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Last active April 1, 2018 17:17
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fast mysql backups (and fast restore instructions)
### WARNING!!!!! WARNING!!!!! WARNING!!!!!
# this script should *not* be used as is without understanding everything it does (and possibly modifying):
# 1. it assumes you want to backup all your dbs on the source machine
# 2. the restore instructions are also for restoring all dbs in the tar file
# 3. there are hardcoded paths to various utilities
# i'm not responsible for your lost data
### WARNING!!!!! WARNING!!!!! WARNING!!!!!
# to rebuild a database from one of these tarballs:
# mysql -u root -BNe "show databases" | egrep -ve "^information_schema|^mysql|^performance_schema" > dbs_id_like_to_kill
# edit dbs_id_like_to_kill and then run (i'm not responsible for you losing all your data 'cause you left in a db from this file...):
# for db in $(cat dbs_id_like_to_kill); do mysql -u root -e "drop database $db"; done
# stop mysql
# delete leftover files
# for db in $(cat dbs_id_like_to_kill); do sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/$db; done
# restart mysql
# verify innodb is working
# mysql -u root -e "show engines;" | grep -i innodb
# from the untarred directory:
# create the databases
# mysql -u root < alldbs.sql
# create the tables and import the data
# for db in $(find . -type d -exec basename {} \; | grep -v "\."); do for sql in $db/*.sql; do cat $sql | mysql -u root $db; done; \
# for data in $(pwd)/$db/*.txt; do table=$(basename $data .txt); echo "working on $db.$table"; \
# echo "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$data' INTO TABLE \`$table\` FIELDS ENCLOSED BY '\"';" | mysql -u root --local-infile $db; \
# done; done;
: ${destfile:="dbs"}
: ${workdir:="/tmp"}
mysql="/usr/bin/mysql -u root"
mysqldump="/usr/bin/mysqldump -u root"
# make a directory that the mysqld process can write to
mkdir -m 777 -p $tmpdir
# iterate over all databases we care about
dbs=$($mysql --skip-column-names --silent --execute="show databases" |\
$egrep --invert-match --regexp="^information_schema$|^mysql$|^performance_schema$")
# get database creation sql
$mysqldump --no-data --no-create-info --quick --opt --databases $dbs > $tmpdir/alldbs.sql
for db in $dbs; do
echo "[`date`] dumping $db..."
mkdir -m 777 -p $dbworkdir
$mysqldump --tab=$dbworkdir --fields-enclosed-by=\" \
--quick --opt --master-data=2 --single-transaction $db > $dbworkdir/master-data.sql
echo "[`date`] creating $tarball"
# create a tarball
cd $workdir
$tar czf $tarball $destfile
# move into place once done
mv $tarball $completed_tarball
echo "[`date`] done, just cleaning up"
rm -rf $tmpdir
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