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Created September 14, 2022 03:17
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Lottery ticket contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity >=0.8.4;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
contract JackpotLotteryTicket is ERC1155, Ownable {
address internal lotteryContract;
uint256 internal totalSupply;
uint8 public constant SIZE_OF_NUMBER = 6;
struct TicketInfo {
address owner;
uint256 lotteryId;
uint16[] numbers;
bool claimed;
// token id => ticket info
mapping(uint256 => TicketInfo) internal ticketInfo;
// lottery id => TicketInfo
mapping(uint256 => TicketInfo[]) internal lotteryTickets;
// lottery id => number of winners
mapping(uint256 => uint256[]) internal winners;
event LotteryUpdated(address lottery);
event TicketsMinted(address indexed receiver, uint256 indexed lotteryId, uint8 quantity);
event TicketClaimed(uint256 indexed ticketId, uint256 indexed lotteryId);
constructor(string memory _uri, address _lottery) ERC1155(_uri) {
require(_lottery != address(0), "Invalid lottery address");
lotteryContract = _lottery;
modifier onlyLottery() {
require(msg.sender == lotteryContract, "Not a lottery");
* @dev update lottery contract
* @param _lottery new lottery address
function setLottery(address _lottery) external onlyOwner {
require(_lottery != address(0), "Invalid lottery address");
lotteryContract = _lottery;
emit LotteryUpdated(_lottery);
function getTotalSupply() external view onlyLottery returns (uint256) {
return totalSupply;
function getTicketNumer(uint256 _ticketId) external view onlyLottery returns (uint16[] memory) {
return ticketInfo[_ticketId].numbers;
function getOwnerOfTicket(uint256 _ticketId) external view onlyLottery returns (address) {
return ticketInfo[_ticketId].owner;
function getStatusOfTicket(uint256 _ticketId) external view onlyLottery returns (bool) {
return ticketInfo[_ticketId].claimed;
function getNumOfWinners(uint256 _lotteryId) external view onlyLottery returns (uint256[] memory) {
return winners[_lotteryId];
* @dev batch mint tickets, only lottery contract can call this
* @param _to receiver address
* @param _lotteryId lottery id
* @param _quantity amount of tickets to mint
* @param _numbers numbers in the tickets
function batchMint(
address _to,
uint256 _lotteryId,
uint8 _quantity,
uint16[] calldata _numbers
) external onlyLottery returns (uint256[] memory) {
uint256[] memory tokenIds = new uint256[](_quantity);
uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](_quantity);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < _quantity; i++) {
tokenIds[i] = totalSupply;
amounts[i] = 1;
uint16 start = uint16(i * SIZE_OF_NUMBER);
uint16 end = uint16((i + 1) * SIZE_OF_NUMBER);
uint16[] calldata numbers = _numbers[start:end];
TicketInfo memory ticket = TicketInfo(_to, _lotteryId, numbers, false);
ticketInfo[totalSupply] = ticket;
_mintBatch(_to, tokenIds, amounts,;
emit TicketsMinted(_to, _lotteryId, _quantity);
return tokenIds;
* @dev claim a ticket, only lottery contract can call this
* @param _ticketId ticket id
* @param _lotteryId lottery id
function claimTicket(uint256 _ticketId, uint256 _lotteryId) external onlyLottery returns (bool) {
require(!ticketInfo[_ticketId].claimed, "Ticket already claimed");
require(ticketInfo[_ticketId].lotteryId == _lotteryId, "Invalid lottery id");
for (uint8 i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_NUMBER; i++) {
if (ticketInfo[_ticketId].numbers[i] >= 10) {
return false;
ticketInfo[_ticketId].claimed = true;
emit TicketClaimed(_ticketId, _lotteryId);
return true;
* @dev count winners by its matching numbers, called by lottery
* @param _lotteryId lottery id
* @param _winningNumbers winning numbers
function countWinners(uint256 _lotteryId, uint16[] memory _winningNumbers) external onlyLottery {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < lotteryTickets[_lotteryId].length; i++) {
TicketInfo memory ticket = lotteryTickets[_lotteryId][i];
uint8 numOfMatches;
for (uint8 j = 0; j < SIZE_OF_NUMBER; j++) {
if (ticket.numbers[j] == _winningNumbers[j]) {
if (numOfMatches > 1) {
winners[_lotteryId][numOfMatches - 2]++;
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