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Last active March 18, 2017 12:50
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  • Save ponkore/c58657d2e8bf156841f2976cf8ba09f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ponkore/c58657d2e8bf156841f2976cf8ba09f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bash$ java -jar ../jetty-distribution-9.4.2.v20170220/start.jar --add-to-start=http,deploy,ext,jvm,console-capture,logging-slf4j,slf4j-log4j --create-startd
ALERT: There are enabled module(s) with licenses.
The following 2 module(s):
+ contains software not provided by the Eclipse Foundation!
+ contains software not covered by the Eclipse Public License!
+ has not been audited for compliance with its license
Module: log4j-impl
+ Log4j is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
Module: slf4j-api
+ SLF4J is distributed under the MIT License.
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2013
+ All rights reserved.
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Proceed (y/N)? y
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/start.d
INFO : webapp transitively enabled, ini template available with --add-to-start=webapp
INFO : ext initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/ext.ini
INFO : jvm initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/jvm.ini
INFO : server transitively enabled, ini template available with --add-to-start=server
INFO : log4j-impl transitively enabled
INFO : servlet transitively enabled
INFO : resources transitively enabled
INFO : slf4j-log4j initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/slf4j-log4j.ini
INFO : deploy initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/deploy.ini
INFO : slf4j-api transitively enabled
INFO : security transitively enabled
INFO : logging-slf4j initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/logging-slf4j.ini
INFO : console-capture initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/console-capture.ini
INFO : http initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/http.ini
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/lib
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/lib/ext
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/lib/log4j
DOWNLD: to ${jetty.base}/lib/log4j/log4j-1.2.17.jar
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/resources
COPY : ${jetty.home}/modules/log4j-impl/resources/log4j.xml to ${jetty.base}/resources/log4j.xml
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/lib/slf4j
DOWNLD: to ${jetty.base}/lib/slf4j/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.21.jar
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/webapps
COPY : /Users/masao/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.21/slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar to ${jetty.base}/lib/slf4j/slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar
MKDIR : ${jetty.base}/logs
INFO : Base directory was modified
bash$ java -jar ../jetty-distribution-9.4.2.v20170220/start.jar --list-all-modules
Available Modules:
tags: [*]
Modules for tag '*':
Module: alpn
: Enables the ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) TLS extension.
Depend: alpn-impl/alpn-8, ssl
LIB: lib/jetty-alpn-client-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-alpn-server-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-alpn.xml
Module: annotations
: Enables Annotation scanning for deployed webapplications.
Depend: plus
LIB: lib/jetty-annotations-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/annotations/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-annotations.xml
Module: apache-jsp
: Enables use of the apache implementation of JSP
LIB: lib/apache-jsp/*.jar
Module: apache-jstl
: Enables the apache version of JSTL
LIB: lib/apache-jstl/*.jar
Module: cdi
: Experimental CDI/Weld integration
Depend: jsp, annotations, plus, deploy
LIB: lib/cdi/*.jar
LIB: lib/cdi-core-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/cdi-servlet-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-cdi.xml
Module: client
: Adds the Jetty HTTP client to the server classpath.
LIB: lib/jetty-client-${jetty.version}.jar
Module: continuation
: Enables support for Continuation style asynchronous
: Servlets. Now deprecated in favour of Servlet 3.1
LIB: lib/jetty-continuation-${jetty.version}.jar
Module: deploy
: Enables webapplication deployment from the webapps directory.
Depend: webapp
LIB: lib/jetty-deploy-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-deploy.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}/start.d/deploy.ini
Module: fcgi
: Adds the FastCGI implementation to the classpath.
Depend: servlet, client
LIB: lib/jetty-proxy-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/fcgi/*.jar
Module: flight-recorder
Depend: server
JVM: -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures
JVM: -XX:+FlightRecorder
Module: home-base-warning
: Generates a warning that server has been run from $JETTY_HOME
: rather than from a $JETTY_BASE.
XML: etc/home-base-warning.xml
Module: jaas
: Enable JAAS for deployed webapplications.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-jaas-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-jaas.xml
Module: jaspi
: Enable JASPI authentication for deployed webapplications.
Depend: security
LIB: lib/jetty-jaspi-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jaspi/*.jar
Module: jmx
: Enables JMX instrumentation for server beans and
: enables JMX agent.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-jmx-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-jmx.xml
Module: jmx-remote
: Enables remote RMI access to JMX
Depend: jmx
XML: etc/jetty-jmx-remote.xml
Module: jndi
: Adds the Jetty JNDI implementation to the classpath.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-jndi-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jndi/*.jar
Module: jsp
: Enables JSP for all webapplications deployed on the server.
Depend: apache-jsp, servlet, annotations
Module: jstl
: Enables JSTL for all webapplications deployed on the server
Depend: jsp, apache-jstl
Module: jvm
: A noop module that creates an ini template useful for
: setting JVM arguments (eg -Xmx )
Enabled: ${jetty.base}/start.d/jvm.ini
Module: lowresources
: Enables a low resource monitor on the server
: that can take actions if threads and/or connections
: cross configured threshholds.
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-lowresources.xml
Module: plus
: Enables JNDI and resource injection for webapplications
: and other servlet 3.x features not supported in the core
: jetty webapps module.
Depend: webapp, server, security, jndi
LIB: lib/jetty-plus-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-plus.xml
Module: proxy
: Enable the Jetty Proxy, that allows the server to act
: as a non-transparent proxy for browsers.
Depend: servlet, client
LIB: lib/jetty-proxy-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-proxy.xml
Module: proxy-protocol
: Enables the Proxy Protocol on the HTTP Connector.
: This allows a proxy operating in TCP mode to
: transport details of the proxied connection to
: the server.
: Both V1 and V2 versions of the protocol are supported.
Depend: http
XML: etc/jetty-proxy-protocol.xml
Module: quickstart
: Enables the Jetty Quickstart module for rapid
: deployment of preconfigured webapplications.
Depend: server, annotations, plus
LIB: lib/jetty-quickstart-${jetty.version}.jar
Module: rewrite
: Enables the jetty-rewrite handler. Specific rewrite
: rules must be added to either to etc/jetty-rewrite.xml or a custom xml/module
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-rewrite-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-rewrite.xml
Module: rewrite-compactpath
: Add a rule to the rewrite module to compact paths so that double slashes
: in the path are treated as a single slash.
Depend: rewrite
XML: etc/rewrite-compactpath.xml
Module: rewrite-customizer [rewrite]
: Enables a rewrite Rules container as a request customizer on
: the servers default HttpConfiguration instance
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-rewrite-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-rewrite-customizer.xml
Module: security
: Adds servlet standard security handling to the classpath.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-security-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of security for webapp
Module: server
: Enables the core Jetty server on the classpath.
Optional: jvm, ext, resources, logging
LIB: lib/servlet-api-3.1.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-schemas-3.1.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-http-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-server-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-xml-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-util-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jetty-io-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty.xml
Enabled: transitive provider of server for http
Enabled: transitive provider of server for security
Module: servlet
: Enables standard Servlet handling.
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-servlet-${jetty.version}.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of servlet for webapp
Module: servlets
: Puts a collection of jetty utility servlets and filters
: on the server classpath (CGI, CrossOriginFilter, DosFilter,
: MultiPartFilter, PushCacheFilter, QoSFilter, etc.) for
: use by all webapplications.
Depend: servlet
LIB: lib/jetty-servlets-${jetty.version}.jar
Module: setuid
: Enables the unix setUID configuration so that the server
: may be started as root to open privileged ports/files before
: changing to a restricted user (eg jetty).
Depend: server
LIB: lib/setuid/jetty-setuid-java-1.0.3.jar
XML: etc/jetty-setuid.xml
Module: spring
: Enable spring configuration processing so all jetty style
: xml files can optionally be written as spring beans
Depend: server
LIB: lib/spring/*.jar
Module: webapp
: Adds support for servlet specification webapplication to the server
: classpath. Without this, only Jetty specific handlers may be deployed.
Depend: security, servlet
LIB: lib/jetty-webapp-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-webapp.xml
Enabled: transitive provider of webapp for deploy
Module: websocket
: Enable websockets for deployed web applications
Depend: client, annotations
LIB: lib/websocket/*.jar
Modules for tag '3rdparty':
Module: gcloud
: Control GCloud API classpath
Tags: 3rdparty, gcloud
LIB: lib/gcloud/*.jar
Module: gcloud-datastore
: Enables GCloud Datastore API and implementation
Tags: 3rdparty, gcloud
Depend: jul-impl, jcl-slf4j, gcloud
Module: hawtio
: Deploys the Hawtio console as a webapplication.
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: jmx, stats, deploy
XML: etc/hawtio.xml
Module: jamon
: Deploys the JAMon webapplication
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: jmx, stats, jsp, deploy
LIB: lib/jamon/**.jar
XML: etc/jamon.xml
Module: jminix
: Deploys the Jminix JMX Console within the server
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: jmx, stats, jcl-impl, jcl-api
LIB: lib/jminix/**.jar
XML: etc/jminix.xml
Module: jolokia
: Deploys the Jolokia console as a web application.
Tags: 3rdparty
Depend: jmx, stats, deploy
XML: etc/jolokia.xml
Modules for tag 'classpath':
Module: ext
: Adds all jar files discovered in $JETTY_HOME/lib/ext
: and $JETTY_BASE/lib/ext to the servers classpath.
Tags: classpath
LIB: lib/ext/**.jar
Enabled: ${jetty.base}/start.d/ext.ini
Module: resources
: Adds the $JETTY_HOME/resources and/or $JETTY_BASE/resources
: directory to the server classpath. Useful for configuration
: property files (eg
Tags: classpath
LIB: resources/
Enabled: transitive provider of resources for log4j-impl
Modules for tag 'connector':
Module: http
: Enables a HTTP connector on the server.
: By default HTTP/1 is support, but HTTP2C can
: be added to the connector with the http2c module.
Tags: connector, http
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-http.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}/start.d/http.ini
Module: http-forwarded
: Adds a forwarded request customizer to the HTTP Connector
: to process forwarded-for style headers from a proxy.
Tags: connector
Depend: http
XML: etc/jetty-http-forwarded.xml
Module: http2
: Enables HTTP2 protocol support on the TLS(SSL) Connector,
: using the ALPN extension to select which protocol to use.
Tags: connector, http2, http, ssl
Depend: alpn, ssl
LIB: lib/http2/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-http2.xml
Module: http2c
: Enables the HTTP2C protocol on the HTTP Connector
: The connector will accept both HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 connections.
Tags: connector, http2, http
Depend: http
LIB: lib/http2/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-http2c.xml
Module: https
: Adds HTTPS protocol support to the TLS(SSL) Connector
Tags: connector, https, http, ssl
Depend: ssl
Optional: http-forwarded, http2
XML: etc/jetty-https.xml
Module: proxy-protocol-ssl
: Enables the Proxy Protocol on the TLS(SSL) Connector.
: This allows a Proxy operating in TCP mode to transport
: details of the proxied connection to the server.
: Both V1 and V2 versions of the protocol are supported.
Tags: connector, ssl
Depend: ssl
XML: etc/jetty-proxy-protocol-ssl.xml
Module: ssl
: Enables a TLS(SSL) Connector on the server.
: This may be used for HTTPS and/or HTTP2 by enabling
: the associated support modules.
Tags: connector, ssl
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-ssl.xml
XML: etc/jetty-ssl-context.xml
Module: unixsocket
: Enables a Unix Domain Socket Connector that can receive
: requests from a local proxy and/or SSL offloader (eg haproxy) in either
: HTTP or TCP mode. Unix Domain Sockets are more efficient than
: localhost TCP/IP connections as they reduce data copies, avoid
: needless fragmentation and have better dispatch behaviours.
: When enabled with corresponding support modules, the connector can
: accept HTTP, HTTPS or HTTP2C traffic.
Tags: connector
Depend: server
LIB: lib/jetty-unixsocket-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/jnr/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket.xml
Module: unixsocket-forwarded
: Adds a forwarded request customizer to the HTTP configuration used
: by the Unix Domain Socket connector, for use when behind a proxy operating
: in HTTP mode that adds forwarded-for style HTTP headers. Typically this
: is an alternate to the Proxy Protocol used mostly for TCP mode.
Tags: connector
Depend: unixsocket-http
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-forwarded.xml
Module: unixsocket-http
: Adds a HTTP protocol support to the Unix Domain Socket connector.
: It should be used when a proxy is forwarding either HTTP or decrypted
: HTTPS traffic to the connector and may be used with the
: unix-socket-http2c modules to upgrade to HTTP/2.
Tags: connector, http
Depend: unixsocket
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-http.xml
Module: unixsocket-http2c
: Adds a HTTP2C connetion factory to the Unix Domain Socket Connector
: It can be used when either the proxy forwards direct
: HTTP/2C (unecrypted) or decrypted HTTP/2 traffic.
Tags: connector, http2
Depend: unixsocket-http
LIB: lib/http2/*.jar
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-http2c.xml
Module: unixsocket-proxy-protocol
: Enables the proxy protocol on the Unix Domain Socket Connector
: This allows information about the proxied connection to be
: efficiently forwarded as the connection is accepted.
: Both V1 and V2 versions of the protocol are supported and any
: SSL properties may be interpreted by the unixsocket-secure
: module to indicate secure HTTPS traffic. Typically this
: is an alternate to the forwarded module.
Tags: connector
Depend: unixsocket
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-proxy-protocol.xml
Module: unixsocket-secure
: Enable a secure request customizer on the HTTP Configuration
: used by the Unix Domain Socket Connector.
: This looks for a secure scheme transported either by the
: unixsocket-forwarded, unixsocket-proxy-protocol or in a
: HTTP2 request.
Tags: connector
Depend: unixsocket-http
XML: etc/jetty-unixsocket-secure.xml
Modules for tag 'debug':
Module: debug
: Enables the DebugListener to generate additional
: logging regarding detailed request handling events.
: Renames threads to include request URI.
Tags: debug
Depend: deploy
XML: etc/jetty-debug.xml
Module: debuglog
: Deprecated Debug Log using the DebugHandle.
: Replaced with the debug module.
Tags: debug
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-debuglog.xml
Modules for tag 'handler':
Module: gzip
: Enable GzipHandler for dynamic gzip compression
: for the entire server.
Tags: handler
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-gzip.xml
Module: ipaccess
: Enable the ipaccess handler to apply a white/black list
: control of the remote IP of requests.
Tags: handler
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-ipaccess.xml
Module: stats
: Enable detailed statistics collection for the server,
: available via JMX.
Tags: handler
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-stats.xml
Module: threadlimit
Tags: handler
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-threadlimit.xml
Modules for tag 'logging':
Module: console-capture
: Redirects JVMs console stderr and stdout to a log file,
: including output from Jetty's default StdErrLog logging.
Tags: logging
LIB: resources/
XML: etc/console-capture.xml
Enabled: ${jetty.base}/start.d/console-capture.ini
Module: jcl-slf4j [slf4j+jcl, jcl-impl, jcl-api]
: Provides a Java Commons Logging (JCL) binding to SLF4J logging.
Tags: logging, jcl, slf4j, internal
Depend: slf4j-api, slf4j-impl
LIB: lib/slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j-${slf4j.version}.jar
Module: jul-impl [jul-api]
: Configures the Java Util Logging mechanism
Tags: logging, jul, internal
JVM: -Djava.util.logging.config.file?=${jetty.base}/etc/
Module: jul-slf4j [jul-impl, slf4j+jul, jul-api]
: Provides a Java Util Loggin binding to SLF4J logging.
Tags: logging, slf4j, internal
Depend: slf4j-api, slf4j-impl
LIB: lib/slf4j/jul-to-slf4j-${slf4j.version}.jar
JVM: -Djava.util.logging.config.file?=${jetty.base}/etc/
Module: log4j-impl [log4j-api]
: Provides a Log4j v1.2 API and implementation.
: To receive jetty logs enable the jetty-slf4j and slf4j-log4j modules.
Tags: logging, log4j, internal
Depend: resources
LIB: lib/log4j/log4j-${log4j.version}.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of log4j-impl for slf4j-log4j
Module: log4j2-api
: Provides the Log4j v2 API
Tags: logging, log4j2, log4j, internal
LIB: lib/log4j2/log4j-api-${log4j2.version}.jar
Module: log4j2-impl
: Provides a Log4j v2 implementation.
: To receive jetty logs enable the jetty-slf4j, slf4j-log4j and log4j-log4j2 modules.
Tags: logging, log4j2, log4j, internal
Depend: log4j2-api, resources
LIB: lib/log4j2/*.jar
Module: log4j2-slf4j [log4j2-impl]
: Provides a Log4j v2 binding to SLF4J logging.
Tags: logging, log4j2, log4j, slf4j, internal
Depend: slf4j-api, log4j2-api
LIB: lib/log4j2/log4j-slf4j-to-${log4j2.version}.jar
Module: logback-impl
: Provides the logback core implementation
: and logback-access
Tags: logging, internal
Depend: resources
LIB: lib/logback/logback-core-${logback.version}.jar
Module: logging-jetty [logging]
: Configure jetty logging mechanism.
: Provides a ${jetty.base}/resources/
Tags: logging
Depend: resources
Module: logging-jul [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Java Util Logging (jul)
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: jul-impl, slf4j-jul
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-log4j [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Log4j Logging
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: log4j-impl, slf4j-log4j
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-log4j2 [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use log4j version 2
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-log4j2, log4j2-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-logback [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use Logback Logging.
: SLF4J is used as the core logging mechanism.
Tags: logging
Depend: logback-impl, slf4j-logback
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Module: logging-slf4j [logging]
: Configure jetty logging to use slf4j.
: Any slf4j-impl implementation is used
Tags: logging
Depend: slf4j-api, slf4j-impl
JVM: -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class?=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
Enabled: ${jetty.base}/start.d/logging-slf4j.ini
Module: slf4j-api
: Provides SLF4J API. Requires a slf4j implementation (eg slf4j-simple-impl)
: otherwise a noop implementation is used.
Tags: logging, slf4j, internal
LIB: lib/slf4j/slf4j-api-${slf4j.version}.jar
Enabled: transitive provider of slf4j-api for slf4j-log4j
Enabled: transitive provider of slf4j-api for logging-slf4j
Module: slf4j-jul [slf4j+jul, slf4j-impl]
: Provides a SLF4J binding to Java Util Logging (JUL) logging.
Tags: logging, slf4j, internal
Depend: slf4j-api
LIB: lib/slf4j/slf4j-jdk14-${slf4j.version}.jar
Module: slf4j-log4j [slf4j-impl]
: Provides a SLF4J binding to the Log4j v1.2 API logging.
Tags: logging, log4j, slf4j, internal
Depend: slf4j-api, log4j-impl, log4j-api
LIB: lib/slf4j/slf4j-log4j12-${slf4j.version}.jar
Enabled: ${jetty.base}/start.d/slf4j-log4j.ini
Module: slf4j-log4j2 [slf4j-impl]
: Provides a SLF4J binding to Log4j v2 logging.
Tags: logging, log4j2, log4j, slf4j, internal
Depend: slf4j-api, log4j2-api, log4j2-impl
LIB: lib/log4j2/log4j-slf4j-impl-${log4j2.version}.jar
Module: slf4j-logback [slf4j-impl]
: Provides a SLF4J binding to Logback logging.
Tags: logging, slf4j, internal
Depend: slf4j-api, logback-impl, resources
LIB: lib/logback/logback-classic-${logback.version}.jar
Module: slf4j-simple-impl [slf4j-impl]
: Provides SLF4J simple logging implementation.
: To receive jetty logs enable the jetty-slf4j module.
Tags: logging, slf4j, internal
Depend: slf4j-api, resources
LIB: lib/slf4j/slf4j-simple-${slf4j.version}.jar
Modules for tag 'requestlog':
Module: logback-access [requestlog]
: Enables logback request log.
Tags: requestlog, logging, logback
Depend: server, logback-impl, resources
LIB: lib/logback/logback-access-${logback.version}.jar
XML: etc/jetty-logback-access.xml
Module: requestlog
: Enables a NCSA style request log.
Tags: requestlog
Depend: server
XML: etc/jetty-requestlog.xml
Modules for tag 'session':
Module: session-cache-hash [session-cache]
: Enable first level session cache in ConcurrentHashMap.
: If not enabled, sessions will use a HashSessionCache by default, so enabling
: via this module is only needed if the configuration properties need to be
: changed.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
XML: etc/sessions/session-cache-hash.xml
Module: session-cache-null [session-cache]
: A trivial SessionCache that does not actually cache sessions.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
XML: etc/sessions/session-cache-null.xml
Module: session-store-cache
: Enables caching of SessionData in front of a SessionDataStore.
Tags: session
Depend: session-store, sessions/session-data-cache/${session-data-cache}
XML: etc/sessions/session-data-cache/session-caching-store.xml
Module: session-store-file [session-store]
: Enables session persistent storage in files.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
XML: etc/sessions/file/session-store.xml
Module: session-store-gcloud [session-store]
: Enables GCloudDatastore session management.
Tags: session, gcloud
Depend: webapp, sessions, gcloud-datastore, annotations
LIB: lib/jetty-gcloud-session-manager-${jetty.version}.jar
XML: etc/sessions/gcloud/session-store.xml
Module: session-store-infinispan-embedded [session-store]
: Enables session data store in a local Infinispan cache
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-infinispan-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/infinispan/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/infinispan/default.xml
Module: session-store-infinispan-remote [session-store]
: Enables session data store in a remote Infinispan cache
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-infinispan-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/infinispan/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/infinispan/remote.xml
Module: session-store-jdbc [session-store]
: Enables JDBC peristent/distributed session storage.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions, sessions/jdbc/${db-connection-type}
XML: etc/sessions/jdbc/session-store.xml
Module: session-store-mongo [session-store]
: Enables NoSql session management with a MongoDB driver.
Tags: session
Depend: sessions
LIB: lib/jetty-nosql-${jetty.version}.jar
LIB: lib/nosql/*.jar
XML: etc/sessions/mongo/session-store.xml
Module: sessions
: The session management. By enabling this module, it allows
: session management to be configured via the ini templates
: created or by enabling other session-cache or session-store
: modules. Without this module enabled, the server may still
: use sessions, but their management cannot be configured.
Tags: session
Depend: server
XML: etc/sessions/id-manager.xml
Enabled Modules:
0) console-capture ${jetty.base}/start.d/console-capture.ini
1) ext ${jetty.base}/start.d/ext.ini
2) jvm ${jetty.base}/start.d/jvm.ini
3) slf4j-api transitive provider of slf4j-api for slf4j-log4j
transitive provider of slf4j-api for logging-slf4j
4) resources transitive provider of resources for log4j-impl
5) log4j-impl transitive provider of log4j-impl for slf4j-log4j
6) slf4j-log4j ${jetty.base}/start.d/slf4j-log4j.ini
7) logging-slf4j ${jetty.base}/start.d/logging-slf4j.ini
8) server transitive provider of server for http
transitive provider of server for security
init template available with --add-to-start=server
9) security transitive provider of security for webapp
10) servlet transitive provider of servlet for webapp
11) webapp transitive provider of webapp for deploy
init template available with --add-to-start=webapp
12) deploy ${jetty.base}/start.d/deploy.ini
13) http ${jetty.base}/start.d/http.ini
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