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Created April 25, 2023 21:27
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An implementation of the Remez exchange algorithm
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import norm, solve
from itertools import pairwise
golden_ratio = (np.sqrt(5) + 1) / 2
def gss(f, a, b, tol=1e-10):
""" Golden section search implementation
Python code code here is from
c = b - (b - a) / golden_ratio
d = a + (b - a) / golden_ratio
while abs(b - a) > tol:
if f(c) < f(d):
b = d
a = c
c = b - (b - a) / golden_ratio
d = a + (b - a) / golden_ratio
return (b + a) / 2
def extrema(p, E):
""" Compute the extrema of the polynomial p over the discretized domain E
# We break E into the set of intervals A = [X0, r0], [r1, r2], ...., [r_{n-1}, X1]
# where X0, X1 are the left and right endpoints of E, and the r_i correspond to
# roots of p
# We'll search for an extremum in each interval using golden section search
search_endpoints = [E[0]] + list(p.r) + [E[-1]]
intervals = pairwise(search_endpoints)
extrema = []
for a, b in intervals:
# As written, our golden section search algorithm searches for a minimum value
# so we search for the minimum of the function -|p(x)|
extrema.append(gss(lambda x: -np.abs(p(x)), a, b))
return np.array(extrema)
def monomial(n):
""" Given n, returns the monomial x^n
return np.poly1d([1] + [0 for _ in range(n)])
def chebyshev(n):
""" Returns the normalized Chebyshev polynomial of degree n for the interval [-1, 1]
m = monomial(n)
E = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000000)
critical_points = np.sort([-np.cos(k*np.pi/n) for k in range(n)])
T = remez(m, critical_points, E)
TT = norm(T(E), np.inf)
return T/TT
def remez(p, x, E=np.linspace(-1, 1, 100), max_iterations=20, tolerance=1e-08):
""" Computes p*, the best approximation to p, using the Remez exchange algorithm
and returns the error function p - p*
x is the initial array of control nodes
E is a discretized domain over which we'll search for extrema
# We use this function to determine if we've hit a stopping condition
# The stopping conditions are that we've hit max_iterations, or the error
# is at a tolerable threshold (configured by the tolerance parameter)
continuing = lambda e, i: not np.isclose(e, 0, atol=tolerance) and i < max_iterations
# On our first iteration, we evaluate the polynomial we're approximating
poly = p
i = 0
e = -1
while continuing(e, i):
# Construct a vandermonde matrix from the control nodes
vandermonde = np.vander(x)
# Roll the vandermonde matrix
# If v is [-1, 0, 1], then its Vandermonde matrix (decreasing powers)
# will be
# [1, -1, 1]
# [0, 0, 1]
# [1, 1, 1]
# Rolling shifts everything columnwise 1 unit to the left, giving
# [-1, 1, 1]
# [0, 1, 0]
# [1, 1, 1]
rolled = np.roll(vandermonde, -1, axis=1)
# Update the elements of the last column to contain the error
# terms (-1)^j
for j, row in enumerate(rolled):
row[-1] = (-1)**j
# Evaluate the polynomial on the control nodes
px = (poly)(x)
# Solve the system of linear equations
v = solve(rolled, px)
# The last element of v is the error, so we use only the first n+1 elements
# as the coefficients of our approximating polynomial
coefficients = v[:-1]
poly = np.poly1d(coefficients)
# Calculate the extrema
# We're doing a multi-point exchange, so swap all the control points
x = extrema(p - poly, E)
# The error term lives in the last element of v, so we use that and i to determine
# whether we're ready to stop
e = v[-1]
i += 1
return p - poly
if __name__ == "__main__":
# The following return the Chebyshev polynomials for [-1, 1] using the Remez exchange algorithm implementation
# above as expected
C2 = chebyshev(2) # returns poly1d([ 2., 0., -1.])
C3 = chebyshev(3) # returns poly1d([ 3.99995843e+00, 1.03915152e-05, -2.99996363e+00, -5.19575763e-06])
C4 = chebyshev(4) # returns poly1d([ 8.0000000e+00, -8.8817842e-16, -8.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, 1.0000000e+00])
C10 = chebyshev(10) # returns poly1d([ 5.11999708e+02, -5.85122951e-05, -1.27999931e+03, 1.18160954e-04, 1.11999944e+03, -7.66385893e-05, -3.99999814e+02, 1.59482896e-05, 4.99999778e+01, 0.00000000e+00, -9.99999430e-01])
# This does not return the Chebyshev polynomial due to an ill-conditioned matrix:
# LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=1.0329e-18): result may not be accurate.
C5 = chebyshev(5) # returns poly1d([ 6.16848674, 0.67739591, -6.38875921, -0.91652085, 1.06249059, 0.08134306])
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