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Last active April 2, 2018 13:26
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Amateurfunctor optics in 1ML --- WORK-IN-PROGRESS!
;; Amateurfunctor optics in 1ML --- WORK-IN-PROGRESS!
;; Background:
;; Run as:
;; ./1ml prelude.1ml amateurfunctor-optics.1ml
type fn a b = a -> b;
flip f x y = f y x;
snd (_, b) = b;
cross f g (a, b) = (f a, g b);
type SEMIGROUP = {
type t;
concat: t -> t -> t;
type MONOID = {
include SEMIGROUP;
empty: t;
Sum: MONOID = {
type t = int;
empty = 0;
concat = curry ( + );
Product: MONOID = {
type t = int;
empty = 1;
concat = curry ( * );
type FUNCTOR = {
type t a;
map 'a 'b: (a -> b) -> t a -> t b;
type POINTED = {
include FUNCTOR;
pure 'a: a -> t a;
include POINTED;
apply 'a 'b: t (fn a b) -> t a -> t b;
type MONAD = {
bind 'a 'b: (a -> t b) -> t a -> t b;
Constant (c: type): FUNCTOR = {
type t _ = c;
map = curry snd;
type t _ = M.t;
map _ m = m;
pure _ = M.empty;
apply = M.concat;
Identity: MONAD = {
type t a = a;
pure = id;
map = id;
apply = id;
bind = id;
State (s: type): MONAD = {
type t a = s -> (a, s);
pure = curry id;
map xy xS = xS >> cross xy id;
apply xyS xS = xyS >> uncurry (flip map xS);
bind xyS xS = xS >> uncurry xyS;
type lens a b s t = (F: FUNCTOR) => (a -> F.t b) -> s -> F.t t;
type traversal a b s t = (F: APPLICATIVE) => (a -> F.t b) -> s -> F.t t;
viewAs ab (lens: lens _ _ _ _) = lens (Constant _) ab;
view = viewAs id;
over ab (lens: traversal _ _ _ _) = lens Identity ab;
concatAs (M: MONOID) ab (traversal: traversal _ _ _ _) =
traversal (ConcatOf M) ab;
concat (M: MONOID) = concatAs M id;
(<-<) (l1: lens _ _ _ _, l2: lens _ _ _ _) (F: FUNCTOR) = l1 F << l2 F;
(<*<) (t1: traversal _ _ _ _, t2: traversal _ _ _ _) (F: APPLICATIVE) = t1 F << t2 F;
e1 (F: FUNCTOR) abF (l, r) = (fun l => (l, r)) (abF l);
e2 (F: FUNCTOR) abF (l, r) = (fun r => (l, r)) (abF r);
elems (F: APPLICATIVE) xyF xs =
foldr xs (F.pure nil) (fun x ysF => F.apply (F.apply (F.pure cons) (xyF x)) ysF);
e12 = e1 <-< e2;
foo = view e12 ((10, "foo"), true);
bar = over (fun x => (x, x)) e12 ((10, "foo"), true);
baz = concat Sum (e1 <*< elems <*< e2) (cons ("foo", 101) (cons ("bar", 42) nil), "baz");
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