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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Part of the enhanced comments plugin
// move the buried comments to the bottom of the list
if ( encom.buried == 'bottom' ) {
var comments = $(encom.comment + '.buried').detach();
$(encom.container).append( comments );
// remove buried comments
if ( encom.buried == 'remove' ) {
$(encom.comment + '.buried').remove();
// move the featured images to the top of the list
if ( encom.featured == 'top' ) {
var comments = $(encom.comment + '.featured').detach();
$(encom.container).prepend( comments );
// if hideform then show the add comment link
if ( encom.hideform ) {
} else {
// add the tabs
if ( encom.showtabs ) {
var tab_c = encom.tabclasses.split(',');
var tab_h = encom.tabheadings.split(',');
var tabs_html = '<ul class="comment-tabs">';
for (i=0;i<tab_c.length;i++) {
// only add a tab if it has comments
if ( tab_c[i] == 'all' || $(encom.comment + '.' + tab_c[i]).length > 0 ) {
tabs_html = tabs_html + '<li class="tab-' + tab_c[i] + '"><a class="tab-link" href="#' + tab_c[i] + '">' + tab_h[i] + '</a></li>';
} else {
// if empty tab is showfirst then change to 'all'
if ( encom.showfirst == tab_c[i] ) {
encom.showfirst = 'all';
tabs_html = tabs_html + '<li class="tab-add-comment"><a href="#add-comment">Add Comment</a></li></ul>';
// add tab containers
//$(tabs_html).insertAfter( '.comments-title' );
$( encom.container ).before( tabs_html );
// show 'showfirst' list of comments
// move comment form to top if necessary
if ( encom.commentform == 'top' ) {
$(encom.container).before( $('#respond') );
// switching to view all comments
var tab_class ='href').replace('#','');
showcomments( tab_class );
// show comment form
// this caters for any handlers being on the <a> link (Isola does this)
function showcomments(show_class){
// if all then just show all, otherwise just show class
if (show_class=='all') {
} else {
jQuery(encom.comment + '.' + show_class).show();
// set correct tab to active
jQuery('.comment-tabs li').removeClass('active');
jQuery('' + show_class).addClass('active');
// if we are hiding the form then hide when we change tabs
if ( encom.hideform ) jQuery('#respond').hide();
<script type='text/javascript'>
/* <![CDATA[ */
var encom = {
/* ]]> */
function encom_enqueue_scripts() {
global $encom_default;
/* only need to enqueue if a single page */
if ( !is_admin() ) {
// Register the init script
wp_register_script( 'encom_init', plugins_url( 'js/init.js', __FILE__ ), array('jquery'), null, true );
// Now we can localize the script with our data.
$encom_array = get_option( 'enhanced_comments_settings' , $encom_default );
wp_localize_script( 'encom_init', 'encom', $encom_array );
// Enqueue the scripts.
wp_enqueue_script( 'encom_init' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts' , 'encom_enqueue_scripts' );
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