimal places or as an integer
if coeff % 1 == 0:
# Integer coefficient, convert to int for display
formatted_coeff = str(int(coeff))
# Non-integer, format to 2 decimal places
formatted_coeff = f"{coeff:.2f}"
# Construct the monomial term
if exp == 0:
term = formatted_coeff
elif exp == 1:
term = f"{formatted_coeff}z"
term = f"{formatted_coeff}z^{exp}"
# Handle positive coefficients (except the first)
if coeff > 0 and i != 0:
term = "+ " + term
return " ".join(terms)
def twonorm(p):
""" Compute the two norm \int_{-1}^1 p(x)^2 dx/sqrt{1-x^2}
This uses scipy.quad, which uses the Fortran library QUADPACK
to perform adaptive quadrature numerical integration
return np.sqrt(integrate.quad(lambda x: p(x)**2 / np.sqrt(1 - x**2), -1, 1))
def twonorm(p):
""" Compute the two norm \int_{-1}^1 p(x)^2 dx/sqrt{1-x^2}
This uses scipy.quad, which uses the Fortran library QUADPACK
to perform adaptive quadrature numerical integration
return np.sqrt(integrate.quad(lambda x: (p(x)*p(x) / np.sqrt(1 - x**2)), -1, 1))
# Set up T, points on the inner circles
T = ChebyshevPolynomial.classical(2)
circle_points = T.Ek_circle_points(n=100_000)
# Compute a grid for plotting over in case we find counterexamples
xv, yv, zv = T.grid()
# and normalize the monic Chebyshev polynomial in the integral 2norm
T2norm, error = twonorm(T.T) # T.T is monic
T2 = T.T/T2norm
# Evaluate T on the inner circles
Td = np.abs(T2(circle_points))
# Evaluate T over the grid
Tzv = np.abs(T2(zv))
for i in range(10):
# Every 10 comparisons, print a message so that we can track status
if not i % 10:
print(f"Checked {i} polynomials")
# Generate random quadratic polynomials by picking 2 roots uniformly on [-1, 1]
roots = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 2)
p = np.poly1d(roots, r=True)
# Compute the twonorm of p
norm, error = twonorm(p)
# Normalize p with the 2 norm we just computed
pp = (p/norm)
print("Here is the norm/error of the original polynomial along with the norm of the normalized polynomial as a sanity check", (norm, error), twonorm(pp))
# Evaluate p on the circle points (inner disks)
ppd = np.abs(pp(circle_points))
if any(ppd > Td):
# If we found a counterexample, print a message and generate a plot
print(f"Found a possible counterexample: {pp=} with roots at {pp.r=}")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ppzv = np.abs(pp(zv))
print(twonorm(p)[0], twonorm(pp)[0])
ax.contourf(xv, yv, Tzv > ppzv)
fig.suptitle(f"Locations where $|T_2(z)| < |p(z)|$ (blue), $p(z) \\approx " + poly_repr(pp) + "$")
fig.savefig(f"counterexample-2norm-{pid(pp)}.png", facecolor='white', transparent=False)
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