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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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instaparse example 1 (clojure sexp grammer)
(ns parser.core
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[instaparse.core :as insta]))
;; TODO comment and newline support
;; newline = '\n' | '\r\n'
;; <comment-start> = ';'
;; <comment> = comment-start #'.*' newline
;; :
(def sexp
"S = ws* sexpr ws*
whitespace = ' ' | '\t'
<comma> = ','
<ws> = <whitespace> | <comma>
<lpar> = <'('>
<rpar> = <')'>
<map-start> = <'{'>
<map-end> = <'}'>
<set-start> = <'#{'>
<set-end> = <'}'>
<array-start> = <'['>
<array-end> = <']'>
integer = #'[+-]?\\d+'
double = #'[+-]?\\d+\\.\\d*'
<number> = ( integer | double )
<dquote> = '\"'
<not-dquote> = #'[^\"]'
string = <dquote> not-dquote* <dquote>
<identifier-class> = #'[\\p{Alpha}\\-_$!%&<>=][\\d\\p{Alpha}\\-_$!%&<>=]*'
identifier = identifier-class
keyword = <':'> identifier-class
quoted = <'\\''> ws* sexpr
<sexpr> = string | identifier | number | keyword | list | array | map | set | quoted
list = lpar ( sexpr | ws )* rpar
array = array-start ( sexpr | ws )* array-end
map-key = sexpr
map-val = sexpr
map = map-start ws* ( map-key ws* map-val ws* )* map-end
set = set-start ( sexpr | ws )* set-end
;; (sexp " ( -999.99 888 [77.7 -66. ] a-b_c3$d {:d, 999, :e-e9_$e fff} #{x -0} ' (de-fg hi$ ) j \"string string\" \"\") ")
;; =>
;; [:S
;; [:list
;; [:double "-999.99"]
;; [:integer "888"]
;; [:array [:double "77.7"] [:double "-66."]]
;; [:identifier "a-b_c3$d"]
;; [:map
;; [:map-key [:keyword "d"]]
;; [:map-val [:integer "999"]]
;; [:map-key [:keyword "e-e9_$e"]]
;; [:map-val [:identifier "fff"]]]
;; [:set [:identifier "x"] [:integer "-0"]]
;; [:quoted [:list [:identifier "de-fg"] [:identifier "hi$"]]]
;; [:identifier "j"]
;; [:string "s" "t" "r" "i" "n" "g" " " "s" "t" "r" "i" "n" "g"]
;; [:string]]]
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ponkore commented May 6, 2015


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