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Created January 31, 2014 06:24
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Plugin Name: Global Conditional Notification
Description: Provides global notifications with conditional content
Version: 1.0
Author: Chris Knowles
Plugin URI: http://
Author URI:
Author: Bas Matthee
License: Free for use and modification
This is an amlagmation and tweaking of two existing WP plugins:
Global Notify by Bas Matthee,
WordPress Conditional Content by Super Interactive,
class GlobalNotify {
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'admin_menu', array(&$this,'gn_plugin_menu') );
add_action( 'loop_start', array(&$this,'gn_show_notification') );
add_action( 'wp_head', array(&$this,'gn_add_css') );
/* add the shortcodes */
# Base layer
add_shortcode( 'if', array( &$this, 'gn_short_code_if' ) );
# Second layer
add_shortcode( 'if2', array( &$this, 'gn_short_code_if' ) );
# Third layer
add_shortcode( 'if3', array( &$this, 'gn_short_code_if' ) );
# Fourth layer
add_shortcode( 'if4', array( &$this, 'gn_short_code_if' ) );
public function gn_plugin_menu() {
add_menu_page('Global Notify', 'Global Notify', 'manage_options', 'gn_settings', array(&$this,'gn_settings'));
public function gn_show_notification() {
if ( $this->gn_is_set('bmgn_notification_enabled') ) {
$class = 'gn-'.get_option('bmgn_notification_type','notify');
// CK - "unsanitize" the option
$message = str_replace('\"' , '"' , get_option('bmgn_notification',''));
// CK - run any shortcodes
$message = apply_filters( 'the_content' , $message );
if ( trim( $message ) != '' ) echo '<div class="gn '.$class.'">'.$message.'</div>';
public function gn_settings() {
if ( !current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
wp_die( __( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.' ) );
if (isset($_POST['bmgn_notification'])) {
$gn_enabled = (isset($_POST['bmgn_notification_enabled']))?1:0;
$gn_type = $_POST['bmgn_notification_type'];
/* CK - added CSS option */
echo '
<div class="updated">
<p>Changes saved!</p>
echo '
<div class="wrap">
<form action="" method="post">
<h1>Global Notification - Settings</h1>
Enter notification content. HTML tags and shortcodes can be used.
<textarea style="width: 80%; height: 300px" name="bmgn_notification">'.str_replace('\"', '"', get_option('bmgn_notification','Enter your message here.')).'</textarea><br />
<br />
Notification type:
<select name="bmgn_notification_type">
<option value="notify" '.$this->gn_cb_check('notify',get_option('bmgn_notification_type','notify')).'>Notify</option>
<option value="alert" '.$this->gn_cb_check('alert',get_option('bmgn_notification_type','notify')).'>Alert</option>
<option value="warning" '.$this->gn_cb_check('warning',get_option('bmgn_notification_type','notify')).'>Warning</option>
<option value="custom" '.$this->gn_cb_check('custom',get_option('bmgn_notification_type','custom')).'>Custom</option>
</select><br />
<br />
Notification is active?
<input type="checkbox" name="bmgn_notification_enabled" '.$this->gn_is_enabled().'> Enabled<br />
Enter your CSS for the notifications. Leave blank if you are adding the styles to your theme\'s stylesheet.
<textarea style="width: 80%; height: 300px" name="bmgn_notification_css">'.get_option('bmgn_notification_css','
.gn {
width: 80%;
margin: 20px 30px;
padding: 8px 35px 8px 14px;
margin-bottom: 18px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
.gn-notify {
color: #3A87AD;
background-color: #D9EDF7;
border: 1px solid #BCE8F1;
.gn-alert {
color: #B94A48;
background-color: #F2DEDE;
border: 1px solid #EED3D7;
.gn-warning {
color: #C09853;
background-color: #FCF8E3;
border: 1px solid #FBEED5;
.gn-custom {
').'</textarea><br />
<br />
<br />
<input style="font-size: 120%" type="submit" value="Save">
public function gn_cb_check($val1,$val2) {
return ($val1 == $val2)?'selected="selected"':'';
public function gn_is_enabled() {
return (get_option('bmgn_notification_enabled') == 1)?'checked="checked"':'';
public function gn_is_set( $option_name ) {
return (get_option( $option_name ) == 1)?true:false;
public function gn_add_css() {
$css = get_option('bmgn_notification_css','');
if ( trim( $css ) != '') echo '<style type="text/css" media="screen">' . $css . '</style>';
* Conditional Content
* The function that is called by when the shortcode is parsed
* @param array $atts The attributes of the shortcode
* @param string $content The content between the shortcode tags
* @return string If conditions are met $content, otherwise nothing.
public function gn_short_code_if( $atts, $content ) {
if ( empty( $atts ) )
return $content;
$condition_met = false;
$match = '';
if ( isset( $atts['match'] ) )
$match = ( 'contain' == $atts['match'] ) ? 'contain' : 'exact';
foreach ( $atts as $key => $value ) {
if ( 'qs' == $key )
$condition_met = $this->condition_query_string( $value, $match );
elseif ( 'referrer' == $key )
$condition_met = $this->condition_referrer( $value, $match );
elseif ( 'role' == $key )
$condition_met = $this->condition_user_role( $value );
// CK - Added
elseif ( 'page' == $key )
$condition_met = $this->condition_page_type( $value );
if( ! $condition_met )
return '';
# Run through do_shortcode to allow nesting
return do_shortcode( $content );
* Returns true if specified query string parameters match specified values
* @param array $atts The attributes of the shortcode
* @return bool True if conditions are met
private function condition_query_string( $value, $match ) {
if( ! strstr( $value, ':' ) )
return false;
list( $qs_key, $qs_value ) = explode( ':', $value );
$match = ( empty( $match ) ) ? 'exact' : $match;
# Check if GET value matches given value
if ( ! isset( $_GET[ $qs_key ] ) || false === $this->check_value( $_GET[ $qs_key ], $qs_value, $match ) )
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if HTTP_REFERER matches (any of) the given string(s)
* @param array $atts The attributes of the shortcode
* @return bool True if conditions are met
private function condition_referrer( $referrer, $match ) {
$match = ( empty( $match ) ) ? 'contain' : $match;
# Return false if no referrer set
if ( empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) )
return false;
# Return wether referrer matches
if( ! $this->check_value( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $referrer, $match ) )
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if user is logged in and has (any of) the specified role(s)
* @param array $atts The attributes of the shortcode
* @return bool True if conditions are met
private function condition_user_role( $role ) {
# If role is empty, a user should not have a role to match
if ( empty( $role ) && is_user_logged_in() )
return false;
# If role is not empty, user needs to be logged in
elseif ( ! is_user_logged_in() )
return false;
# Return wether current user role matches
if( $this->check_value( $role, $this->get_current_user_role() ) )
return true;
return false;
/** CK - Added
* Returns true if page type matches specified types
* @param array $atts The attributes of the shortcode (type=page|post|home|archive|search)
* @return bool True if conditions are met
private function condition_page_type( $page ) {
# If page is 'home'
if ( strpos( $page, 'home') > -1 && is_home() )
return true;
# If page is 'post'
if ( strpos( $page, 'post') > -1 && is_singular( 'post' ) )
return true;
# If page is 'page'
if ( strpos( $page, 'page') > -1 && is_singular( 'page' ) )
return true;
# If page is 'archive'
if ( strpos( $page, 'archive') > -1 && is_archive() )
return true;
# If page is 'search'
if ( strpos( $page, 'search') > -1 && is_search() )
return true;
return false;
* Compare value with another value or set of values
* @param string $value1 The value to test
* @param string $value2 The allowed value(s)
* @param string $match Can be exact for exact matches or contain for wildcard
* @return bool Returns true if value1 matches value2
private function check_value( $value1, $value2, $match = 'exact' ) {
# Check if multiple values
if ( strstr( $value2, ';' ) )
$allowed_values = explode( ';', $value2 );
$allowed_values = array( $value2 );
# loop through available values to check
foreach ( $allowed_values as $allowed_value ) {
# Exact match
if ( 'exact' == $match ) {
if ( $allowed_value == $value1 )
return true;
# String contains string (wildcard)
elseif ( 'contain' == $match ) {
if ( strstr( $value1, $allowed_value ) )
return true;
return false;
* Get the role of the current logged in user
private function get_current_user_role() {
# Get current user object
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
# Get first available role
if ( ! empty( $current_user->roles ) )
return array_shift( $current_user->roles );
return false;
$GlobalNotifiy = new GlobalNotify();
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Nice! Thanks for leaving my name in the credits.

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