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Last active June 27, 2021 09:53
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Developing on Filecoin: Resources

Developing on Filecoin

This gist contains links to the resources referenced in the HackFS workshop Developing on Filecoin.

Slides for this presentation can be found here.

Filecoin Workshops at HackFS

Filecoin Core Technologies

  1. IPFS Products and Protocol Implementations
  2. Filecoin-backed IPFS Pinning Services (FPS)
  3. Powergate
  4. Filecoin Protocol Implementations

1. IPFS Products and Protocol Implementations

2. Filecoin-backed IPFS Pinning Services (FPS)

3. Powergate

4. Filecoin Protocol Implementations

Example Use Cases and Architectures

Storing static data

  • Audius embeds IPFS nodes locally into user software

Publish a static website

Build dweb infrastructure, like a pinning service

File storage and other dynamic applications

  • Slate, a full-featured application built on Filecoin
  • Slate Design System, a design system with components you can use in your own applications
  • Meme Marketplace example application Docs and Repo

Chain explorers



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