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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Balanced ACH Account Creation
# gem 'balanced', '1.2.1'
# BalancedPayments API v1.1
# ACH Payments only
# Three parties: marketplace (you), merchant (Balanced::Customer), buyer (Balanced::Customer)
bank_account_href = "" # from balanced.js
bank_account = Balanced::BankAccount.fetch(bank_href)
# it seems a customer requires dob_month, dob_year & address.postal_code in order to be verified
# cf.
customer = "Henry Ford", dob_month: 07, dob_year: 1985, address: { postal_code: '48120' }).save
# buyer accounts need to be verified to debit
verification = bank_account.verify
verification.confirm(amount_1 = 1, amount_2 = 1)
# create an order
order = merchant.create_order(description: "Invoice #101")
# debit buyer
buyer_debit = order.debit_from(source: buyer_bank_account, amount: 100_00)
# credit merchant
merchant_credit = order.credit_to(destination: merchant_bank_account, amount: 90_00)
# credit marketplace
marketplace_credit = order.credit_to(destination: marketplace_bank_account, amount: 10_00)
# settle funds to merchant
account = merchant.payable_account
account.settle(funding_instrument: merchant_bank_account)
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