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Created November 24, 2012 19:31
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Ordering of Links on EmberWatch as of November 2012
Hey Tom (and others),
At the moment ordering of links on EmberWatch is strictly
chronological, and for the different content types chronological is
defined thus:
- Talks: date of delivery
(when the talk was given, not when it was posted online)
- Tutorials, Screencasts: date of publication
- Tweets: date of tweet
- Code: currently unordered
The main reason I've currently chosen this over others is because Ember
has changed and is rapidly changing, therefore it's useful for people
to know that certain content may potentially be out of date.
I have plans to add the "date of publication to EmberWatch" which will
make it easier for people to see what content they haven't yet come
across versus the stuff they've probably seen before. This is my next
'feature'. I recognise this currently is a deficiency—if I post an
older resource there's nothing to tell people it's "new".
Currently everything is (inelegantly) running off a few YAML files in
Middleman and long-term plans are to switch it over to Rails-API JSON
+ Ember.js with advanced filtering capabilities and community posting.
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