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Last active January 19, 2023 10:57
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Simplified MSI model of shared memory

How can one understand and predict the performance of multicore algorithms?

As a first step, I'd recommend acquiring a basic understanding of the MSI protocol. Modern systems use somewhat more complex protocols, but a basic understanding of MSI should be enough to predict the most important phenomena.

Below is an even further simplified model of shared memory based on the MSI protocol. While the model is not precise, and makes several simplifications not based on actual hardware, it should be accurate enough to predict many phenomena, including the false sharing -performance pitfall, for example.

Simplified MSI model of shared memory

The memory is divided into locations called cache lines. Each core has its own copy of the whole memory (all cache lines) and additionally considers each of its own cache lines to be in one of the following three states:

  • Modified
  • Shared
  • Invalid

State changes do not happen spontaneously. Some core needs to perform a read from or a write to a cache line.

When a cache line of a core is in the Modified state, both reads and writes are cheap. The state of the cache line needs to be Invalid in all the other cores and neither read nor write require changing the state of the cache line in those other cores.

Reading a cache line in the Shared state is cheap. Writing to a cache line in the Shared state is more expensive. It means that the state of the cache line in the core that performs the write is changed to the Modified state. Additionally, the state of the corresponding cache line in all the other cores is changed to the Invalid state.

When a core wants to read a cache line in the Invalid state, it needs another core that has that cache line in either Modified or Shared state to send a copy. If the sender was in Modified state, then the sender must change state to Shared. The reader also sets the state to Shared. Writing to an Invalid cache line also requires another core that has that cache line in Modified or Shared state to send a copy of the cache line and then all the cores that have the cache line in Modified or Shared state must change their state to Invalid. The writer sets the state to Modified.

The various state changes and transmissions of cache line contents have potentially different costs. Transitions from the Invalid state to other states tend to be expensive.

While drastically simplified, this model should be accurate enough to help to predict the performance of many multicore algorithms. To predict the performance of a specific algorithm relative to another, determine and count the different state changes and cache line transfers for both algorithms.

Concrete timings

This gist also includes a program written for Apple M1 to try to quantify the relative costs of various state changes. On my Apple M1 laptop I get roughly the following output from the program:

Relative to fastest:

  Read  M:     1.00 *
  Write M:     2.58 ***

  Read  S:     1.04 *
  Write S:    85.40 *************************************************************************************

  Read  Is:    2.36 **
  Write Is:   31.34 *******************************

  Read  Im:    5.02 *****
  Write Im:   32.61 *********************************

Note that the program uses constants (related to L1 cache line size and cache size) that are specific to Apple M1.

(names Quantify_msi)
(libraries unix multicore-magic))
(lang dune 3.3)
[@@@alert "-unstable"]
type message =
| Initial
| Ready
| Overhead of int array
| Read of int array
| Write of int array
| Stop
let line = 128 / 8
let micros time = Float.to_int (time *. 1000000.0)
let rec overhead sum i n =
if i < n then overhead (sum lor i) (i + (line * 8)) n else sum
let rec read cache sum i n =
if i < n then
let sum = sum lor Array.unsafe_get cache (i + (0 * line)) in
let sum = sum lor Array.unsafe_get cache (i + (1 * line)) in
let sum = sum lor Array.unsafe_get cache (i + (2 * line)) in
let sum = sum lor Array.unsafe_get cache (i + (3 * line)) in
let sum = sum lor Array.unsafe_get cache (i + (4 * line)) in
let sum = sum lor Array.unsafe_get cache (i + (5 * line)) in
let sum = sum lor Array.unsafe_get cache (i + (6 * line)) in
let sum = sum lor Array.unsafe_get cache (i + (7 * line)) in
read cache sum (i + (line * 8)) n
else sum
let rec write cache i n =
if i < n then (
Array.unsafe_set cache (i + (0 * line)) 0;
Array.unsafe_set cache (i + (1 * line)) 0;
Array.unsafe_set cache (i + (2 * line)) 0;
Array.unsafe_set cache (i + (3 * line)) 0;
Array.unsafe_set cache (i + (4 * line)) 0;
Array.unsafe_set cache (i + (5 * line)) 0;
Array.unsafe_set cache (i + (6 * line)) 0;
Array.unsafe_set cache (i + (7 * line)) 0;
write cache (i + (line * 8)) n)
let worker () =
let timing = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded @@ Atomic.make 0 in
let ch = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded @@ Atomic.make @@ Initial in
let atomic = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded @@ Atomic.make 0 in
let domain =
Domain.spawn @@ fun () ->
match Atomic.get ch with
| Initial ->
Atomic.set ch Ready;
| Ready -> true
| Overhead cache ->
let n = Multicore_magic.length_of_padded_array cache in
Multicore_magic.fence atomic;
let start = micros @@ Unix.gettimeofday () in
let sum = overhead 0 0 n in
Multicore_magic.fence atomic;
let stop = micros @@ Unix.gettimeofday () in
if sum <> 0 then (
Atomic.set timing (stop - start);
Atomic.set ch Ready);
| Read cache ->
let n = Multicore_magic.length_of_padded_array cache in
Multicore_magic.fence atomic;
let start = micros @@ Unix.gettimeofday () in
let sum = read cache 0 0 n in
Multicore_magic.fence atomic;
let stop = micros @@ Unix.gettimeofday () in
if sum = 0 then (
Atomic.set timing (stop - start);
Atomic.set ch Ready);
| Write cache ->
let n = Multicore_magic.length_of_padded_array cache in
Multicore_magic.fence atomic;
let start = micros @@ Unix.gettimeofday () in
write cache 0 n;
Multicore_magic.fence atomic;
let stop = micros @@ Unix.gettimeofday () in
Atomic.set timing (stop - start);
Atomic.set ch Ready;
| Stop -> false
Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded (ch, timing, domain)
let rec ready ((ch, _, _) as wr) = if Atomic.get ch != Ready then ready wr
let stop (ch, _, domain) =
Atomic.set ch Stop;
Domain.join domain
let atomic = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded @@ Atomic.make 0
let timing (ch, timing, _) message =
Multicore_magic.fence atomic;
Atomic.set ch message;
while Atomic.get ch != Ready do
Atomic.get timing
let run wr message = timing wr message |> ignore
let rec accumulate sum count timing =
if 0 < count then accumulate (sum + timing ()) (count - 1) timing else sum
let measure overhead timing = accumulate 0 100000 timing - overhead
let stars x = String.make (Int.max 0 (Float.to_int (Float.round x))) '*'
let print_measurement name x min =
let x = Float.of_int x /. Float.of_int min in
Printf.printf " %s %7.2f %s\n" name x (stars x)
type results = {
mutable read_m : int;
mutable write_m : int;
mutable read_s : int;
mutable write_s : int;
mutable read_i_s : int;
mutable write_i_s : int;
mutable read_i_m : int;
mutable write_i_m : int;
let results () =
read_m = 0;
write_m = 0;
read_s = 0;
write_s = 0;
read_i_s = 0;
write_i_s = 0;
read_i_m = 0;
write_i_m = 0;
let () =
let worker_1 = worker () and worker_2 = worker () and worker_3 = worker () in
ready worker_1;
ready worker_2;
ready worker_3;
let cache_in_words = 100 * 1024 / 8 in
let cache = Multicore_magic.make_padded_array cache_in_words 0 in
let overhead = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded @@ Overhead cache
and read = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded @@ Read cache
and write = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded @@ Write cache in
let results = [| results (); results (); results () |] in
let read_m () =
run worker_2 read;
run worker_3 read;
run worker_1 write;
timing worker_1 read
and write_m () =
run worker_2 read;
run worker_3 read;
run worker_1 write;
timing worker_1 write
and read_s () =
run worker_1 read;
run worker_2 read;
run worker_3 read;
timing worker_1 read
and write_s () =
run worker_1 read;
run worker_2 read;
run worker_3 read;
timing worker_1 write
and read_i_s () =
run worker_1 read;
run worker_2 write;
run worker_3 read;
timing worker_1 read
and write_i_s () =
run worker_1 read;
run worker_2 write;
run worker_3 read;
timing worker_1 write
and read_i_m () =
run worker_1 read;
run worker_2 read;
run worker_3 write;
timing worker_1 read
and write_i_m () =
run worker_1 read;
run worker_2 read;
run worker_3 write;
timing worker_1 write
let overhead () = timing worker_1 overhead in
Gc.full_major ();
let _warmup = measure 0 overhead in
let overhead = measure 0 overhead in
for i = 0 to Array.length results - 1 do
let results = results.(i) in
results.read_m <- measure overhead read_m;
results.write_m <- measure overhead write_m;
results.read_s <- measure overhead read_s;
results.write_s <- measure overhead write_s;
results.read_i_s <- measure overhead read_i_s;
results.write_i_s <- measure overhead write_i_s;
results.read_i_m <- measure overhead read_i_m;
results.write_i_m <- measure overhead write_i_m
Gc.print_stat stdout;
Printf.printf "\n";
stop worker_1;
stop worker_2;
stop worker_3;
|> Array.iter
@@ fun {
} ->
let min =
List.fold_left Int.min read_m
[ write_m; read_s; write_s; read_i_m; write_i_m; read_i_s; write_i_s ]
Printf.printf "Relative to fastest:\n\n";
print_measurement "Read M: " read_m min;
print_measurement "Write M: " write_m min;
Printf.printf "\n";
print_measurement "Read S: " read_s min;
print_measurement "Write S: " write_s min;
Printf.printf "\n";
print_measurement "Read Is:" read_i_s min;
print_measurement "Write Is:" write_i_s min;
Printf.printf "\n";
print_measurement "Read Im:" read_i_m min;
print_measurement "Write Im:" write_i_m min;
Printf.printf "\n";
flush stdout
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polytypic commented Jan 19, 2023

@gasche Thanks again!

After your comment, I got curious about whether the code was allocating just a little as I expected. So, I added calls to Gc.print_stat to verify that the code isn't allocating too much. It turned out that the code was actually allocating like crazy and performing major collections during the measurement runs! So, I took a bigger hammer and rewrote the allocating bits. I believe the code no longer allocates during measurements.

The problem isn't that allocation might be slow, for example. The problem is that any additional memory accesses (that go through the data cache) may invalidate the measurements by disturbing the state of the cache. It is the first rule of benchmarking: understand what you are measuring.

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