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Created September 14, 2022 03:18
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Lottery contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity >=0.8.4;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Address.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "./interfaces/IJackpotLotteryTicket.sol";
import "./interfaces/IChainlinkAggregator.sol";
contract JackpotLottery is Ownable {
using Address for address;
IJackpotLotteryTicket internal ticket;
IChainlinkAggregator internal chainlinkAggregator;
IERC20 public myToken;
enum Status {
//TODO; add timestamp
//TODO; add rewards
string public myTokenId; // coingecko token id
uint256 public myTokenPrice;
uint256 internal myTokenPriceLastUpdated;
uint256 public index;
uint256 internal requestId;
bytes32 internal priceRequestId;
struct LotteryInfo {
uint256 lotteryId;
// token info
address token;
uint256 tokenPrice;
uint256 priceLastUpdatedTime;
string tokenId; // coingecko token id
Status status;
uint256 ticketPrice; // USD
uint256 startTime;
uint256 endTime;
uint256[] prizePool; // 0: BNB, 1: myToken, 2: Partner token
//TOOD; check current balance of prize pool
uint16[] winningNumbers;
// id => LotteryInfo mapping
mapping(uint256 => LotteryInfo) internal lotteries;
uint256 public constant PRICE = 1 ether;
uint256 public constant TICKET_SALE_END_DUE = 30 minutes;
uint8 public constant SIZE_OF_NUMBER = 6;
// How long will the contract assume rate update is not needed
uint256 public constant RATE_FRESH_PERIOD = 1 hours;
event TicketUpdated(address ticket);
event TokenUpdated(address token, string tokenId);
event ChainlinkAggregatorUpdated(address chainlinkAggregator);
event NewLotteryCreated(
uint256 indexed lotteryId,
address indexed owner,
address token,
uint256 ticketPrice,
uint256 startTime,
uint256 endTime
event TicketBought(uint256 indexed lotteryId, address indexed owner, uint8 indexed buyType, uint8 numberOfTickets);
event TicketsClaimed(uint256 indexed lotteryId, uint256[] ticketIds);
event WinningNumberRevealed(uint256 indexed lotteryId, uint16[] winningNumbers);
address _token,
string memory _tokenId,
address _ticket,
address _chainlinkAggregator
) {
require(_token != address(0), "Invalid token address");
require(_ticket != address(0), "Invalid ticket address");
require(_chainlinkAggregator != address(0), "Invalid chainlinkAggregator address");
myToken = IERC20(_token);
myTokenId = _tokenId;
ticket = IJackpotLotteryTicket(_ticket);
chainlinkAggregator = IChainlinkAggregator(_chainlinkAggregator);
//request price update
priceRequestId = chainlinkAggregator.requestCryptoPrice(0, _tokenId);
modifier notContract() {
require(!address(msg.sender).isContract(), "Contract not allowed");
require(msg.sender == tx.origin, "Proxy contract not allowed");
modifier onlyChainlinkAggregator() {
require(msg.sender == address(chainlinkAggregator), "Not a chainlinkAggregator");
* @dev update ticket contract
* @param _ticket new ticket address
function setTicket(address _ticket) external onlyOwner {
require(_ticket != address(0), "Invalid ticket address");
ticket = IJackpotLotteryTicket(_ticket);
emit TicketUpdated(_ticket);
* @dev update token contract
* @param _token new token address
* @param _tokenId new tokenId
function setToken(address _token, string memory _tokenId) external onlyOwner {
require(_token != address(0), "Invalid ticket address");
myToken = IERC20(_token);
myTokenId = _tokenId;
//request price update
priceRequestId = chainlinkAggregator.requestCryptoPrice(0, _tokenId);
emit TokenUpdated(_token, _tokenId);
* @dev update chainlinkAggregator contract
* @param _chainlinkAggregator new chainlinkAggregator address
function setChainlinkAggregator(address _chainlinkAggregator) external onlyOwner {
require(_chainlinkAggregator != address(0), "Invalid chainlink address");
chainlinkAggregator = IChainlinkAggregator(_chainlinkAggregator);
emit ChainlinkAggregatorUpdated(_chainlinkAggregator);
* @dev create a new lottery, users need to pay 1 BNB
* @param _token partner token address
* @param _tokenId partner tokenId on coingecko
* @param _ticketPrice ticket price in usd
* @param _startTime lottery start time
* @param _endTime lottery end time
function creatLottery(
address _token,
string memory _tokenId,
uint256 _ticketPrice,
uint256 _startTime,
uint256 _endTime
) external payable notContract {
require(_token != address(0), "Invalid token address");
require(msg.value >= PRICE, "Insufficient fee");
require(_startTime < _endTime, "Invalid start and end time");
// refund
// lottery id starts from 1
Status lotteryStatus;
if (_startTime >= block.timestamp) {
lotteryStatus = Status.Open;
} else {
lotteryStatus = Status.NotStarted;
uint16[] memory winningNumbers = new uint16[](SIZE_OF_NUMBER);
uint256[] memory prizePool = new uint256[](3);
LotteryInfo memory lottery = LotteryInfo(
// request token price update
priceRequestId = chainlinkAggregator.requestCryptoPrice(index, _tokenId);
lotteries[index] = lottery;
emit NewLotteryCreated(index, msg.sender, _token, _ticketPrice, _startTime, _endTime);
* @dev batch buy a ticket with BNB
* @param _lotteryId lottery id to buy
* @param _numOfTickets number of tickets to buy
* @param _nums numbers user put in the tickets
function buyTicketWithBNB(
uint256 _lotteryId,
uint8 _numOfTickets,
uint16[] memory _nums
) external payable notContract {
buyTicketValidation(_lotteryId, _numOfTickets, _nums);
LotteryInfo memory lottery = lotteries[_lotteryId];
// calculate BNB amount
(uint256 reserve0, uint256 reserve1) = chainlinkAggregator.getBNBPrice();
uint256 amount = (lottery.ticketPrice * reserve0 * 10**18) / reserve1;
require(msg.value >= amount * _numOfTickets, "Insufficient amount");
// refund
refundIfOver(amount * _numOfTickets);
// increase prize pool for BNB
lotteries[_lotteryId].prizePool[0] += amount * _numOfTickets;
// mint tickets
ticket.batchMint(msg.sender, lottery.lotteryId, _numOfTickets, _nums);
emit TicketBought(_lotteryId, msg.sender, 0, _numOfTickets);
* @dev batch buy a ticket with my token
* @param _lotteryId lottery id to buy
* @param _numOfTickets number of tickets to buy
* @param _nums numbers user put in the tickets
function buyTicketWithMyToken(
uint256 _lotteryId,
uint8 _numOfTickets,
uint16[] memory _nums
) external notContract {
buyTicketValidation(_lotteryId, _numOfTickets, _nums);
LotteryInfo memory lottery = lotteries[_lotteryId];
require(myTokenPrice != 0, "My Token price is not set");
// if price is not fresh, request price update
if (myTokenPriceLastUpdated <= (block.timestamp - RATE_FRESH_PERIOD)) {
priceRequestId = chainlinkAggregator.requestCryptoPrice(0, myTokenId);
uint256 tokenPerTicket = (lottery.ticketPrice * 10**18) / myTokenPrice / 10**18;
myToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenPerTicket * _numOfTickets);
// increase prize pool for MyToken
lotteries[_lotteryId].prizePool[1] += tokenPerTicket * _numOfTickets;
// mint tickets
ticket.batchMint(msg.sender, lottery.lotteryId, _numOfTickets, _nums);
emit TicketBought(_lotteryId, msg.sender, 1, _numOfTickets);
* @dev batch buy a ticket with partner token
* @param _lotteryId lottery id to buy
* @param _numOfTickets number of tickets to buy
* @param _nums numbers user put in the tickets
function buyTicketWithPartnerToken(
uint256 _lotteryId,
uint8 _numOfTickets,
uint16[] memory _nums
) external notContract {
buyTicketValidation(_lotteryId, _numOfTickets, _nums);
LotteryInfo memory lottery = lotteries[_lotteryId];
require(lottery.tokenPrice != 0, "Partner Token price is not set");
// if price is not fresh, request price update
if (lottery.priceLastUpdatedTime <= (block.timestamp - RATE_FRESH_PERIOD)) {
priceRequestId = chainlinkAggregator.requestCryptoPrice(_lotteryId, lottery.tokenId);
uint256 tokenPerTicket = (lottery.ticketPrice * 10**18) / lottery.tokenPrice / 10**18;
IERC20(lottery.token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenPerTicket * _numOfTickets);
// increase prize pool for Partner Token
lotteries[_lotteryId].prizePool[2] += tokenPerTicket * _numOfTickets;
// mint tickets
ticket.batchMint(msg.sender, lottery.lotteryId, _numOfTickets, _nums);
emit TicketBought(_lotteryId, msg.sender, 2, _numOfTickets);
* @dev users claim rewards for their ticket
* @param _lotteryId lottery id to claim
* @param _ticketIds ticket ids to claim
function claimRewards(uint256 _lotteryId, uint256[] calldata _ticketIds) external notContract {
LotteryInfo memory lottery = lotteries[_lotteryId];
require(block.timestamp >= lottery.endTime, "Lottery is not end yet");
require(lottery.status == Status.Completed, "Winning numbers are not revealed yet");
uint256[] memory numOfWinners = ticket.getNumOfWinners(_lotteryId);
uint8[5] memory percentagesPerMatches = [35, 15, 10, 10, 30];
uint256 precision = 10**18;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _ticketIds.length; i++) {
require(ticket.getOwnerOfTicket(_ticketIds[i]) == msg.sender, "Invalid owner");
if (!ticket.getStatusOfTicket(_ticketIds[i])) {
require(ticket.claimTicket(_ticketIds[i], _lotteryId), "Invalid ticket numbers");
uint8 numOfMatches = _findMatches(ticket.getTicketNumer(_ticketIds[i]), lottery.winningNumbers);
if (numOfMatches > 1) {
uint256 percent = (percentagesPerMatches[numOfMatches - 2] * precision) /
numOfWinners[numOfMatches - 2];
address payable owner = payable(ticket.getOwnerOfTicket(_ticketIds[i]));
// transfer BNB to winner
uint256 bnbPrize = (lottery.prizePool[0] * percent) / precision / 10**2;
// transfer myToken to winner
uint256 myTokenPrize = (lottery.prizePool[1] * percent) / precision / 10**2;
myToken.transferFrom(address(this), owner, myTokenPrize);
// transfer PartnerToken to winner
uint256 partnerTokenPrize = (lottery.prizePool[2] * percent) / precision / 10**2;
IERC20(lottery.token).transferFrom(address(this), owner, partnerTokenPrize);
emit TicketsClaimed(_lotteryId, _ticketIds);
* @dev chainlinkAggregator callback function to reveal random number
* @param _lotteryId lottery id
* @param _requestId chainlink request id
* @param _randomNumber random number
function revealRandomNumbers(
uint256 _lotteryId,
uint256 _requestId,
uint256 _randomNumber
) external onlyChainlinkAggregator {
require(lotteries[_lotteryId].status == Status.Closed, "Lottery is not closed");
require(requestId == _requestId, "Invalid request");
lotteries[_lotteryId].status = Status.Closed;
lotteries[_lotteryId].winningNumbers = _splitNumber(_randomNumber);
// calculate winner counts
ticket.countWinners(_lotteryId, lotteries[_lotteryId].winningNumbers);
emit WinningNumberRevealed(_lotteryId, lotteries[_lotteryId].winningNumbers);
* @dev chainlinkAggregator callback function to update token price
* @param _requestId chainlink request id
* @param _lotteryId lottery id
* @param _price token price
function updateTokenPrice(
bytes32 _requestId,
uint256 _lotteryId,
uint256 _price
) external onlyChainlinkAggregator {
require(priceRequestId == _requestId, "Invalid request");
if (_lotteryId != 0) {
lotteries[_lotteryId].tokenPrice = _price;
lotteries[_lotteryId].priceLastUpdatedTime = block.timestamp;
} else {
myTokenPrice = _price;
myTokenPriceLastUpdated = block.timestamp;
function _splitNumber(uint256 _randomNumber) internal pure returns (uint16[] memory) {
uint16[] memory winningNumbers = new uint16[](SIZE_OF_NUMBER);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_NUMBER; i++) {
bytes32 hashOfRandom = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_randomNumber, i));
uint256 numberRepresentation = uint256(hashOfRandom);
winningNumbers[i] = uint16(numberRepresentation % 10);
return winningNumbers;
function _findMatches(uint16[] memory _numbers, uint16[] memory _winningNumbers) internal pure returns (uint8) {
uint8 numOfMatches;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_NUMBER; i++) {
if (_numbers[i] == _winningNumbers[i]) {
return numOfMatches;
function buyTicketValidation(
uint256 _lotteryId,
uint8 _numOfTickets,
uint16[] memory _nums
) internal {
//TODO; add more validations
require(block.timestamp <= (lotteries[_lotteryId].endTime - TICKET_SALE_END_DUE), "Ticket sale ended");
uint256 numCheck = SIZE_OF_NUMBER * _numOfTickets;
require(_nums.length == numCheck, "Invalid numbers");
// check lottery status
if (lotteries[_lotteryId].status == Status.NotStarted && lotteries[_lotteryId].startTime >= block.timestamp) {
lotteries[_lotteryId].status = Status.Open;
require(lotteries[_lotteryId].status == Status.Open, "Lottery is not started");
function refundIfOver(uint256 _price) private {
if (msg.value > _price) {
payable(msg.sender).transfer(msg.value - _price);
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