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Last active December 28, 2015 13:09
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  • Save pomadchin/7505737 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pomadchin/7505737 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hadoop practice, a small converter for matrix.
@daunnc, stackoverflow:
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1 1 1
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3 3 7
import com.twitter.scalding._
//import com.twitter.scalding.FunctionImplicits._ to use implicit -- after comments
class convertMatrixJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
var prev: Long = 0
var pos: Long = 1
val zeroInt = 0
val zeroDouble = 0.0
.flatMap('line -> 'number) { line : String => line.split("\\s+") }
.mapTo(('offset, 'line, 'number) -> ('row, 'col, 'val)) { res : (Long, String, String) => //(offset: Long, line: String, number: String)
val (offset, line, number) = res // del line if using implicits
pos = if(prev == (offset + 1)) pos + 1 else 1
prev = offset + 1
(offset + 1, pos, number) }
.filter('row, 'col, 'v) { line : (Long, String, String) =>
val (row, col, v) = line
(v != zeroInt.toString) && (v != zeroDouble.toString)
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