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Last active March 20, 2018 06:05
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Profunctor optics in 1ML --- WORK-IN-PROGRESS!
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Unit type
Unit :> {
type t;
one : t;
} = {
type t = bool;
one = true;
unit = Unit.t;
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Function type
type fn a b = a -> b;
flip f y x = f x y;
(|>) (x, f) = f x;
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Product type
type pair a b = (a, b);
cross f g (x, y) = (f x, g y);
fork f g x = (f x, g x);
fst (x, _) = x;
snd (_, y) = y;
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Sum type
inl = left;
inr = right;
either ac bc x = casealt x ac bc;
plus f g = either (f >> inl) (g >> inr);
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Type constructors
type tycon1 = type => type;
type tycon2 = type => type => type;
;; Profunctor optics in 1ML --- WORK-IN-PROGRESS!
;; Background:
;; Run as:
;; ./1ml prelude.1ml prelude-extra.1ml profunctor-optics.1ml
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Basic computation signatures
type FUNCTOR = {
type t a;
map 'a 'b: (a -> b) -> t a -> t b;
type POINTED = {
include FUNCTOR;
pure 'a: a -> t a;
include POINTED;
apply 'a 'b: t (fn a b) -> t a -> t b;
type MONAD = {
bind 'a 'b: (a -> t b) -> t a -> t b;
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Constant functor
Constant (c: type): FUNCTOR = {
type t a = c;
map = curry snd;
;; Identity monad
Identity: MONAD = {
type t a = a;
pure = id;
map = id;
apply = id;
bind = id;
;; State monad
State (s: type): MONAD = {
type t a = s -> (a, s);
pure = curry id;
map xy xS = xS >> cross xy id;
apply xyS xS = xyS >> uncurry (flip map xS);
bind xyS xS = xS >> uncurry xyS;
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Profunctor signatures
type t a b;
dimap 'a 'b 'c 'd: (c -> a) -> (b -> d) -> t a b -> t c d;
type CARTESIAN = {
first 'a 'b 'c: t a b -> t (pair a c) (pair b c);
second 'a 'b 'c: t a b -> t (pair c a) (pair c b);
include CARTESIAN;
left 'a 'b 'c: t a b -> t (alt a c) (alt b c);
right 'a 'b 'c: t a b -> t (alt c a) (alt c b);
type MONOIDAL = {
par 'a 'b 'c 'd: t a b -> t c d -> t (pair a c) (pair b d);
empty: t unit unit;
;; NOTE that, as a shortcut, `COCARTESIAN` includes `CARTESIAN` and `MONOIDAL`
;; includes `COCARTESIAN`.
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Function profunctor
t = fn;
dimap f g h = g << h << f;
first h = cross h id;
second h = cross id h;
left h = plus h id;
right h = plus id h;
par = cross;
empty = id;
;; UpStar profunctor constructors
UpStar = {
fromFunctor (F: FUNCTOR): CARTESIAN = {
type t a b = a -> F.t b;
dimap f g h = g << h << f;
rstrength (fx, y) = (fun x => (x, y)) fx;
lstrength (x, fy) = (fun y => (x, y)) fy;
first an = rstrength << cross an id;
second an = lstrength << cross id an;
fromPointed (F: POINTED): COCARTESIAN = {
include fromFunctor F;
left an = either ( inl << an) (F.pure << inr);
right an = either (F.pure << inl) ( inr << an);
fromApplicative (F: APPLICATIVE): MONOIDAL = {
include fromPointed F;
empty = F.pure;
par h k (x, y) = F.apply (F.apply (F.pure (curry id)) (h x)) (k y);
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Optic function types
type adapter a b s t = (P: PROFUNCTOR) -> P.t a b -> P.t s t;
type lens a b s t = (P: CARTESIAN) -> P.t a b -> P.t s t;
type prism a b s t = (P: COCARTESIAN) -> P.t a b -> P.t s t;
type traversal a b s t = (P: MONOIDAL) -> P.t a b -> P.t s t;
(<~<) (o1: adapter _ _ _ _, o2: adapter _ _ _ _) (P: PROFUNCTOR) = o1 P << o2 P;
(<-<) (o1: lens _ _ _ _, o2: lens _ _ _ _) (P: CARTESIAN) = o1 P << o2 P;
(</<) (o1: prism _ _ _ _, o2: prism _ _ _ _) (P: COCARTESIAN) = o1 P << o2 P;
(<*<) (o1: traversal _ _ _ _, o2: traversal _ _ _ _) (P: MONOIDAL) = o1 P << o2 P;
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; A lens
p1 (P: CARTESIAN) = P.dimap (fork fst id) (cross id snd) << P.first;
;; A lens composition
p11 = p1 <-< p1;
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