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Created December 10, 2016 13:06
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[2016-12-09] Challenge #294 [Intermediate] Rack management 2 (Bonus 2)
# [2016-12-09] Challenge #294 [Hard] Rack management 3
import copy, random, timeit
original_row = "sd?zeioao?mluvepesceinfxt?wyiru?ie?giator?t??nuefje?l?odndrotpewlgoobiinysagacaqski?aeh?rbhaervtnl?m"
words = [[line.strip(), 0] for line in open("enable1.txt") if len(line.strip()) < 21]
letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqsrtuvwxyz"
scores = [1,3,3,2,1,4,2,4,1,8,5,1,3,1,1,3,10,1,1,1,1,4,4,8,4,10]
practice = False
test = [6,0,0,5,5,3,6,6,5,0,6,7,1,2,1]
iteration = 0
tilescores = dict(zip("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?", [1,3,3,2,1,4,2,4,1,8,5,1,3,1,1,3,10,1,1,1,1,4,4,8,4,10,0]))
char_freq = {'a': 22, 'c': 15, 'b': 9, 'e': 25, 'd': 16, 'g': 13, 'f': 7, 'i': 23, 'h': 10, 'k': 6, 'j': 1, 'm': 11, 'l': 17, 'o': 19, 'n': 20, 'q': 0, 'p': 12, 's': 24, 'r': 21, 'u': 14, 't': 18, 'w': 5, 'v': 4, 'y': 8, 'x': 2, 'z': 3}
def calcScore(word):
return sum(j * tilescores[char] for j, char in enumerate(word, 1))
def sortWord(word):
word = "".join([p[0] for p in sorted([[letter, char_freq[letter]] for letter in word], key=lambda x: x[1])])
return word
def bestWord(hand):
cutoff = 30
bestword = ["", 0, ""]
perm_unknown = hand.count("?")
for word in words:
unknown = perm_unknown
temp_hand = hand[:]
score_word = word[0][:]
yes = True
for index, letter in enumerate(word[2]):
if letter in temp_hand:
temp_hand = temp_hand.replace(letter, "", 1)
elif unknown > 0:
# score_word = score_word[:index] + "?" + score_word[index + 1:]
score_word = score_word.replace(letter, '?', 1)
unknown -= 1
yes = False
if yes:
if cutoff < 0:
cutoff -= 1
temp_score = calcScore(score_word)
if temp_score > bestword[1]:
bestword = [word[0], temp_score, score_word]
return bestword
if __name__ == "__main__":
for index, item in enumerate(words):
words[index][1] = calcScore(item[0])
words = sorted(words, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
mainCounter = 0
start = timeit.default_timer()
while 1:
bestWord(''.join(random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?") for x in range(20)))
mainCounter += 1
if mainCounter == 100:
print(timeit.default_timer() - start)
mainCounter = 0
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