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Created November 22, 2021 18:24
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OPA wasm example in RUST
use anyhow::Error;
use wasmtime::{ Engine, Extern, Func, Instance, Memory, MemoryType, Module, Store, Trap, TypedFunc, AsContextMut};
/// OpenPolicy is used to load the compiled wasm module in Rust runtime.
pub struct OpenPolicy{
// global ctx of wasm policy. TODO: can be reused.
engine: Engine,
// loaded wasm module TODO: can be reused.
module: Module,
// wasm module with all the neccessary import.
instance: Instance,
// heap_ptr_addr hold the start addrs of the heap.
heap_ptr_addr: i32,
// runtime hold all current wasm opa runtime.
runtime: OpaRuntime,
impl OpenPolicy {
// from takes opa wasm as a input and returns the OpenPolicy. Throws error if it not able to set the
// import or not able to get the export.
pub fn new(wasm_byte_code: Vec<u8>) -> Result<OpenPolicy, Error> {
let engine = Engine::default();
let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ());
// minimum memory is set to 5. Because it same as c example on the opa document.
let memory_type = MemoryType::new(5, None);
let memory = Memory::new(&mut store, memory_type)?;
// imports required by the opa wasm policy
let imports = get_opa_imports(&mut store, memory.clone());
let module = Module::from_binary(&engine, &wasm_byte_code[..])?;
let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &imports)?;
// get all the exported fuction from the policy
let runtime = OpaRuntime::new(store, &instance, memory)?;
Ok(OpenPolicy {
engine: engine,
module: module,
instance: instance,
runtime: runtime,
heap_ptr_addr: 0,
pub fn eval(&mut self, input: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>{
// provide empty data.
let data_addr = self.runtime.write_json(b"{}")?;
// set the json input the into opa wasm runtime.
let input_addr = self.runtime.write_str(input)?;
self.runtime.eval(data_addr, input_addr, input.len()as i32)
// get_opa_imports returns all the imports are required by the opa wasm policy
fn get_opa_imports<S: AsContextMut>(mut store: S, memory: Memory) ->[Extern;7]{
let imports = [
// respective import function: opa_abort, opa_println
&mut store,
|id: i32, _ctx: i32| -> Result<i32, Trap> {
return Err(Trap::new(format!(
"builtin fuction for id {:?} is not implemented",
// respective import function: opa_builtin0
&mut store,
|id: i32, _ctx: i32, _a: i32| -> Result<i32, Trap> {
return Err(Trap::new(format!(
"builtin fuction for id {:?} is not implemented",
// respective import function: opa_builtin1
&mut store,
|id: i32, _ctx: i32, _a: i32, _b: i32| -> Result<i32, Trap> {
return Err(Trap::new(format!(
"builtin fuction for id {:?} is not implemented",
// respective import function: opa_builtin2
&mut store,
|id: i32, _ctx: i32, _a: i32, _b: i32, _c: i32| -> Result<i32, Trap> {
return Err(Trap::new(format!(
"builtin fuction for id {:?} is not implemented",
// respective import function: opa_builtin3
&mut store,
|id: i32, _ctx: i32, _a: i32, _b: i32, _c: i32,_d: i32| -> Result<i32, Trap> {
return Err(Trap::new(format!(
"builtin fuction for id {:?} is not implemented",
// respective import function: opa_builtin4
Extern::Func(Func::wrap(&mut store, | _addr: i32| -> Result<(), Trap> {
println!("abort called");
return Err(Trap::new(format!(
"print and abort function not implement",
// shared memory between opa webassembly and rust.
return imports
// OpaExporFn contains all the required exported function from opa wasm build.
struct OpaRuntime {
eval: TypedFunc<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32,i32), i32>,
opa_malloc: TypedFunc<i32, i32>,
json_parse: TypedFunc<(i32, i32), i32>,
free: TypedFunc<i32, ()>,
get_heap_ptr: TypedFunc<(), i32>,
set_heap_ptr: TypedFunc<i32, ()>,
store: Store<()>,
memory: Memory
impl OpaRuntime {
fn new(mut store:Store<()>, instance:&Instance, memory: Memory) -> Result<OpaRuntime, anyhow::Error>{
// one shot opa policy execution
let eval = instance.get_typed_func::<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32,i32), i32, _>(&mut store, "opa_eval")?;
// malloc will allocate required memory for the given size and return the starting address of the allocated object
let malloc = instance.get_typed_func::<i32, i32, _>(&mut store, "opa_malloc")?;
// json_parse will parse the json str in wasm memory and gives the address of the serialized json object.
let json_parse = instance.get_typed_func::<(i32, i32), i32, _>(&mut store, "opa_json_parse")?;
// free will de-allocate the allocated object. inverse of malloc.
let free = instance.get_typed_func::<i32, (), _>(&mut store, "opa_free")?;
// heap_ptr_get will give the current heap ptr of the execution
let heap_ptr_get = instance.get_typed_func::<(), i32, _>(&mut store, "opa_heap_ptr_get")?;
// heap_ptr_get is used to set the heap ptr. from what point we want to resume the execution.
let heap_ptr_set = instance.get_typed_func::<i32,(), _>(&mut store, "opa_heap_ptr_set")?;
eval: eval,
opa_malloc: malloc,
json_parse: json_parse,
free: free,
get_heap_ptr: heap_ptr_get,
set_heap_ptr: heap_ptr_set,
store: store,
memory: memory
fn write_json(&mut self, val: &[u8]) -> Result<i32, Error>{
let addr = self.write_str(val)?;
let mut store =;
// now parse the string json to opa internal serialized json.
let input_val_addr = store, (addr as i32, (val.len()+1) as i32))?;
fn write_str(&mut self, val: &[u8]) -> Result<i32, Error>{
let mut store =;
// reserve extra one byte for the null termination.
let addr = store, (val.len() +1) as i32)? as usize;
self.memory.write(&mut store, addr, val)?;
self.memory.write(&mut store, addr+val.len()+1, &[0])?;
Ok(addr as i32)
fn eval(&mut self, data_addr: i32, input_str_addr: i32, input_len: i32) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>{
let heap_ptr = self.get_current_heap_ptr()?;
let mut store =;
let output_addr = store, (0, 0, data_addr, input_str_addr, input_len+1, heap_ptr, 0))?;
// let's read the data from the output addrs
let data = &[output_addr as usize..];
// output is string so size can be determined by the null termination.
let len = data.iter().position(|b| *b == 0);
if len.is_none() {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("invalid output data"))
let output = data[..len.unwrap()].to_vec();
fn get_current_heap_ptr(&mut self) -> Result<i32, Error>{
let mut store =;
let ptr = store, ())?;
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