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Created November 9, 2020 10:18
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Detect lines in image
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image = cv2.imread('input2.png', 0)
# find lines by horizontally blurring the image and thresholding
blur = cv2.blur(image, (80, 9))
#cv2.imshow('y', blur)
b_mean = np.mean(blur, axis=1)/256
#hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(b_mean, bins=100)
#threshold = bin_edges[66]
threshold = np.percentile(b_mean, 2)
t = b_mean > threshold
get the image row numbers that has text (non zero)
a text line is a consecutive group of image rows that
are above the threshold and are defined by the first and
last row numbers
tix = np.where(1-t)
tix = tix[0]
lines = []
start_ix = tix[0]
for ix in range(1, tix.shape[0]-1):
if tix[ix] == tix[ix-1] + 1:
# identified gap between lines, close previous line and start a new one
end_ix = tix[ix-1]
lines.append([start_ix, end_ix])
start_ix = tix[ix]
end_ix = tix[-1]
lines.append([start_ix, end_ix])
#l_starts = []
#for line in lines:
# xx = 500
# for x in range(0,500):
# col = image[line[0]:line[1], x]
# print(col)
# if np.min(col) <100:
# xx = x
# break
# l_starts.append(xx)
#median_ls = np.median(l_starts)
line_seg = []
for line in lines:
median_ls = np.mean(line_seg)
paragraphs = []
p_start = lines[0][0]
para = []
inc = line_seg[1]
for ix in range(2, len(lines)):
if line_seg[ix] > inc and line_seg[ix] > median_ls + 1:
inc = line_seg[ix]
dec = inc
for ix in range(line_seg.index(dec), len(lines)):
if line_seg[ix] < dec and line_seg[ix] < median_ls + 1:
dec = line_seg[ix]
#for ix in range(1, len(lines)):
# if line_seg[ix] > median_ls+1:
# p_end = lines[ix][0] - 10
# paragraphs.append([p_start, p_end])
# p_start = lines[ix][0]
inci = line_seg.index(inc)
deci = line_seg.index(dec)
paragraphs.append([p_start-10, lines[inci][1]+20])
paragraphs.append([lines[inci][1]+10, lines[deci][1]+20])
paragraphs.append([lines[deci][1]+10, lines[-1][0]])
p_img = np.array(image)
n_cols = p_img.shape[1]
for paragraph in paragraphs:
cv2.rectangle(p_img, (5, paragraph[0]), (n_cols - 5, paragraph[1]), (0, 255, 0), 3)
cv2.imwrite('paragraphs_out.png', p_img)
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