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Created March 22, 2019 12:02
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# --------------------------------------------------------
# Camera Caffe sample code for Tegra X2/X1
# This program captures and displays video from IP CAM,
# USB webcam, or the Tegra onboard camera, and do real-time
# image classification (inference) with Caffe. Refer to the
# following blog post for how to set up and run the code:
# Written by JK Jung <>
# Modify by dahai <>
# --------------------------------------------------------
import os
import sys
import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np
import caffe
from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
DEFAULT_PROTOTXT = "models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt"
DEFAULT_MODEL = "models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel"
DEFAULT_LABELS = "data/ilsvrc12/synset_words.txt"
DEFAULT_MEAN = "data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
windowName = "CameraCaffeDemo"
helpText = "'Esc' to Quit, 'H' to Toggle Help, 'F' to Toggle Fullscreen"
def parse_args():
Parse input arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Capture and display live camera video, and do real-time image classification with Caffe on Jetson TX2/TX1")
parser.add_argument("--vid", dest="video_dev",
help="video device # of USB webcam (/dev/video?) [1]",
default=0, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--width", dest="image_width",
help="image width [640]",
default=640, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--height", dest="image_height",
help="image height [480]",
default=480, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--cpu", dest="cpu_mode",
help="use CPU mode for Caffe (GPU mode is used by default)",
parser.add_argument("--crop", dest="crop_center",
help="crop the square at center of image for Caffe inferencing [False]",
parser.add_argument("--prototxt", dest="caffe_prototxt",
default=DEFAULT_PROTOTXT, type=str)
parser.add_argument("--model", dest="caffe_model",
default=DEFAULT_MODEL, type=str)
parser.add_argument("--labels", dest="caffe_labels",
default=DEFAULT_LABELS, type=str)
parser.add_argument("--mean", dest="caffe_mean",
default=DEFAULT_MEAN, type=str)
parser.add_argument("--output", dest="caffe_output",
help='name of Caffe output blob [prob]',
default="prob", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def get_caffe_mean(filename):
mean_blob = caffe_pb2.BlobProto()
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
mean_array = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32).reshape(
(mean_blob.channels, mean_blob.height, mean_blob.width))
return mean_array.mean(1).mean(1)
def open_cam_usb(dev, width, height):
# We want to set width and height here, otherwise we could just do:
# return cv2.VideoCapture(dev)
return cv2.VideoCapture(dev)
def open_window(windowName, width, height):
cv2.namedWindow(windowName, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.resizeWindow(windowName, width, height)
cv2.moveWindow(windowName, 0, 0)
cv2.setWindowTitle(windowName, "Camera Caffe Classification Demo for Jetson TX2/TX1")
def show_top_preds(img, top_probs, top_labels):
x = 10
y = 40
for i in range(len(top_probs)):
pred = "{:.4f} {:20s}".format(top_probs[i], top_labels[i])
#cv2.putText(img, pred,
# (x+1,y), font, 1.0, (32,32,32), 4, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.putText(img, pred,
(x,y), font, 1.0, (0,0,240), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
y += 20
def read_cam_and_classify(windowName, cap, net, transformer, labels, caffe_output, crop):
showHelp = True
showFullScreen = False
while True:
if cv2.getWindowProperty(windowName, 0) < 0: # Check to see if the user closed the window
# This will fail if the user closed the window; Nasties get printed to the console
ret_val, img =
if crop:
height, width, channels = img.shape
if height < width:
img_crop = img[:, ((width-height)//2):((width+height)//2), :]
img_crop = img[((height-width)//2):((height+width)//2), :, :]
img_crop = img;
# inferencing the image
net.blobs["data"].data[...] = transformer.preprocess("data", img_crop)
output = net.forward()
output_prob = output[caffe_output][0] # output["prob"][0]
top_inds = output_prob.argsort()[::-1][:3]
top_probs = output_prob[top_inds]
top_labels = labels[top_inds]
show_top_preds(img, top_probs, top_labels)
if showHelp == True:
cv2.putText(img, helpText, (11,20), font, 1.0, (32,32,32), 4, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.putText(img, helpText, (10,20), font, 1.0, (240,240,240), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow(windowName, img)
key = cv2.waitKey(10)
if key == 27: # ESC key: quit program
elif key == ord('H') or key == ord('h'): # toggle help message
showHelp = not showHelp
elif key == ord('F') or key == ord('f'): # toggle fullscreen
showFullScreen = not showFullScreen
if showFullScreen == True:
cv2.setWindowProperty(windowName, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)
cv2.setWindowProperty(windowName, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
print("Called with args:")
print("OpenCV version: {}".format(cv2.__version__))
if not os.path.isfile(args.caffe_prototxt):
sys.exit("File not found: {}".format(args.caffe_prototxt))
if not os.path.isfile(args.caffe_model):
sys.exit("File not found: {}".format(args.caffe_model))
if not os.path.isfile(args.caffe_labels):
sys.exit("File not found: {}".format(args.caffe_labels))
if not os.path.isfile(args.caffe_mean):
sys.exit("File not found: {}".format(args.caffe_mean))
# initialize Caffe
if args.cpu_mode:
print("Running Caffe in CPU mode")
print("Running Caffe in GPU mode")
net = caffe.Net(args.caffe_prototxt, args.caffe_model, caffe.TEST)
mu = get_caffe_mean(args.caffe_mean)
print("Mean-subtracted values:", zip('BGR', mu))
transformer ={'data': net.blobs['data'].data.shape})
transformer.set_transpose("data", (2,0,1))
transformer.set_mean("data", mu)
# no need to to swap color channels since captured images are already BGR
labels = np.loadtxt(args.caffe_labels, str, delimiter='\t')
# initialize camera
cap = open_cam_usb(args.video_dev, args.image_width, args.image_height)
if not cap.isOpened():
sys.exit("Failed to open camera!")
# start capturing live video and do inference
open_window(windowName, args.image_width, args.image_height)
read_cam_and_classify(windowName, cap, net, transformer, labels,
args.caffe_output, args.crop_center)
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