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Created July 6, 2024 15:01
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import SwiftUI
import RegexBuilder
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.windowScene) private var windowScene
var body: some View {
Button("Print UIWindowScene") {
if let windowScene {
extension EnvironmentValues {
var windowScene: UIWindowScene? {
let _plist: Any = Mirror(reflecting: self).descendant("_plist"),
let description: String = (_plist as? CustomStringConvertible)?.description
else {
return nil
let regex = Regex {
"scene = <UIWindowScene: 0x"
Capture {
guard let output = description.firstMatch(of: regex)?.1,
let attr = Int(output, radix: 16)
else {
return nil
return unsafeBitCast(
UnsafeRawPointer(bitPattern: attr), to: UIWindowScene.self)
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