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Created October 27, 2018 18:04
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class Movie is Comparable[Movie ref]
What we know about a movie in the library.
let id: U16
let title: String
let location: U16
let actors: String
let genre: U8
new create( ident: U16, loc: U16, ttl: String, act: String, gen: U8 ) =>
id = ident
title = ttl
location = loc
actors = act
genre = gen
new from_db( data: Array[U8] val ) =>
Create the object from a database record in packed form.
var r: BinRecReader = BinRecReader
r.append( data )
id = data(U8(MovieField.idTAG()))
title = data(U8(MovieField.ttlTAG()))
location = data(U8(MovieField.locTAG()))
genre = data(U8(MovieField.genTAG()))
actors = data(U8(MovieField.actTAG()))
fun pack(): Array[U8] =>
Pack all the fields into the format stored in the database.
var w: BinRecWriter = BinRecWriter
w.add_pair( U8(MovieField.idTAG()), id )
w.add_pair( U8(MovieField.genTAG()), genre )
w.add_pair( U8(MovieField.ttlTAG()), title )
w.add_pair( U8(MovieField.locTAG()), location )
if actors.size() > 0 then
w.add_pair( U8(MovieField.actTAG()), actors )
fun val lt( other: Movie ): Bool =>
Determine whether this movie should sort before another movie.
if genre < other.genre then
return true
if title < other.title then
return true
return false
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