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Last active September 26, 2016 19:05
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Morphing Geographic Boundaries
license: mit
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"> </meta>
<script src='' charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src='' charset='utf-8'></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/ls">
pageWidth = window.innerWidth
pageHeight = window.innerHeight
proj = new d3.geo.mercator!
.center [-105,51]
.rotate [0,0,0]
.translate [(pageWidth/2),pageHeight/2]
.scale 1 .<<. 8
zoomed = ->
transform = "translate(#{zoom.translate!}) scale(#{zoom.scale!})" 'svg#map-canvas g'
.attr 'transform', transform
.selectAll 'path'
.style 'stroke-width', -> 3 / zoom.scale!
zoom = new d3.behavior.zoom!on 'zoom', zoomed
g = 'div#map'
.append 'svg'
.attr 'id', 'map-canvas'
.call zoom
.append 'g'
path = d3.geo.path().projection(proj) # Path generating function
# Transpose a shape onto a circle
circleIt = (it,x,y,r) ->
from = path it # The coastline boundary
# A simple circle path of two arcs
circle = "m #{x - r} #y
a #r #r 0 1 0 #{2*r} 0
a #r #r 0 1 0 #{-2*r} 0"
polymorph.transpose from, circle
randomCircle = ->
p = 20 # padding
w = pageWidth - (2 * p)
h = pageHeight - (2 * p)
x = (Math.random! * w) + p
y = (Math.random! * h) + p
r = (Math.log * 3
circleIt it, x, y, r
colours =
Canada: '#CACACA'
Mexico: '#8C8787'
'United States': '#4E4E4E'
cstGeoJson = topojson.feature countries,countries.objects.countries
g.selectAll 'path'
.data cstGeoJson.features.filter -> # Let's be selective
name =
area = # Filter out small island
reg = /(Canada|Mexico|United States)/ # Only NA for now
if name.match reg and area > 1 then yes else no
.append 'path'
.attr 'd', randomCircle
.style 'fill', -> colours[]
toDots = ->
l = d3.selectAll('path')[0].length
i = 1
d3.selectAll 'path'
.delay -> Math.random! * 1000
.duration 5000
.attr 'd', randomCircle
.each 'end', -> toCountries! if l is i++
toCountries = ->
l = d3.selectAll('path')[0].length
i = 1
d3.selectAll 'path'
.delay -> Math.random! * 1000
.duration 5000
.attr 'd', path
.each 'end', -> toDots! if l is i++
body,html,svg,div#map {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
body {
background-color: #ffffff;
<div id='map'></div>
var LiveScript = require("livescript");
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