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Created July 2, 2017 14:33
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Tron Battle
import collections
import operator
import sys
import uuid
# Optimization helpers.
def memoize(func):
"""Memoizing decorator for functions which take a grid as their first argument. Since a grid is 1) large and
2) made of lists and therefore not hashable, the id is used instead."""
memo = {}
def wrapper(grid, *args):
key = (, args)
if key not in memo:
memo[key] = func(grid, *args)
return memo[key]
return wrapper
# Operations on grids.
# From the game's perspective, the grid is a 30 by 20 matrix in which player can move.
# From this program's perspective, a grid is a fully persistent* two-dimensional matrix of integers. Each positive
# integer represents a different player, and -1 signifies the position is empty.
# In addition to the matrix itself, the grid data structure stores the width and height of the matrix as well as the
# empty value for fast and easy access.
# For optimization purposes, a grid instance is uniquely identified by a UUID, which is used as a key in the memoize
# decorator (see above).
# A persistent data structure was chosen because it provides both immutability, which is needed to simulate future
# moves without having to restore the grid after the simulation, and modification speed, since untouched parts of grids
# are shared between instances (see the set_at function).
# *
Grid = collections.namedtuple("Grid", ("cells", "width", "height", "empty", "id"))
def make_grid(width, height, empty=-1):
return Grid([[empty] * width for _ in range(height)], width, height, empty, uuid.uuid4())
def get_at(grid, x, y):
return grid.cells[y][x]
def set_at(grid, value, x, y):
"""A new grid is returned but only the modified row is copied. Complexity is O(width + height)."""
if get_at(grid, x, y) == value: return grid
copy_of_grid = grid.cells[:] # shallow, rows are not copied, complexity O(height)
copy_of_mutated_row = copy_of_grid[y][:] # shallow again, content of the row is not copied, complexity O(width)
copy_of_mutated_row[x] = value
copy_of_grid[y] = copy_of_mutated_row
return Grid(copy_of_grid, grid.width, grid.height, grid.empty, uuid.uuid4())
def remove_all(grid, value):
for position in all_positions_of(grid):
if get_at(grid, *position) == value:
set_at(grid, grid.empty, *position)
def contains(grid, x, y):
return 0 <= x < grid.width and 0 <= y < grid.height
def max_distance_between_two_positions(grid):
"""This is the worst case scenario of pathfinding: reaching the destination requires to walk the entire grid!"""
return grid.width * grid.height - 1
def is_empty(grid, position):
return get_at(grid, *position) == grid.empty
def is_capturable(grid, position):
return contains(grid, *position) and is_empty(grid, position)
@memoize # 50% speed boost ; number of calls decreased from 3587 to 600
def capturable_neighbors_of(grid, position):
return tuple(neighbor for neighbor in neighbors_of(*position) if is_capturable(grid, neighbor))
def all_positions_of(grid):
return ((x, y) for x in range(grid.width) for y in range(grid.height))
def all_capturable_positions_of(grid):
return (position for position in all_positions_of(grid) if is_capturable(grid, position))
# Operation on positions.
# A position is a couple of XY coordinates on the grid, given the origin is the top left of the grid.
def neighbors_of(x, y):
return ((x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1))
def relative_direction(reference, position):
"""Given two positions, return:
- 0 if the second is directly on the left of the first
- 1 if it's directly on the right
- 2 if it's directly above
- 3 if it's directly beneath
- -1 if it's not adjacent"""
return neighbors_of(*reference).index(position)
# Functions to evaluate how advantageous a position is.
# A position is better than another if it allows the player on it to reach more remote positions than its opponents. A
# player that is closer to a given position is said to dominate that position.
def distances_from(grid, reference):
"""Compute the distance from a reference position to all other positions on the grid. Return a map from position
to distance aka distance map or dmap for short."""
distances = collections.defaultdict(lambda: max_distance_between_two_positions(grid), ((reference, 0),))
unvisited = collections.deque((reference,))
while unvisited:
current = unvisited.popleft()
for neighbor in capturable_neighbors_of(grid, current):
if neighbor not in distances:
distances[neighbor] = distances[current] + 1
del distances[reference]
return distances
def merge(condition, *dicts):
"""Merge several dicts into one. In case of conflict, condition is called with the key, the old value, and the new
value as arguments: iff the result is truthy, the new value replaces the old one."""
if len(dicts) == 1: return dicts[0]
reference, *others = dicts
for other in others:
for key, value in other.items():
if key not in reference or condition(key, reference[key], value):
reference[key] = value
return reference
def number_of_dominated_positions(grid, me, *opponents):
dmaps_for_opponents = tuple(distances_from(grid, opponent) for opponent in opponents)
merged_dmap = merge(lambda key, old, new: new < old, *dmaps_for_opponents)
my_dmap = distances_from(grid, me)
domination_map = {position: distance < merged_dmap[position] for position, distance in my_dmap.items()}
return sum(1 for dominated in domination_map.values() if dominated)
def score_of(position, grid, *opponents):
return number_of_dominated_positions(grid, position, *opponents)
# Game loop
def play(input_lines):
moves = ("LEFT", "RIGHT", "UP", "DOWN")
grid = make_grid(30, 20)
eliminated_players = set()
while True:
number_of_players, my_id = parse(next(input_lines))
player_positions = tuple(parse(next(input_lines))[2:] for _ in range(number_of_players))
for index, position in enumerate(player_positions):
if position == (-1, -1):
if index not in eliminated_players:
remove_all(grid, index)
grid = set_at(grid, index, *position)
me = player_positions[my_id]
opponents = player_positions[:my_id] + player_positions[my_id + 1:]
scores = {score_of(position, grid, *opponents): position for position in capturable_neighbors_of(grid, me)}
best_next_position = scores[max(scores)]
best_move = moves[relative_direction(me, best_next_position)]
yield best_move
# Input processing operations
def parse(line):
return tuple(map(int, line.split()))
# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
def input_as_generator():
while True: yield input()
for move in play(input_as_generator()):
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