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Created May 15, 2017 06:46
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Experimental optics in Reason (avoiding higher-kinded abstractions)
let id x => x;
let always x _ => x;
let (>>) f g x => g (f x);
let (<|) f x => f x;
module Option = {
type t 'a = option 'a;
let toArray xO => switch xO {
| None => [||]
| Some x => [|x|]
let map xy xO => switch xO {
| None => None
| Some x => Some (xy x)
let getOr x xO => switch xO {
| None => x
| Some x => x
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
type op 'v 'ui1 'ui2 'r 'a 'b =
| Over ('a => 'b)
| View ('a => 'v)
| UnIso ('a => 'ui1) ('ui2 => 'b)
| Fold ('a => 'r => 'r);
type optic' 's 'a 'b 't = {
optic: 'v 'ui1 'ui2 'r.(op 'v 'ui1 'ui2 'r 's 't =>
op 'v 'ui1 'ui2 'r 'a 'b)
type optic 's 'a 'b 't = unit => optic' 's 'a 'b 't;
let run o => (o ()).optic;
let (<<) outer inner () => {optic: fun x => run outer (run inner x)};
let over o ab => Over ab |> run o |> fun op => switch op {
| Over st => st
| _ => failwith "over"
let set o x => over o (always x);
let viewAs xa o => View xa |> run o |> fun op => switch op {
| View sa => sa
| _ => failwith "view"
let view o => viewAs id o;
let iso sa bt => {
optic: fun op => switch op {
| Over ab => Over (sa >> ab >> bt)
| View ao => View (sa >> ao)
| UnIso au ub => UnIso (sa >> au) (ub >> bt)
| Fold arr => Fold (sa >> arr)
let unisoAs xs yu o => UnIso xs yu |> run o |> fun op => switch op {
| UnIso su ut => (su, ut)
| _ => failwith "uniso"
let uniso o => unisoAs id id o;
let invert o => uniso o |> fun (sa, bt) => iso bt sa;
let fold arr o => Fold arr |> run o |> fun op => switch op {
| Fold srr => srr
| _ => failwith "fold"
let lens sa bst => {
optic: fun op => switch op {
| Over ab => Over (fun s => bst (ab (sa s)) s)
| View ao => View (sa >> ao)
| UnIso _ _ => failwith "lens"
| Fold arr => Fold (sa >> arr)
let choose x2o => {
optic: fun op => switch op {
| Over ab => Over (fun x => over (x2o x) ab x)
| View ao => View (fun x => viewAs ao (x2o x) x)
| UnIso _ _ => failwith "choose"
| Fold arr => Fold (fun x => fold arr (x2o x) x)
module Seq (T: {
type t 'a;
let map: ('a => 'b) => t 'a => t 'b;
let fold_left : ('a => 'b => 'a) => 'a => t 'b => 'a;
}) => {
let traversal = {
optic: fun op => switch op {
| Over ab => Over ( ab)
| View _ => failwith "seqT"
| UnIso _ _ => failwith "seqT"
| Fold arr => Fold (fun s r => T.fold_left (fun r a => arr a r) r s)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
let swapI () => iso (fun (a, b) => (b, a)) (fun (b, a) => (a, b));
let e1o2 () => lens fst (fun b (_, c) => (b, c));
let e2o2 () => lens snd (fun b (c, _) => (c, b));
let e1o3 () => lens (fun (x, _, _) => x) (fun x ( _, x2, x3) => (x , x2, x3));
let e2o3 () => lens (fun (_, x, _) => x) (fun x (x1, _, x3) => (x1, x, x3));
let e3o3 () => lens (fun (_, _, x) => x) (fun x (x1, x2, _) => (x1, x2, x ));
let ixL i =>
lens (fun xs => if (i < Array.length xs) {Some xs.(i)} else {None})
(fun xO xs => {
let n = Array.length xs;
if (i <= n) {
let i1 = min n (i+1);
Array.concat [ Array.sub xs 0 i,
Option.toArray xO,
Array.sub xs i1 (n - i1) ];
} else {
let removable s sa =>
lens ( (view sa))
( (fun a => Option.getOr s >> set sa a >> fun x => Some x)
>> Option.getOr (always None));
let arrayT () => {
module S = Seq {
type t 'a = array 'a;
let map =;
let fold_left = Array.fold_left;
let listT () => {
module S = Seq {
type t 'a = list 'a;
let map =;
let fold_left = List.fold_left;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
let six = fold (+) (arrayT << e1o2) [|(3, "a"), (1, "b")|] 2;
let poly = over (e1o2 << swapI << e1o2) (Printf.sprintf "%d") ((1.0, 1), true);
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